Chapter 9

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Recovery may shock you 


The doctors woke Kayla up after a few days, she had healed a lot quicker than they had planned, a few months quicker. The first day she was under, Bruce had taken some blood to test it. However when he went MIA, Tony took over the studying of the blood, to say that he was shocked at what he saw was an understatement.

Kayla opened her eyes and looked around the room and saw that Tony was working next to her, he was studying her blood. Tony noticed she was awake, he came towards her. Kayla looked at her hands, expecting to see the purple flowing around them. 

"Hey, it's me Kayla," Tony said softly, he grabbed her hand and held it softly. "FRIDAY please call Wilson and Rogers."

Sam, Steve, and Natasha came up to the next floor. Sam rushed forward to his girl. Kayla smiled softly as her friends came closer to her, she wanted nothing than to hug them. Sam grabbed her other hand, she squeezed it as much as she could.

"I'm so sorry Kayla, it was my fault," Sam said, tears in his eyes. Tony moved so Natasha could get to her friend. Kayla would slap Sam for saying that if she had the strength.

"Don't you dare say that, Wilson," Kayla whispered, it was all she could do. Sam smiled and kissed her on the forehead. Kayla turned her head towards Natasha and smiled a bit, Natasha smiled back and she kissed her friend on the forehead.

Wanda came to the floor, looking for Natasha. She noticed the girl lying on the bed, she recognized the girl. Wanda ran towards her, she stood behind Steve, trying not to startle the girl. Kayla saw her behind Steve.

"Wanda, come here," Kayla said softly. Wanda came round Steve and stood at the end of the hospital bed. Wanda looked at her with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I promised I would get you out of there. I'm so sorry." Wanda cried Steve pulled her into a side hug. Wanda cried as she looked down at Kayla.

"You did your best, Wanda. You tried, that's all I needed. Someone to give me hope, you gave me that, you and your brother." Kayla said, she didn't know that Pietro had been killed, Kayla didn't even know that the town of Sokovia had been blown up. 

Sam moved from Kayla's side and motioned for Wanda to come forward to Kayla. Wanda grabbed Kayla's hand and explained what happened to the city and boy. 

"Rogers. Come here." Tony asked. Steve went over to Tony, Tony motioned him to look at the blood through the microscope. It wasn't normal, it had chemicals in it.

"What the hell did they do to her?" Steve whispered to Tony, rage building in them. Steve left and went to the gym, Natasha noticed Steve left fuming, she got up and moved to where Tony was. She looked at the blood and she was shocked.

Later on, while Kayla was asleep, the Avengers had a meeting: Steve, Natasha, Tony, Sam, and Wanda.

"Wanda what did they do to her?" Tony asked the young woman in front of him. Sam looked at Tony, expecting answers.

"There were five serums made in total. Mine, my brother's and Kayla's. While my brother and I only got one serum each, Kayla got three. A purple one, a blue one and yellow one. The third one was given the day you came." Wanda said. Sam clenched his fists, Baron was lucky he was dead.

"When I went round to see if it was her, she had purple coming out of her hands. I thought I was imagining it." Natasha said. Tony showed pictures of her blood next to Wanda's, it was a close match.

"When I picked her up, she was warm. When we found her, she was on the floor do you not think she lay on the floor to cool down?" Steve questioned, he was watching Sam, ready to jump up and grab onto him if he got out of control.

Sam stormed out of the room and went to Kayla's side. He picked up her hand and noticed it had purple coming out of it, it looked so mesmerizing.

"FRIDAY call Stark." Sam shouted at the A.I. Stark came running in and stared at her hand. She started rising, floating in the air. She was flying, Sam stepped away from her. The rest of the Avengers came in and stopped at the door and watched the woman fly in her sleep. Wanda rushed forward and used her powers to bring her back down. When Kayla was safely back on her bed, Wanda woke her up. Kayla shot up and panted.

"You guys looked like you've seen a ghost." Kayla joked. Sam stood there with his mouth wide open, Tony's eyes were wide open, Wanda's magic was holding her down, Natasha was frozen in place, Vision was confused, Rhodes was blinking a lot.

"Wanda lift your magic." Sam whispered. Wanda lifted her magic and Kayla jumped off the bed, but she didn't touch the floor. She rose up and almost passed out when she didn't hit the floor. She panicked and then thought hard about coming back to the ground, she hit the ground and fell to the ground. 

"What the hell?" Kayla asked, she looked at her hands and looked at the mesmerizing purple coming out of her hands. She looked at Wanda, she had red coming out of her hands.

"Wanda. Umm. Right." Kayla stuttered. She ran out of the room and found the first balcony she could find. She ran out and breathed in the fresh air, something she hasn't breathed in for 2 months. 

The others ran to her and watched as she rose into the air, she hovered over the edge, a little above the ground. She smiled and flew higher, she was now above the railing. Her energy drained and she fell to the ground, she stumbled as she reached for Sam. Sam caught her and held onto her as she regained her energy.

"Well, that's new," Kayla said, trying to lighten the mood. It had desired effect, everyone chuckled. Kayla smiled and looked at her friends, she wouldn't give up on them, not anytime soon.

Edited 10/12/2019

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