Chapter 11

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The first of many 


Sam and Kayla fell asleep together each night when Sam was holding her Kayla didn't get horrible nightmares.

The team was called into the meeting room, Kayla was to come with them. When they got there Fury was waiting for them. They all sat in silence, waiting for more instructions. They had to go save a team of ex-shield agents trapped in HYDRA base somewhere in France, the SHEILD agents were getting information fro that base. Although Fury didn't own the Avengers, he still came around to give a new mission every now and then. When we were dismissed, Steve and Fury came up to Kayla.

"So, Miss Landers. I heard you have mastered your abilities." Fury says, his face was very still but there was a small smile on it.

"I guess," Kayla said, scratching her neck - it was nerve-wracking to speak to him.

"So I'll assume you'll join the team for this mission, this team." Kayla's head shot up in surprise, she looked at Steve for approval and he nodded and smiled.

"You'll be assuming correct, sir," Kayla said, she couldn't wait to tell Sam. Fury nodded and left, swaggering away. Kayla turned to Steve and jumped into his arms.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Kayla said. Steve chuckled at the girl's excited exterior.

"You're welcome, let's go tell the team." Kayla nodded and they walked to the common area. The team was seated in the chairs and were waiting for them, they watched them walk in. Kayla felt a new wave of nervousness hit her in a different direction.

"Please welcome the newest member of the Avengers," Steve said, pointing at Kayla. Wanda and Natasha jumped up and ran to her, they gave her the biggest hug ever.

"I knew you had it in you." Vision said, he left the room and flew to Tony's workshop. Rhodey walked up to Kayla and smiled at her, almost approving of her. Tony came up to her and hugged her.

"Be safe please," Tony said, he gave her one last look and left the room, going down to the workshop. Sam grinned and ran to her, he hugged her but almost knocked her down.

"I'm so damn proud of you," Sam said, while Kayla was laughing. Nat, Wanda, and Steve left the room so Sam and Kayla could some alone time. Kayla stared into her boyfriend's eyes and smiled.

"I'm going to tell Riley and get ready," Kayla said, she left the room and ran up to her room. She got the picture of her brother and sat on the edge of the bed, she looked down with tears in her eyes.

"I did it, Riley. I got something I didn't ask for but it managed to work out fine. I'll be safe with this team, with Sam." Kayla set the picture down and looked at it once more. It was Riley and her in their army uniform with Sam in the back speaking to them. Steve knocked on the door and opened it.

"Time to go are you ready?" Kayla nodded and threw her uniform on when Steve left her room, she gave the picture one last look and left the room. She ran and caught with Sam and Nat, she grabbed Sam's hand and they sat down in the QuinJet. The flight was long but Nat and Sam kept her entertained. Half the team was there; Steve, Nat, Sam and Kayla and Lexi, the others had something else to do.

They arrived in France and stood around the table in silence, waiting for Steve to give them their instructions. Kayla and Sam were to fly around the sky, scanning for weak points, while Nat and Steve were to infiltrate on the ground and Lexi was to wait for further instructions. The walked off and stood at the end of the jet, Sam kissed her forehead and flew off. Kayla looked at Steve and flew off behind Sam, flying had become such a natural thing that she didn't have to think about it anymore.

They patrolled the sky for 10 minutes before Steve called for Kayla's help. Kayla flew down and ran inside the building. She slowly went to Steve's position, Steve was lying on the ground with a wound in his stomach.

"Find Nat." Steve breathed out. "I'll be fine."

Kayla nodded and went the way that Steve pointed. Kayla crept her way around the creepy base. The door at the end of the passage was closed, she walked closer and unlocked it with her telekinesis. The door swung open and Kayla ran inside. Nat was getting information from the computers.

"Kayla, I need you to find the hostages. They are down that way." Kayla nodded and went that way. She saw through a window, people getting forced down and guns being pointed at them. Kayla opened the door slowly, trying not to get noticed, she slipped through and the door shut quietly.

 She hid behind one of the boxes in the room. She waited for one of the men to turn around and face her before she made her attack. The leader turned to her direction and she threw a ball of purple energy at him, he stumbled backward and hit his head against the wall.

"You son of a bitch." The leader growled. The three other perps held their gun up to the hostages and shot. Kayla shot her hands forward and before the bullets could reach the people a purple force field appeared before them. 

Kayla held the force field up with one hand while she struggled to get the leader unconscious. Kayla started losing energy very quickly and before she could pass out, Lexi came in and helped. The four perps were shot down quickly with a ball of fire. Kayla let her hands fall and relief set into her. Kayla's legs gave away as she fell to the floor. Lexi rushed forward and lifted Kayla's arm and placed it on her shoulder, Lexi helped Kayla out of the room.

They reached the entrance to the building and Sam and Steve were waiting for them. Kayla was almost fast asleep next to Lexi. Sam chuckled and ran to his girlfriend, he swapped places with Lexi.

"One mission down. 14 thousand to go." Lexi, Nat, Steve, and Sam burst out laughing. It was the best way to end off a hectic mission, and Kayla couldn't have been happier.

Edited 10/12/2019

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