Chapter 8

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She's stronger than steel 


Von Strucker opened the door to the new test subject's room. He stepped inside and took the tape off her mouth, the girl was still unconscious. He straightened up his equipment as he waited for the girl to wake up. He grew impatient after a while and walked forward towards the girl, he slapped her across the face. Kayla jumped up as his hand connected with her face. 

"I heard you are a strong one." His Sokovian accent was strong. Kayla shook her head and laughed.

"You'll see how strong in a moment." Kayla spat. Baron got the firs weapon, a scalpel, he brought it to her face. Kayla's breath shortened as the knife came closer to her.

"No doubt we will? No? You'll tell me with the Winter Soldier and his mistake are, or this goes into." The aging man said, despite his age he was scary.

"I don't know," Kayla whispered, she truly did not know but they don't get that. The man just laughed as he plunged the knife into her shoulder, Kayla screamed in pain.

They carried on like that for days: he would ask, she would answer, he'd think she was lying, and he cuts her or beats her depending on how he is feeling. The last day that happened, Kayla thought it was over, she was sitting on the same chair she had been sitting in for the past 3 weeks. Baron came close to her with a knife, he was close to cutting her cheek before the door opened.

"Sir, it's ready." The scientist said Von Strucker grinned evilly. He left the room and locked the door behind him. Kayla sighed, relieved that she could live another day, she was losing hope that Sam would find her. It's now 2015, 3 weeks since she had been taken, she's hoping the Avengers stop by this HYDRA base, but it is a lost cause.

Von Strucker cames back, with more guards. He unlocked the door and points at the weak girl in front of them. The guards walked forward and untied the girl, Kayla would've fought back but she was too weak. They dragged her out of the room and shoved her into another room. 

They hooked her up to machines. The scientists came forward and started checking that everything was in check. Von Strucker came back into the room with a briefcase, he placed it carefully on the table and opened it. There were bottles of something in it, it was a light purple color. Von Strucker picked up the first vail and brought it to the injection machine, he put it in and held it up to Kayla's arm.

"This is going to hurt a bit." Von Strucker's accented voice rang through her ears. Kayla grew terrified of what was in the bottle. They put a belt in her mouth to stop her from grinding her teeth. 

Baron took a deep breath and put the needle in her skin, he waited a moment before pushing the purple liquid into her. The pain was unbearable, it felt like Kayla was on fire. Her screams could be heard around the whole base. Wanda and Pietro Maximoff stopped what they were doing to listen to the screams, they wanted to help the poor girl but they were locked up.

Five days later, they came back with another vail, they had finished all the purple ones, there were five of them. These ones were light blue, like the sky. The pushed it into her and she screamed. Kayla wanted it to end, she wanted to die. Kayla saw Sam flash through her eyes as she screamed, all she wanted was to be back with him.

A week later they came back with another vail, it was just one. It was a yellow color, Kayla knew they would keep them coming. They pushed it into her. She screamed so much louder this time, this one hurt more than the others. They let her off the table and she fell onto the floor, wanting to be cold. She was too tired to get up, she was going deaf by her own screams.

Upstairs Tony Stark heard someone's scream through the walls. He felt the need to get to the poor person, so he punched though walls, with each wall getting damaged, the screams were getting louder and louder.

"Grace and Romanoff get here," Stark said into the earpiece, he punched through more walls. He ignored what going on over the earpiece. Natasha and Lexi got there in 5 minutes, they had heard the screams as well. The got to a door and it was locked. Tony picked up his leg and kicked the door open.

Kayla heard the door blast open. She was shaking and staring at her hands. They had a mesmerizing purple flowing out of them. Her screaming stopped after a while, she just stared at her fingers. The purple magic coming out of her scared her. She heard people run to her, the red-head woman ran in front of her. Kayla couldn't make out what they were saying. Another man came into the doorway and picked her up. She tried to fight back but she was too tired.

Steve picked her up and took her to the jet. They couldn't leave her there. Tony had called Sam already. They had a med-bay ready and waiting for her back at the tower. Natasha held her friend's hand as they flew back. Kayla passed out when Steve picked her up, she was still unconscious.

When they landed, Sam was waiting for them, they put Kayla on a bed and took her to the med-bay. Sam went with her, he blamed himself for letting this happen to her, he was sure Riley was going to come back to life just to kill him. The doctors placed her under, in a coma so she can heal properly while the party went on.

Edited 10/12/2019

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