Chapter 1

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A downfall is only the beginning of a long uphill


The day that Sam left the army was the start of the downfall of Kayla Landers. She didn't have her best friend who she could share life experiences with, someone who she can complain to about life and all the girls in her dorm. 

The missions she was put on were simple, the officers were afraid that she might miss details, something about Sam was the reason that their missions were a success. Kayla didn't mean to stop working as hard as she used to, so she started missing simple details and the small things that matter when flying. 

Kayla was put with a new partner, Josh Small. A simple-minded person that only thinks of himself and the mission, not his partner. They were briefed for a simple mission, just to check for dangers that may attack the army base. 

They flew above the burned city and scanned for any dangers, Kayla was about to turn back before she spotted a child hurt, left by her mother that was halfway down the road. 

"Josh, there is someone hurt down there, I'm going to help," Kayla said into her comms. Kayla heard a string of nos from her teammate as she flew down and landed on the ground. She ran up to the young girl and knelt down in front of her. 

"Hey, little one. I'm Kayla. Is that your mom?" Kayla asked the young girl. The girl nodded and cowered away from Kayla. Kayla smiled and held out her hand, The young girl took her hand and they stood up. 

"What's your name?" Kayla asked the young girl. 


"Kayla! This isn't an adoption time or place. We are just here to look not to help." Small shouted to her. Kayla scoffed and spun around to face her partner. 

"We are para-rescue, you idiot. We are supposed to help the injured." Kayla fumed. She spun around and led the girl into a small house and sat her down. Kayla grabbed her first aid kit and started fixing up the small wounds on the small girl. 

"Kayla, something seems wrong." Small muttered into the comms. Kayla laughed it off and ignored the message. She finished the last cut on the girl and packed up and kissed Adelaide on the head. 

"What seems wrong Josh?" Kayla asked as she found her partner. Josh turned around and looked at her, with his arms folded across his chest. 

"I don't know, but are you done fixing people or are we going to fix the whole city?" Josh snarled. Kayla rolled her eyes and readied her wings to fly out. She was just about to lift off when she heard Adelaide scream for her. Kayla spun around and looked at the little girl. The girl pointed inside the house. 

"What the hell is wrong with you, Landers?" Small said to her. Kayla ran into the house and looked to where Adelaide was pointing to. Kayla walked to the spot behind the table and looked at a blinking red dot. 

"BOMB," Kayla screamed. She grabbed Adelaide and ran for the exit. Kayla was launched forward by the blast and the rest of the house was blown with them. Kayla was launched into the house opposite them and into the wall, her head hitting first. 

Kayla blinked her eyes open slowly and looked around her, rubble and fire were spread everywhere. She sat up slowly and looked around for her partner and Adelaide. 

"Small, Small. JOSH?" Kayla called. She stood up slowly and rubbed her sore head. She heard a small cough and walked over to the sound. She peered over the side and saw Josh stand up and look over in her direction. 

"You alright?" Josh asked her, Kayla nodded and smiled. Kayla spun around and looked for Adelaide. She looked frantically for anyone lying in the rubble. 

"Adelaide. Adelaide!" Kayla screamed, she walked over the debris looking for the young girl. Josh looked over as well. Kayla found a piece of the brown dress Adelaide was wearing. She picked the fabric up. 

"Adelaide, please." Kayla cried. Kayla turned around and saw a body lying under a piece of rubble. Kayla ran towards it and called out to her partner. Kayla reached the body and saw the face of the young girl covered in blood and dirt. 

"Adelaide, wake up please sweetheart. Please wake up." Kayla checked for pulses, anything to show that she was alive. Kayla grabbed the young girl's face and patted it, trying to get her to wake up. 

"Kayla, I'm so sorry," Josh said. Kayla let out a dry sob and cradled the young girl in her arms. Josh left her side and she looked at the young girl one last time before covering her with a canvas she had in her backpack. 

Kayla stood up and walked away. She couldn't bear the loss of another person. She called out to her partner and found him in another house. As Kayla walked to the house, she heard another count down. She panicked and ran to take cover but was too late. The bomb went off and she was thrown backward into the pole behind her. Burns covered her body and this time she did not wake up.  

"Kayla!" Josh screamed. He ran to her and knelt down beside her. He grabbed her arm and sighed in relief when he felt a pulse. "Landers is down. I repeat Landers is down."  

The radio responded to him, telling him to meet them in the open area about 200 meters from their current position. He strapped her on to him and flew them to the open area. The paramedics ran towards him and strapped Kayla down onto a mat and ran her towards the helicopter with Josh right next to them. They lifted off the ground and Josh grabbed her hand. Kayla's eyes opened a bit and grabbed into his hand even more.

"Sam. Call Sam." Kayla said repeatedly. They landed and Kayla was rushed out of the helicopter, Josh was stopped by the commanding officer demanding to know what happened. 

"Sir, with all due respect. I will tell you now but I need to call Sam Wilson to let him know what happened to her." 

Edited 10/12/2019

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