Chapter 6

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They never give, just take


Sam and Riley made it to the enlistment office on time. Sam was pushing Riley, laughing, the other men in the room just watched them being themselves. Deep down Riley and Sam both knew they were betraying Kayla by enlisting, they had told she can't. As they signed up, a girl joined the back of the ladies' queue, which was much shorter. Riley turned around and noticed a familiar face in the room but he ignored it. Sam and Riley left the room as they entered, shoving each other. The two boys stopped short when the saw a familiar face coming out of the doors.

"Kayla! What the hell?" Kayla pretended to not notice and carried on walking in the other direction. Kayla picked up her speed as the two boys behind her caught up to her. Riley grabbed her by the arm, stopping her from walking.

"Let me go. Please." Kayla begged Riley, Riley let go and Kayla turned towards her brother and best friend. Riley folded his arms across his chest like a disappointed mother, Sam just gave her a worried look.

"Why?" was all that Riley said. Kayla knew she needed to explain herself. "Why didn't you listen to me?"

"Because I want to do something, that isn't sitting behind a desk doing paperwork. I want a life of adventure. You know that, Riley." Kayla said. She was tired of her older brother babying her, treating her like she was a child.

"Kayla, you are going to get yourself killed," Sam said quietly, Kayla shook her head and laughed.

"And you aren't?" Kayla said. Rage was building up in her and only Sam could see it. "I've thought this through, just like you."

Kayla left the two boys speechless as she walked off in the rain, it has started raining while they were talking. Kayla started crying as she ran away from the two people she cared about the most.

Kayla woke up on top of Sam, he was sleeping peacefully on the couch. Kayla smiled softly and rolled off him. She noticed all the bruises on Sam's face from the fight yesterday, she'd got up and got the washcloth and started cleaning them all. She cleaned most of the cuts before Sam woke up.

Sam woke up with his favorite person cleaning his cuts and bruises on his arms, the sun was hitting her in the right areas. Sam smiled softly as she wiped away the last of the blood. Kayla smiled softly back at him. After a while of staring at each other, Sam got up and left the room to shower, Kayla emptied the bowl with the water and cleaned the washcloth.

When Sam was finished in the shower, Kayla jumped in. The warm water falling over her was the best feeling in the world, it washed away her problems for a while. She looked at the scars that she got from the battlefield and the ones that she got from Nick. She changed into a long shirt and shorts and walked out to meet Sam.

"How are you?" Sam asked, grabbing her hands.

"Better." it was the truth, Kayla did feel a lot better now that Sam knows. Sam picked her off the floor and pulled her close to him. Kayla put her hand on his chest as they gently swayed in the morning light.

"Do you think he's watching?" Kayla asked as Sam twirled her. Sam pulled her close again, Kayla now had her cheek on his chest.

"I know he is," Sam said, they continued swaying for a while. Kayla lifted her head and placed her lips on his for a brief moment. Sam stopped swaying them for a while. He bent his head down a bit to get a better look at her. Sam smiled at Kayla and she knew she made the right decision. Sam bent down a bit more and kissed her again.

Sam and Kayla stayed swaying for a bit before they got too hungry. They worked in silence to make breakfast, something they have done many times. They spoke about memories as they ate. They had a day off at the VA so they worked on finding Barnes. Steve and Natasha had sent messages saying that they are busy trying to find a certain scepter. At the end of the day, Kayla went for a run around the city. Even after living in New York for a couple of months she still couldn't get used to the skyline at dusk.

When Kayla got back, it was dark, Sam had ordered dinner and put on a movie. Kayla went to shower for the second time that day. Kayla got out the shower and sat down on the sofa, Sam joined her. Sam lay on the sofa and Kayla lay next to him. They faced the TV. The food came halfway through the movie. When the movie finished, Kayla rolled on top of Sam to look him in the eyes.

"Sam. Do you believe in soulmates?" Kayla asked she had asked about this before so Sam knew the answer.

"Now I do." Kayla's face lit up and she kissed him hard. They carried on kissing for a while, before Kayla's phone began ringing, it was Natasha.

"Kayla," Natasha whined, her voice seemed broken and she knew that something was wrong.  

"Natasha hey. What's wrong?" 

"I saw Ana in pain. James was back and he was hurting her. He wasn't in control. I didn't know how to stop it. Kayla, I can't get it out of my head." Kayla realized that Natasha just had a nightmare, she had them often. 

"Natasha. It's okay. It was a nightmare. He wouldn't do that." Kayla reassured her, she knew it wasn't enough but it was something.  

"Okay okay okay. Thank you." Natasha sighed. Kayla smiled lightly. 

"You are welcome."

"Who was that?" Sam asked he had gotten off the phone with Steve. Kayla set her phone on the sofa and stood up. She kissed Sam on the cheek and walked to her room. 

"Natasha." Sam nodded and walked out to switch the lights off. He moved to his room and fell on his bed. He tossed and turned but couldn't sleep. He heard the door open and Kayla shuffle closer to his bed. 

"Sammy?" Sam lifted the covers and she climbed in like a child. She wrapped herself around Sam and fell asleep. Sam smiled and dozed off slowly. 

Edited 10/12/2019

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