Chapter 7

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And disaster struck 


Kayla and Sam went to sleep like this every night, work out hard during the day and sleep longer at night.

It was a normal Saturday afternoon when disaster struck, Sam was out with Steve and Kayla stayed at home for the day to rest. Kayla was lying on her bed when she heard a knock on the door, the house was weirdly silent. 

She got up off the bed and walked to the door. The woman had a bad feeling about what was behind the door, but she opened it anyway. Kayla took a deep breath and swung the door open. To her horror, Nick stood in front of the door. In an instant Nick launched forward and grabbed a hold of Kayla, however, Kayla knew some tricks up her sleeve.

"You son of a bitch," Kayla screamed as Nick tried to cover her mouth, however Kayla had other ideas. She grabbed his neck and punched him in the face. Nick fell backward and grabbed his face, letting Kayla go. 

Kayla ran upstairs to get her phone, she grabbed her phone and unlocked it. She pressed on the first contact, which happened to be Sam. The ringer went and he picked up before Sam could say anything Kayla dropped the phone in a defense. Kayla stood with her fists raised as Nick came closer to her. Nick came closer to her as she cowered into the wall behind her.

"Oh so now you fight back?" Nick snarled, Kayla shuddered at his voice. Kayla looked down at the phone and Sam was still on call. Nick ran to the phone and smashed it. Kayla took that time to try and run out of the house and get away, but she wasn't counting on other people being in the house. 

She was surrounded. Nick came up behind her and forced her down to her knees, he grabbed her by the hair and forced her to look up at the leader. The leader had an evil smirk, Kayla recognized him as Rumlow.

"Where is Barnes?" The leader asked Kayla didn't answer she just stared into the eyes of the enemy. He was growing impatient, so he came forward and slapped her across the face. "I'm not going to ask again. Where is Barnes?"

The bitch-ass leader soon realized that she wouldn't give up any information, so he decided to take her with him. To Sokovia. Rumlow picked her up by the waist and threw her over his shoulder and walked out of the house. He threw into a van and taped her mouth shut and slammed the door closed. Kayla felt the van drive off, Rumlow stood on top of her and punched her head so hard that she was knocked unconscious.

Sam picked up the phone, confused as to why she is calling him. Sam put her on speaker. He knew something was wrong when she didn't say anything immediately. They heard her shriek and drop the phone. Sam was frozen in his seat. Steve started calling for her name but didn't receive an answer. Sam unfroze as he heard his voice. Steve and Sam got up, they ran to the car and Steve drove off. Sam started explaining who he thinks it is and how he has a connection to Kayla.

As they arrived at the house, they knew something was wrong. People were lined up by the house, Sam ran to his most trusted neighbor, she told him that people had taken her. Sam ran inside, behind Steve. Sam ran to the bedroom where her phone was smashed to pieces. Sam's breathing hitched as he noticed that his worst fear came true: the bastard took her.

"Sam!" Steve shouted. Sam shook away his bad thoughts as much as he could before running down the hallway and to Steve. Steve showed her a note.

We have her. You ain't getting her back.
~ B.R

"B.R?" Sam questioned. The realization hit him as he realized he isn't dead.

"That son of a bitch is still alive," Steve said. Sam fell to the ground as Steve called Tony and Natasha. He got off the phone to his friend on the floor struggling to breathe. Tony flew in and took off the suit, he ran to Sam and Steve. Tony knelt in front of Sam and started calming him down and Natasha ran to Steve.

"What the hell happened Steve?" Natasha asked, scared. She didn't want to lose someone else important in her life. Sam got up off the floor and looked at the note. He passed the note onto Natasha and she looked back at him in shock.

"He's alive?" Natasha whispered Kayla, Bucky and Ana were in danger if he is alive. Sam nodded.

"Who the hell is B.R?" Tony asked.

"Brock Rumlow."

Kayla woke up as the doors of the van opened. The sun shone into her eyes as the man stepped in front of her. He picked her up and threw into the plane. They taped her down to the side of the plane. The plane took off and they were in the air. The leader came forward and tried again.

"Where is Barnes?" He asked, leaning forward. Kayla would've spat in his face but her mouth was still covered in tape. "You'll tell us eventually."

The got off the plane, and dragged Kayla behind them, Kayla looked around her and didn't recognize where she was. The threw her in a van and drove off again. They stopped at a big building. They drove through the gates, a man was waiting for them. He had a spectacle on him one eye. Baron von Strucker. The picked the unconscious girl in the back and took her inside. They taped her down to a chair in a room, which had all the fancy equipment.

Edited 10/12/2019

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