Chapter 3

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We need to be our own support systems


Kayla left the next day, she left two notes on the bed and asked the doctor to give them to Sam and Tony. She left the room and flew across the country and settled down in her new life, away from the pain of the last one. 

She had found work in a coffee shop in Los Angeles, she wanted a normal life so having a normal job was a start. She made a few friends but mostly kept to herself, Sam had tried to contact her but she couldn't face her longest friend after he abandoned her.

Kayla had met a sweet guy called Nick, they started dating. The relationship was going great until Kayla moved with Nick, she would constantly get nightmares and those kept him up in the night. Soon enough he started drinking, something about it helps him sleep. When Nick got drunk, he got abusive. 

It started off with verbal abuse, he would shout at her telling her she is worthless, he said it so often that she stopped fighting the fear that held onto her that he might be right, eventually, she started believing.  It then got physical, Kayla had learned not to fight it, she just took it. He would hit, punch and kick her and if he was really angry he would throw anything glass at her, those were marks she couldn't cover-up.

Her brother's birthday passed and Kayla decided it was time to go back to her old self, the strong para-rescuer. The one that saved lives, the one that fought for Adelaide. 

Kayla arrived home on time that night, she had been out with some of her friends for a celebration. She noticed Nick's car outside, he must be home, she sighed and unlocked the door. Kayla stepped inside to face the smell of a girl's perfume and clothes scattered along the floor. Tears swelled up in her eyes but she realized that she was crying over a man that didn't love her. Kayla walked up the stairs and barged through the door to see her pathetic-excuse-of-a-boyfriend and his side chick in bed. She picked up a suitcase and started packing it. The chick in the bed realized who Kayla was and left. Nick got out of bed and stood between Kayla and the closet.

"And where do you think you are going?" Nick snarled, shivers went down Kayla's spine as he stepped closer to her now completely naked.

"I am leaving you," Kayla said with as much energy and force she could. Nick just laughed and laughed. He stepped closer to her, Kayla could now feel him breathing down her neck, Kayla's eyes started to swell up with tears.

Nick grabbed her by the arm and shoved her up against the wall and started to roughly kiss her. Kayla tried to push away but she was too weak, she kicked him in the dick and ran. She opened the door and ran out. Nick run out after her, he grabbed onto a glass and threw it at her, it hit her in the shoulder and knocked her down. Being used to getting hit with many things, it made it easier for her to get up. 

Kayla got up and grabbed her purse and two phones, Nick came up behind her and grabbed her by the waist and flung her over his shoulder and onto the ground. He jumped on top of her and started kissing her again, Kayla found a new strength in her and hit him in face somehow. Kayla forced herself out from underneath him and stood up, only to be grabbed and forced down to the floor. 

They wrestled for a while before Kayla almost knocked him out. She grabbed her purse and ran for the door, she turned to look at him once more before she saw a knife coming straight for her, she ducked and ran out the door, slamming it behind her.

Kayla ran for miles, never once stopping. She took the most complicated roads before she was sure that she lost him. Kayla pulled out her phone and dialed her friend. Kate came around the corner and Kayla climbed in and they sped off. As they reached Kate's house, Kayla pulled out her phone and stared at the contact in front of her. After coming to her senses, Kayla booked a plane ticket to New York. She left and pulled up at the airport.

"I'm going to miss you, Kay," Kate said, as she hugged her friend. Kayla nodded and they parted ways.

The plane ride wasn't long, although it felt like it took forever. The plane landed and she got out and breathed in the cold air of New York. Kayla soon realized that she needed to call Sam. She picked out her phone and clicked on the contact, it rang a few times...

"This is Sam Wilson." Kayla heard her oldest friend's voice over the speaker. She smiled lightly and closed her eyes. 

"Hey, Sam. It's good to hear your voice again." Kayla said it was the truth. She missed Sam more than anything, she just needed to find herself before she could go back to the past. 

"Kayla. It's good to hear yours as well."  Sam said. Kayla could hear the smile in his voice. 

"I'm in New York and I was wondering if I could crash at your place," Kayla asked. She needed a place to stay and he was the only one she trusted enough to help her. 

"Yeah sure. That's fine with me." Kayla sighed and hung up. Sam texted her the address and she threw her phone in the bin and walked to a cab and jumped in. 

She traveled in silence but her mind was busy. How was she supposed to face the very person that left her and the person she had been ignoring. The cab driver stopped at the house and looked back at her.

"Honey, just go or you'll regret it." the cab driver said as he unlocked the doors. Kayla nodded and got out of the car slowly.

Kayla stopped at the door and held her hand up to the door. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door swung open and Sam stood there half asleep. The two stared at each other in awkward silence. Sam broke the stare and ran towards his best friend. Kayla wrapped her arms around Sam's shoulders and Sam's arms go around her waist. Sam pulled her closer and held her tight. They pulled away and stared into each other's eyes. Kayla pulled away and looked down at the floor.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked, reaching towards the girl in front of him. Kayla stepped back outside the house and turned away.

"This was a mistake. This was a mistake." Kayla repeatedly said, Sam grew worried for her, he reached for her wrist but she flinched and pulled away, Sam ignored her and pulled her back into his arms.

"What's going on?" Sam whispered to her as she started crying in his arms. She sobbed harder and pulled him closer to her. Sam ran his hands through his friend's hair as her breathing slowed down, she stopped crying and fell limp into his chest. Sam chuckled as he realized that his friend was fast asleep on him. He picked Kayla up and lay her down on the spare bed he has, he kissed her forehead good night and left the room.

Edited 10/12/2019

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