3 Weeks

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Natasha has been sick for days, and after being offically pregnant, Natasha's mind has been mixed with different moods and emotions. Tony and Thor have obviously backed off with the jokes, mostly because they were scared. So was Natasha, this whole soon to be motherhood stuff gave her the creeps. But, that night she found out was a pretty stupid way...

"Natasha, truth or dare?" Clint asked. Natasha thought this was a weird game to play especially when Hydra was taking over. But what not a better way to get to know the new Avengers?

"Truth." Natasha said, taking the safe route yet again. Clint was tired of Natasha taking the safe way, so he wasn't going to play it safe.

"Was Corwin right about you and Steve? And if so, what happened that one night?" Clint asked with an evil, not literally evil, smirk. Natasha sat there, thinking of her options. She was already feeling sick and she wanted to leave.

"Yes, and Steve and I had a little too much fun in the bed. Can I go now? I feel sick." Natasha replied quickly. Tony quickly raised his hand to stop the crowd from erupting in more questions.

"You're saying that you had sex with Steve, and a few weeks later you feel sick?" Tony asked to make sure of it. Natasha nodded.

"Oh honey, Natasha, have you tried a pregnacy test?" Pepper asked like a sweet woman she is. Well, everyone knew that she can get very mad.

"Oh no, I'm not pregnant. We didn't do it long enough." Natasha chuckled standing up. Jane and Pepper got up along with her.

"Natasha, just for the sake if all of us because we're excited, please take a pregnacy test to prove to us that you're not." Jane reasoned with Natasha. Natasha thought they were all crazy and super weird right now, that she really wanted to prove them wrong.

"Fine." Natasha mumbled and sat back down. Jane stood by Thor as Tony looked their way.

"Clint had children, I'll have one, Natasha definitly has one in her, it's your guys' turn now." Tony smirked as he held onto his bag of blueberries. Thor raised his hand to silence the soft laughter.

"Only if Jane wants it, but first, I'll like ti marry before we start thinking about having sex." Thir replied as Jane nodded along with him.

Pepper, who left the room and is now returning, handed a open box of pregnacy tests to Natasha. There was three left and she looked at the box with wide eyes. "I don't know how to use these." Natasha said.

"You pee on it." Pepper replied. Peter and Dr. Strange looked at each other with disgusted faces. They didn't want to know that.

Pepper and Natasha both walked back to the bathrooms. Hydra soldiers guarded them heavily but they allowed the two womam to walk in. Natasha was very nervous, she was only a twenty nine year old and pregnant, to her that was considered late.

But after taking about two tests in over an hour, Natasha git the answer she wasn't hoping for. She's pregnant and Pepper was the first one to know. Natasha didn't even think that she was ready to have and raise a child, and she didn't know what Steve would think. Many emotions swarmed her mind as she finally vomited in the toilet. Pepper, who was super excited, rubbed Natasha's back softky.

"Oh, I hate this." Natasha mumbles. Pepper laughs a bit and then shakes her head.

"Nah, it's a miracle Nat. It really is, and hey you have at least a month or two before you have to quit going on missions." Pepper explained. The thought if no more missions made Natasha's heart twinge. She loved missions, especially with Steve.

"Can this get harder?" Natasha asked a question that she'll soon forget she wished to ask.

"Oh yeah. You'll have back pain sometimes, swollen ankles, shorter breaths and less energy. Oh! And you'll gain weight and you'll keep it afterwards unless you work out." Pepper chuckled. Natasha sighed and stood up.

"Ugh, ok, let's go." Natasha replied.

Natasha sighed and laid the magazine down. In two days, it'll be offically three weeks and now, The Avengers team is waiting for Natasha's call. Pull Steve's plug and fight and easily win, or wait for Steve and let many people die. It was a hard choice, considering she was pregnant and she was alone to make the desicion. She wished Steve would wake up soon so the choice would be very, very easy.

"Nat?" Carrol walked in, still in her Captain Marvel suit. "Do you need any water of food?"

"No, but thank you." Natasha said. Carrol nodded and smiled before she left the infirmary room. Natasha sighed, she had to eat and she needed to eat for two now. That didn't make the situation any better though.

"Steve, many people say when loved ones are in a coma state, they can hear people talking. I hope... I hope yoy can hear mine. I really need you, especially with the news I have for you." Natasha started to softly cry. Although Steve moved his toe in the slightest way, Natasha didn't see it.

But Steve did hear, and he was fighting to wake up. His body was just so tired from his beat down a few weeks ago. He didn't stop though, he used anything to wake up. A move of a toe or a deep breath indicating he was trying. But both of those tries, they didn't catch the eye of his love.

Natasha, I will wake up, for you. Those words flowed through Steve's mind. The pressure released feom his hand that Natasha held and soft lips were pressed against his. Something clicked in Steve's mind, almost like a adrenaline rush. Steve could began to move a lot more, and he opened his eyes slightly but closed them again. He placed a hand on Natasha's cheek and kissed her back. She jumped back, surprised and happy to see him awake. Steve smiled before Natasha smashed her lips back on his but he flinched. Natasha pulled away, sitting back down in her chair, looking every so often down at her stomach.

"How's my girl doing?" Steve's vouce croaked. Natasha looked up. Now was the time to tell him. Maybe he'll be happy, maybe he'll be mad at himself. Natasha didn't know but she had to risk it. After all, he is the baby's dad.

"Steve, I'm pregnant."

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