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Tony, Thor, and Natasha walked into the training facility in their suits except for Tony. Corwin watched with a evil smirk and Natasha felt disgusted.

"Do you have an answer?" Corwin asked. Still holding up a weak and tired Steve Rogers.

"Yes, we'll stand down. But first, give us three weeks to heal Steve." Tony asked impatiently. Corwin tilted his head but shook it.

"Now where's the fun in that Tony?" Corwin asked.

"Please Corwin, just please hand me Steve. If you know what love is, you'll know how I feel. Now please hand Steve to me, I need him in my life." Natasha pleaded as she walked forward. Thor walked with her, protectively watching her back while Steve can't.

"Ugh, fine. Take the piece of dead meat. I'll give you three weeks until I start executing S.H.I.E.L.D employees, then the Avengers." Corwin tossed Steve on the ground and walked away quickly. Thor and Tony immediately rushed Steve to the infirmary.

"Thor... get Banner." Tony ordered as he grabbed an IV. Thor nodded and rushed out, shouting Banner's name. Natasha held the hand of Steve and by now, Steve was out.

Tony grabbed many madical supplies that even Natasha couldn't name off. He had a defibrillator incase Steve decided to leave us early. Natasha hoped and prayed to a God she kinda didn't believe in. She was ripped from that kind of life to become a assassin. But now with Banner bursting into the room, checking Steve's vitals, he ordered Natasha to leave. At first, she didn't budge. But then, eventually, she left with one mission.


All if the Avengers, new and original were in the basement of the head quarters. Corwin didn't know about this place because it technically doesn't exsist in the blueprints, and you'll need to know where the secret door is. Carol Danvers walked up to Natasha with one simple question.

"Is he OK?" She asked. Natasha shook her head, she didn't actually know.

"To be honest, it may be awhile until he wakes up. Corwin gave us three weeks though, so we need a plan where we all wirk together." Natasha started to say but Peter raised his hand. "Yes?" Natasha asked.

"Isn't Tony Stark and Steve Rogers in charge?" The boy asked and Natasha nodded, but in reality, if Steve goes, the leadership position goes to Natasha because she knows what she's doing.

"Yes but if anything happens to Steve, I take over. Anyways, who's the strongest?" Natasha asked. Every eyeball Natasha could see flew towards Carol's direction.

"I guess I am. Though Thor is a God." She mentioned but Natasha waved that off. She could use everyone and this will take a while.

"Alright, when the time is right and Steve is healed enough, we'll execute the plan!" Natasha smirked while folding her arms, showing everyone she's boss. "Now, Clint, me, Jane, and Maria will stay back as backups. Dr. Strange, T'Challa, Peter, Wanda, Sam, and maybe Steve will take the ground. Rhodey and Tony take the air, along with Vision, Thor, and Carol."

"Why do we stay back?" Clint asked. Clint was a little mad, more like enraged. He wanted to fight, not just sit back and relax.

"Because, it's like twenty thousand Hydra men against 13 to 14 Avengers depending if Banner wants to participate. Anyways, there is definitely going to be our helocarriers in the air, and they've been hacked into. And I wanna get them back, and the control room is heavily guarded so we'll still have fun. We'll go out to help after we gain the ships back." Natasha explained. Clint e's mote relaxed and everyone became quiet.

"You know, this is a time where you guys wanna trust in each other. Because he's coming, and trust me, he has a dangerous plan for this world. So, listen to Agent Romanoff." Fury added. Natasha smiled and he just nodded in return. Some peopls were nidding, others were thinking. They didn't have to fight in a small war like this, but some wanted to.

"Ok, this our plan..."


Tony wiped sweat from his forehead, as did Bruce. They did surgery because Steve appendix erupted and he could be died. But no, Steve was much alive and healthy. He was just in a coma and Tony hoped it wasn't a long one. Thor stayed with them, protecting Tony and the green guy as they started to put things away.

"We need a plan." Thor said through clenched teeth. Tony and Banner bith looked back to face the God.

"I gave Natasha that job. But there is nothing that we can do until Steve wakes up." Banner mentioned. Thor shaked his head and pointed towards the door.

"No, we need a plan now, we need to take action now!" Thor raised his voice but Tony shut the God up real quick.

"Is rather let Steve die and save a lot more lives, than save Steve and have millions die. That's what Steve would want anyways." Tony growled. Thor stood there, silent and stiff.

"If that's how it's going to be!" Thor grunted. He sat down with a huff.

Tony returned back his work. He needed to make sure it was safe to leave Steve alone. But then Tiny realized that a guard, not a Hydra guard, but maybe Thor or Captain Marvel who basically are super strong. Tony couldn't figure this problem out though. The Avengers can easily take Hydra down, but Corwin lets them walk around freely. Tony knows he's up to something and it can't be good.

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