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We remember people for who they were to us


Kayla Lander stood at the coffin, getting soaked from head to toe, the only source of warmth was the body of her best friend next to her. They stood in uniform while her brother's body lowered to the ground, Kayla watched her mother weep for the boy she loved. The weather seemed to reflect her mood, miserable. Riley wasn't only her brother he was also her best friend.

Kayla felt a hand slip into hers and she gripped onto it, trying to force the pain she felt into the pressure of the hand. Kayla listened to her mother talk about how brave Riley was and how no one would replace him, Kayla felt the childhood stories break her heart open even more. 

Kayla walked up to her mother after the speeches and honoring was done. Maryse Landers turned to face her daughter and looked her dead in the eyes. 

"It's your fault he is dead, you should have been there instead of him." Kayla's heart stopped, her mouth fell open. Maryse looked at her one last time before turning away and walked to someone else. 

"Kayla, are you alright?" Kayla felt a hand get placed on her shoulder and she knew that voice could only belong to her best friend, Sam Wilson. She shook her head and a lone tear rolled down her face. 

"Oh, what did she say?" Sam pulled her into a hug and held her while she gripped onto the fabric of his shirt while she sobbed. Sam knew that Kayla and Maryse had a difficult relationship, but no mother should ever say that to their child. 

"Hey, let's go find a bar to get drunk and forget," Kayla suggested. Sam chuckled and nodded, together they left the cemetery and into the first bar they found. 

"They say he was great at everything, but really he was an asshole," Kayla said looking at her drink, she watched the whiskey swirl around the glass. It was the first time she had spoked since they entered the bar. Sam just gave a half-hearted laugh in response. 

Kayla drank more and more and before Sam could even blink Kayla had finished 5 shots and is drunk crying on his shoulder. Sam sighed and pulled the girl's arm over his shoulder, he steadied her with a hand on her waist. He pulled her to the hotel they were renting for the funeral, he pulled her shoes and jacket off and tucked her into bed. He kissed her on the forehead and left her room, he left to his room and closed the door. 

Sam stayed strong for his friend, but now he was alone. As soon as the door behind him closed,  he fell to the floor crying and weeping for his best friend, his sworn brother. His best friend died right in front of him and he left his sister who only had Sam. 

Kayla woke the next morning, in her uniform and with a serious headache. She changed and headed over to Sam's room, next to hers. They had given each other a key to their rooms, it was a tradition that was started a long time ago. Kayla unlocked the door and her heart broke at the sight of her best friend fast asleep against the wall. Kayla walked over to the couch and grabbed a blanket off the couch and sat down next to Sam and pulled the blanket over them.

Sam woke up with Kayla's small hand in his, with her fast asleep next to him. He smiled slightly and woke her up. Kayla smiled at him and looked forward to seeing the sun was shining through the windows. Kayla got up and pulled Sam with her, she shoved him into the bathroom and threw him some clothes she had found in his room. Kayla got up and left to get them some breakfast. 

"Are you going back?" Sam asked something about his death was different, something that they don't want to experience again.

"Yes." Sam nodded and they carried on eating. "Remember the one time in high school? When Riley asked that one girl to the dance and she rejected him, and he just flipped her off and went to ask her friend."

"And she said no because Jack had asked her already," Sam said watching the memory flash through his eyes. "And when he fell down the stairs at training and got the award for the quickest time to get down."

They spent the next hours enjoying the company and the old memories that they had forgotten. They migrated to the living room and sat on the floor with mugs of hot chocolate they had in their bags. It was late afternoon when Sam stood up and held out his hand. 

"Dance with me?" Sam asked. Kayla smiled and took his hand. Sam pulled her into his chest and swayed with her until the light outside faded into night. 

Edited 10/12/2019

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