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"Ok, Wanda come here." Tony mentions with a littke excitement. Wanda walks over and rests her chin on her hands as she sits at the bar. Thor and Banner both stood beside Tony, trying to not burst into laughter. "If I can figure out the physics of Thor's hammer, should I be able to rule Asguard?"

"No." Wanda replied quickly. She didn't think Tony's immature mind can handle all the stress.

"What? Why?" Tony asked sipping a glass of orange juice he poured from the fridge.

"Because... you're not worthy!" Thor laughed. Tony scolded as Pepper walked in with a clipboard and a pen. Thor quieted down as everyone's eyes turned to the woman with a little bump.

"Mrs. Pepper Potts Stark, how may I help you?" Tony asked with an actual sweet smile. Pepper, rubbing her stomach slowly, handed Tony the clipboard.

"Can you sign this? We're going to start doing tours in the old Avengers tower." She mentioned. Tony, with wide eyes, signed the papers quickly. Pepper kissed Tony's cheek and walked out. That was the Avengers first time seeing Pepper in six months, and Tony's been keeping it secret.

"It seems she has a bun in the oven? Or however you humans say it." Thor chuckled. Tony scratched the back of his head slowly. From the very beginning, Tony was scared to tell the rest of the Avengers because he didn't want to be seen as a old man. Granted, Tony was getting close to fourty five years old.

"Yes, Pepper is pregnant. But! I'm not losing my role here, I am and will forever be Iron Man." Tony said, making sure the fellow Avengers knew that tony was staying, and he was staying for good.

"We know man. Hey, where's Steve and Natasha? Clint and Sam?" Wanda asked as she cuddled up next to Vision, who by the way learned how to disguise himself as a actual human.

"Fury sent them off on a mission, they're taking down Hydra themselves." Agent Hill walked in, tablet in hand and giving orders to the lead doctors here.

"Um, ok, so us Avengers just sit and wait?" Tony asked, a little mad that Banner and him put in a lot of efdort to track the spacecraft.

"Steve, Natasha, and Sam delt with Hydra before. Clint, on the other hand hasn't, but has a damn good aim. Them four are taking down Hydra, but if anything goes wrong, you guys will be the sent out to help." Hill says as she walks away, leaving Tony rolling his eyes. Banner, who has stayed quiet stood up and handed Tony a paper.

"When I was getting a shower, there was a piece of paper on your floor. It's from Steve." Banner whispered. Tony grabbed the paper, rubbing his beard amd walking out of the lounge, he started to read the note in his mind.

Hey Tony, things started out pretty rough when we first met. But when I got news of a new faster, stronger, smarter enhanced super soldier out there, it got me to thinking. I was wrong about you from the start and I wanted you to know that. You are my family, the only family I got since all of mine are probably dead. The Avengers are my family. So, if things go bad, and I have to make a choice between life or death, I want you to know that I picked the best desicion. If I saved thousands of lives, it was worth the outcome. I'm saying this because this new soldier guy, he scares me to the bone. I can hide my fears real well and I know that, but I feel safe telling you that if I die, I'll die smiling that I had family that loved me because I love them.

Now, to get out of the sad mood, remember those jokes you always said about me. Some are true, mist of them actually. One, I did take all of the poptarts and licked all of the icing off. Two, I did steal Thor's drink just don't tell him. Three, I was the one who started the who is stronger fight. And Four, yes! Yes! Yes! I do love her, I have after the mission in Washington D.C. Natasha Romanoff, the girl with the red hair. Just don't tell Banner, I really don't want to die from his grasps.

Anyways, I gotta go and my time is running out. If I don't come home to meet the kid your bringing in, tell Spider-Man that Captain America welcomes him to the Avengers. But if I do, I can't wait to meet him. Well, see you in a minute Tony.

Tony sat the paper on his nightstand as he realized he walked to his room. He basically had the penthouse now since Pepper lived with him. Tony, after all the blood, sweat, and tears that he's gone through with Steve, he realized he needed his friend more than anything. And reading that letter or note, Tony for the first time in six months, he actually shed a tear.

"It's Steve, isn't it?" Pepper asked making her way towards her sadden husband.

"Yeah. He always finds a way to dig and dig until he reaches our heart. Almost like he wants us to be sad amd knowing that I got a fifty fifty chance on ever seeing him again." Tony replied, taking the hand of Pepper.

"Well, sometimes you have to take the risk. Even if your life can end from it. Tony, that's all he lives for. He has nothing else to do if he didn't have the Avengers in his life. You help him thrive, so without you, there is basically no Avengers." Pepper said, trying to sooth the sad Iron Man.

"I just purchase, build, amd supply our weapons and machines. Steve is the heart and soul of the Avengers." Tony adds.

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