The News

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Steve winced as he sat up, Natasha tried to stop him but failed. Steve didn't think this is what he would wake up to and quite frankly, the news wasn't actually horrible. But it wasn't great either. Steve is a hero, Captain America, his life is way too dangerous to add a family in it.

"What?" Steve asked, he knew what Natasha said but he wanted to know if he was hearing this right.

"I'm pregnant..." Natasha mumbled again. Steve knew that it was real because her face was clouded with hurt and sadness. "I'm sorry if you hate it."

Steve shook his head and reached out for Natasha. She leaned forward, resting her forehead in his. Steve felt bad and couldn't believe what Natasha will go through in the next nine months. "No, stop it. Everything is gonna be OK. We'll figure it out... together."

"You're not mad?" Natasha asked slowly. Steve shook his head, he wasn't mad. He just thought it wasn't the right time to have a child.

"No. I'm not. I just don't think it's the right time." Steve reasoned. Natasha nodded but frowned as she looked down.

"What do we do? Abortion? Adoption? Keep it?" Natasha rambled on but Steve held his hand up, resting his pointer finger on Natasha's lips.

"We'll keep him or her. It'll be hard at first, but we have family here and Pepper." Steve smiled. Natasha took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

There was a knock on the door and Tony walks in. He smiles widely when he sees Steve sitting up in his bed. "Wakey wakey old man!" Tony chuckled quitely.

"Hey Tony." Steve replied. Tony looked at Natasha, giving her a look of suspicion. He wondered if Natasha told Steve yet or not. But, Tony returned to what he came here to do. Retrieve his water bottle from yesterday, and now check on Steve. He had a clean bullet health but a few bruises remained. But that's ok.

"Your healthy Steve. A few bruises remain but other than that, you can help us." Tony suggested. Natasha shook her head and mouthed 'no.'

Tony waved that off and returned his gaze towards Steve who returned the stare too. "What for?" He asked.

"We're taking down Corwin. Actually yesterday, Carrol Danvers got news that three Hydra helocarriers are coming our way. They'll be here tomorrow, so it's gonna turn out to be a war. We need you leading it too." Tony smiled. Steve thought about this and thought and thought. He just woke up, found out he was going to be a dad, and now has to go to war.

"Is Natasha fighting?" Steve asked. Tony and Steve loiked back at Natasha. Of course she was going to fight, she wasn't going to let Black Widow not have any fun.

"Yes and I'm very early in my pregnancy state so I should be fine-" Natasha was cut off.

"Yes, I'll fight. Can't risk Nat's and the baby's life without my protection." Steve replied with a firm tone.

"Perfect, get off your ass and get in your suit. Get back in your routine because tomorrow, early in the morning, it's war." Tony walked out. Natasha glared at Steve as he struggled to get out of the bed and up.

"Seriously? You can barely walk!" Natasha raised her voice just a bit.

"I will be fine."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, Natasha. I love you so much and I can't let you go out there alone." Steve managed to say while changing into his Captain America suit Tony brought in.

"I won't be the only one. Jane is a good fighter now, I'll have Maria and Clint with me. No worries." Natasha stood up, looking out the window at the marching Hydra soldiers. She felt strong arms wrap around her and Steve's hand rubbed her stomach.

"If I lose you and our little future baby, I wouldn't know what to do." Steve smiled. Natasha smiled as well and turned around. Natasha read a lot of books about how the guy proposes to the women if she's pregnant so they do it right.

"Eventually, we're gonna have to get married." Natasha raised her eyebrows. Steve was surprised with the sudden idea, although it didn't soumd too bad.

"Maybe after a few months of dating silly." Steve smiled.

"That sounds like a pla-"

"Cap," Sam walks in slowly. Steve and Natasha turn towards the door to face their colleague. "It's really great that you're up, but they're here, the Helocarries. They came a full day early."

"Let's go." Steve frowned, fully in his suit and he looked down at Natasha with worry. "Suit up."

All of the Avengers met up in the basements lounge, under the pond by the head quarters. Everyone looked at Steve as he walked as broad and muscle down the line to walk up front. Some thought it was crazy, especially Peter Parker and T'Challa. Though Dr. Strange knew what would happen in the upcoming battle so he enjoyed every minute with Steve Rogers.

"Welcome Steve, are you ready?" Tony asked. Steve, unsure of it, nodded slowly.

"Whatever it takes."

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