Chapter 10

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Try, try, try and try again 


Kayla recovered in the spare room at the Avengers Facility. She was bed-ridden, by Sam and her doctor. When Sam was on missions she would get up and walk around the facility.

She quit her job with the VA, she had gone missing for 2 months so they got someone else. She started becoming the psychologist for the Avengers, they came to her with their problems. Natasha came for help with dealing with the past, Lexi came for helping to remember her past, sometimes Clint and Jamie would come, Tony came for present problems, Rhodey came just to keep her company, Wanda came for help with dealing with the loss and the experimentation, Steve came to help him with the new technology.

When the doctor gave her the clear for her to start training slowly. She started running on the treadmill, taking it slow for the first few days, then she started punching and learning how to fight properly, it was mostly muscle memory. Sam and she would still try and search for the Barnes.

Wanda started teaching Kayla how to use her powers properly, the stuff in the blue vail didn't work or it wasn't working yet. Wanda taught her how to use her telekinesis while Vision is starting to teach how to fly.

Vision called her down to the grass outside the Facility. He had set up a mattress so that if she falls she wouldn't get too hurt. Kayla walked up to the Vision and he stared back at her.

"Miss Landers, try and fly up to my height." Kayla nodded and focused on her flying. She rose up and flew up to Vision's height. Vision pushed her, she fell backward and lost her concentration and fell onto the mattress. 

Kayla smirked and tried again. Each time Vision pushed her, she lost her confidence and fell, until one time. Vision pushed her and she let her power consume her, she pushed back. Vision smirked and pushed her back. They started sparring in the air. They started throwing each other around. The others came outside to see the two flying at each other. Sam couldn't have felt prouder.

Vision came down and stopped in front of everyone. Kayla flew up and flew around in circles. Wanda stepped forward used her powers to fling stuff at Kayla. Kayla taught herself how to use flying as a subconscious thought she now focused on the stuff flying at her. She used her own powers to fight back at Wanda. 

Wanda would throw a rock at her, Kayla would catch the rock and fling it back at her, they were teaching each other. They did this for hours until they both got really tired. Kayla came down from the sky in a good mood. They went inside laughing. The mood inside the Facility was a light one.

That night, Kayla walked into her room and was shocked at what she saw. The lights were dimmed and there was pizza on her bed with a movie on her tv. Sam got off the bed and went up to Kayla. He grabbed her hands and hugged her.

"You did so well today," Sam said, he shoved her into the bathroom so she could shower. Kayla underdressed and stood under the hot water, she let the water fall over her, relaxing her tense muscles. 

She put on Sam's hoodie and a pair of shorts and walked out. She jumped into her bed and Sam pressed play. She snuggled up to him and ate her pizza. The two fell asleep in peace, nothing could penetrate their bubble.

The next day, Tony came to compound, he had to speak to Kayla. He had been studying her powers, he realized that she could help the team. He walked in and the mood in the compound was a light one, he knew something good happened yesterday. 

Kayla and Sam were cooking breakfast for the team, everyone was awake and talking and laughing. Clint and Jamie came for a visit, so there was much more laughter than on normal days. Tony smiled at the team.

"So, what happened yesterday?" Tony said while leaning against the doorframe. Kayla jumped in surprise and ran to Tony to give him a hug. Tony returned it and smiled at her. Breakfast was a fun experience, everyone was shouting over each other.

"I can fly and throw stuff at people," Kayla said happily. The whole room burst out laughing as Kayla realized that it was weird. Luckily Tony realized what she meant. Breakfast went smoothly, everyone was semi-functional.

The next few days were filled with training. Kayla pushes herself so she can get her mind off of not sleeping. Each day she would train harder and harder than the day before, Sam was worried because she was doing this on no sleep. Kayla busied herself so she wouldn't have to face Sam but it wasn't only Sam that was worried about her, the whole team was. 

One day, Sam had had enough. He went on a search for Kayla. He found her lazily punching the bag, she was trying to keep her eyes open. Sam snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, Kayla jumped a bit and turned around.

"Sam..." Kayla whined. Sam shook his head and grabbed her hand pulling her upstairs. "Sam. No."

"Kayla you need to sleep," Sam said. Sam won't understand no one will.

"I can't," Kayla said, trying to get of Sam's death grip. Sam's eyebrows lifted, judging her. "You won't understand."

"Try me." Sam challenged. She needed to let everything out, she doesn't have to be this tense.

"When I close my eyes, I feel the serums getting injected into me and I see that bastards face," Kayla said she started crying. Sam lead her into his bedroom and held onto her as she cried. She cried herself to sleep when she was asleep Sam picked her up and lay on the bed. He lay next to her, to protect her from the bad dreams.

Edited 10/12/2019

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