A Normal Day

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Steve sat in the lounge at the new Avengers head quaters in the middle of nowhere. After the incident in New York with Ultron, Tony decided it was safer for us to move where no one can get hurt if something happens like that again. So, what do you do when you live out in the middle of nowhere? You sit there, and Steve Rogers was good at that. Especially after his and Natasha's mission at S.H.I.E.L.D. head quaters. The took down Mr. Peirce and the Winter Soldier, who was Bucky. And all Steve could think of was Natasha, and how much he loved her.

Stop, Banner loves Natasha. Can't change that. Steve thought to himself. Although, the feelings for Romanoff never changed. They probably never will.

Thor walked in with Tony, laughing and carrying on. Thor came to Earth a lot more now after Thor finally fixed the issues between him and Jane. "Why the long face, brother?" Thor asked.

Steve looked up and shrugged with a smile that fooled the others. "Nothing, just thinking."

"That's all you ever do." Tony said. Steve nodded. He always was thinking about something, but most days it's mostly about Nat. What has even made him fall in love with her? Steve couldn't figure that one out.

"Yeah, a lot is always on my mind."

"Can you be specific about a lot?" Tony chuckled pouring himself a nice warm cup of coffee. Thor sat down at the bar and it was like honey attracting bees. The rest of the Avengers swarmed into the lounge including Natasha. Her hair was longer, bright red at the top and white-ish blonde tips. She was beautiful.

She's let it grow out and she always wanted to change her hair style. Now, she's finally been able to do it. When she sat down on a stool by the wall, Vision hovered through the wall, accidently bumping into her. She jumped almost fell Steve ran to her side, catching her and everyone fell silent.

"Oh, you got a nice catch Rogers." Natasha said with a flirtatious tone. Steve's heart beat rose and but with everyone watching, he shrugged and sat Natasha down.

"It's nothing." Steve replied with a boring tone. He sat down as the others looked at each other. Tony was hoping for excitement, he knew deep down that Romanoff and Rogers were always so close. Thor was just confused and wanted to know what was happening. Vison knew because he could sense and see it. Everyone else just watched with curiosity.

"I thought I told you to use the door!" Wanda broke the silence. Steve felt relieved but also had a weird feeling. He couldn't stand staying in the lounge with everyone glancing back at him.

Steve knew exactly where to go where no one would bother him. He went to the big dock, over looking a beautiful pond. He sat down on a bench and sighed. Steve always regretted not telling Natasha how he felt. But one reason was that she loved Banner. He knew that too well when Bammer ran off after breaking up with her. Even though it broke both of their hearts.

Meanwhile, Natasha wished Steve didn't leave. After feeling his strong arms catch her, she longed for him just to touch her again. She never felt this tingle in her stomach since she kissed Steve back in the mall. Wanda looked at her and sat beside her. Wanda thought Natasha was still trying to get over Branner, which Natasha knew she wasn't.

"You miss him?" Wanda asked with a nice friendly smile. Natasha eyes frew wide and she sat down her class of water.

"Steve? No, we're just friends." Natasha replied. Though Natasha hoped for more than friends. Wanda gave a confused look and shook her head.

"No, Bruce. I can tell you miss him." Wanda cleared things up. But Natasha knew it wasn't Bruce but the others don't know she's in love with Steve, so she went with it.

"Oh, no it's not that. I just miss having someone to hold on to." Natasha replied. Wanda made an awe expression but soon stood up as something caught her eye. The laughter in the room died down and Natasha turned around.

Anger exploded in everyone's heart as they watched in horror on the TV screen. A spaceship? The newscaster wasn't clear but the spacecraft is just hovering over the land, moving at an easy pace. They just, not six months ago, defeated Ultron. They all finally had their vacation and/or much needed breaks. They were on a roll but now, they all knew their breaks were over.

"Friday, who's the Captain of that spacecraft?" Tony mumbled through the silence. Natasha looked outside through the nearest window. So far, from what the eye can see, Natasha confirmed that the America sky was clear as of right now. But Steve needed to see this and she needed to find him quick.

"Sir, the Captain is a human being from Earth. Name is unknown, but there is a symbol on the spacecraft."

"Zoom in." Tony ordered looking at the hologram. Everyone grathered around the table, even Natasha.

"A symbol who was thought to be extinct to S.H.I.E.L.D. Sir. Hydra." The woman's voice said. Natasha froze and looked at Tony. He looked focused at the TV again, but the spacecraft was gone. Where did it go? No one knew.

"Track the damn ship." Tony growled. Friday complied. "We can't lose it now." Tony added.

Natasha quickly dashed out of the room. She was frightened and scared. Hydra is a dangerous organization, amd Natasha knew that all too well. Hydra slipped through the United States government way too many times and now the Avengers would have to end it now. But Natasha couldn't find Steve. She searched his room, the balcony, the training facility. Her heart became more broken when she couldn't find him. They could've taken him, killed him, anything. Natasha knew that too, but when she looked out the window, she was relieved. She noticed Steve out on the dock on the pond.

Natasha passed the elevator and went for the stairs. She was only on the second floor so she flipped over the railing and landed percisely. She darted towards the door and kicked it open without issues.

Steve heard the loud boom the door made and turned around. His heart raced when Natasha was running toward him. "Steve!" Natasha yelled.

Steve got up and ran towards Natasha, extending his arms out incase Natasha didn't slow down, but she did. "What?" He asked.

"Hydra is back."

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