Chapter 2

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August Alsina POV

"Hol' up boo wait..." I cut her off.

"Don't fuckin' call me boo. Boo? Ha! She gonna cheat than look me in my eyes and say boo? She must be crazy then.

That pisses me off like to the max, and if she just admitted the first round... I prolly woulda fo'gave her then. But, no, she wanna play these childish games that I ain't even up. fo'. I thought it woulda been my fault fo' our relationship endin' - not Nicki - no.

She just stutters and tears fall down her face, which, y'know I don't care fo'. Nicki hurt me so bad and she tryna have a pity party fo' herself like she a victim.  She cheated on me and prolly wit' Safaree I am assumin' too, really.

"August, wait," she pauses.

"Calm down! Let's not do anythin'  we'll regret." Nicki said.

"Calm down? You gonna cheat on me and then tell me to chill? Hell nah!" I said.

Nicki walks up close to me and I walk towards the door - just to get away from her. I don't wanna be wit' Nicki anymo' - like no takes backs - officially done.

"August, please, let me explain." Nicki begs.

"Okay," noddin' my head.

"Two things tho'." I said.

"Okay," she whimpers.

"One, was it wit' Safaree? And two, how long?" I ask her and she just stares at me.

"August, can't we just put it all behind us?" Nicki asks.

Is she serious, seriously not tryna answer me now 'cause she don' got caught. Hell, if the shoe was onna other foot than all hell woulda broke loose. If I am lyin' than God strike me dead wit' his lightnin' 'cause I know she woulda spazz.

Nicki woulda threw us outta window and be cryin' and sayin' why why why , but wit' me, she lies. She just act like she don't know what I'm talkin' 'bout - typical women.

I just keep quiet then finally decide to say somethin' but stay calm tho'. "Yeah, sure we can. We can put it behind us."

I can see Nicki's eyes, her face lightenin' up, but I finna make it disappear.

"We can put all of this behind us. The whole damn thing behind us." I said.

Nicki sighs wit' joy - she ain't get the hint tho'. "We can put our relationship behind us 'cause I am done."

Nicki Minaj POV

"We can put our relationship behind us 'cause I am done." August said.

"I'm sorry?" I ask him, maybe I ain't hear him right.

Okay, I know that I don' screwed up but damn can't I just make it right, don't wanna lose him. I care too much... Y'know what, ion what I feel 'cause I have no emotion. Maybe 'cause I realize I fucked up or that I just don't care. Ion, what I do know is that I feel sick to my stomach -- prolly guilt. Then again, ion anymo', he deserves better not me -- not Nicki -- somebody.

"I'm done wit' yo' shit. I ain't got time fo' it." August shouts.

"August, c'mon please lemme explain. Let's talk!" I beg him but he rebuffs.

"No!" August shouts.

"You have any idea what I have done fo' you? How I don' been loyal, honest, lovin'. Then, you cheat? What the fuck." August said.

"I'm sorry," I try sayin'.

"You are sorry," he growls.

"Really?" I blurt out wit' an attitude.

"Yeah, really. It's a wrap!" August said.

"Then fuck it!" I shout as August walks out the door.

Next thing I know is that he walks back inna room, mad as ever, chargin' right at me.

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