Chapter 5

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And they always find you 


The next few days were a breeze, Sam and Kayla both found work at the VA in New York. Natasha and Kayla got close, close enough for Kayla to know about Ana and Bucky. Sam and Kayla helped Steve to try and find Bucky but they were coming up with nothing.

Kayla was invited to one of Tony Stark's infamous parties. She was invited over to Natasha's place to get ready when she got there, there was another girl there, Maria.

"Hey. Nat?" Kayla asked knocking on the door. A another woman opened the door and let her through. Kayla put her dresses down on the bed and walked up to Natasha, she was putting on her makeup.

"Hey, Kay." Nat said, she turned to Kayla and pushed her down onto the chair. "that's Maria."

Maria sat with a curling-iron behind Kayla and Natasha sat in front of Kayla with makeup. About halfway through doing Kayla's hair and makeup, another knock came from Natasha's door. Maria got up and opened the door, Steve and another girl were standing on the other side. Steve smiled and waved at the other two girls and kissed the blond girl on the head and left. The blond girl sat down on the bed.

"This is Lexi, Kayla. She is new and not from around here." Natasha said Kayla wondered what the hell she could be talking about but didn't press into the matter. When they were done with Kayla's hair and makeup, they moved onto Lexi. Kayla moved into the bathroom, where she put her dress on, it was a navy blue dress that was cut at the knees. Soon the four girls walked out of the room and down to the party venue.

The party was in full swing and they were late. Natasha went straight to the bar, Lexi went to Steve and Maria went to Tony and Thor. Kayla stood there for a while before she was stopped by a man with a baseball cap on.

"Hey pretty lady, want to get a drink?" The guy slurred. He was drunk. Kayla shook her head and walked off, trying to find someone she knew, the guy followed her. She found Maria talking with Stark and Thor. Kayla sped off towards them and stood next to them to try to get the creep away from her. Maria smiled at her and moved a bit so she could join the circle.

"Miss Landers." Kayla was taken back when Tony said her name, she was shocked that Tony Stark knew her name but eventually remembered that he was in the hospital with her. 

"Thank you so much for what you did," Kayla asked, Tony chuckled and looked at his drink.

"You are welcome, I'm glad to see you back with Sam, he was lost without you." Kayla smiled and spoke with Tony and the others for a bit. 

Kayla left the group and caught up to Steve and Sam. They were standing on a level that overlooked over the party. Sam saw her and put an arm around her waist. Lexi came up and the four watched the events of the party unfold in front of them. Steve and Lexi left after a while and Sam and Kayla were left alone.

"You look great tonight," Sam said, Kayla blushed and looked down. Sam placed a kiss onto her forehead and looked at her, admiring her.

The party started dying down a bit, so they knew they needed to leave. Kayla said goodbye to the girls and Steve and thanked Tony for the party. Sam waited for her at the entrance and soon they were in the elevator. When the doors closed, Sam turned to face her and Kayla, by instinct, turned to face him.

 The two ex-army sergeants moved closer together, Sam put his hand on Kayla's face and pulled it closer to her. Kayla stared into Sam's eyes as they moved closer together. Their noses touched each other but they were interrupted by the elevator door opening. Kayla walked out first, swaying her hips. Sam chuckled and ran after her. Kayla grabbed his hand and started running with him running behind her.

Kayla pulled them into a 24-hour store and bought two ice creams. They walked out and ate their ice creams in silence, as they were walking they were shoving each other. Sam grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. Kayla's hand was on Sam's chest while they looked into each other's eyes. They started dancing in silence, never once didn't their eyes leave each other's, shadows caused by the small light of Stark Tower.

They were interrupted by a man coming towards them, they noticed he was there and they stopped dancing. The man was clad in a hoodie and dark pants. The man grabbed Kayla by the arm and started pulling her away from Sam. Sam sprung into action and fought for his girl.

 The guy tossed her aside and Kayla recognized who he was. Sam and the man fought for a while as Kayla cowered away from them. The man ran away smirking as Sam rushed to Kayla's aid. Kayla was in shock as she sat on the ground. Sam took of his jacket and gave it to as he called an Uber. 

Sam held her close in the Uber, afraid she'll disappear into the night. They reached home and Sam carried her into the house, he placed her on the counter and went to get the washcloth. He put himself in between her legs and started to wipe all the blood and dirt off her. Kayla winced as the washcloth dragged over her scrapes.

"Sam..." Kayla whispered. Sam put the washcloth down and looked up at the pain in the girl's eyes. He put his hands on her waist as he lifted her up and placed her back down on the floor. He pulled her into a tight hug as she cried into his chest. He swayed them, slowly her breathing turned back to normal. She continued to hold onto Sam as she calmed down. Slowly she lifted her head up to look at Sam.

"Sam... I need to tell you something." Sam's heart shattered as he heard her broken voice. His heart shattered further as she told him of her life in California. Kayla was sobbing at the end of it, Sam held her close as she sobbed. He took her to the sofa and sat them down, he put on a movie and they watched it until they fell asleep.

Edited 10/12/2019

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