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Natasha sat at the table, listening to Banner and Tony ramble off about the spacecraft that hasn't been seen again. She was tired, and it was getting late that her eyes became a little droopy towards the end.

"We tried everything. Scan, hacking, and Tony got in hia suit and literally flew all over God's green earth. It disappeared!" Banner exclaimed. Banner was exhausted but didn't give up on the assignment given by Tony and Nick Fury.

"Technically... things just don't disappear." Tony added while digging in his bag of chips for more chips. Natasha sighed and rubbed her head. Maybe Hydra wasn't back and maybe it was just a couple of teenagers pranking the world.

"Ok, maybe it's something not major. Maybe a teenager prank?" Natasha suggested. Tony and Banner looked at her like she was crazy and Natasha was taken back.

"That's funny. But are you insane? We're talking about Hydra!" Banner said. Natasha frowned and nodded. But something told her to leave the room before Banner turned green.

"Trust me, I know what Hydra is capable of. Need any help beating them? Just give Sam, me, and Steve a call. We've dealt with them before." Natasha gave off a smart remark as she walked out. Banner, hating that she was right, wanted to win this little arguement.

"Yeah and how come Hydra is still here? They must've slipped your fingers." Banner added. Tony looked at Banner with disappointment. Natasha stopped and turned around to look at now her ex lover.

"You out of all people have no room to talk. Your own mistake caused you to run off and leave for half a year. You never contacted us or anything. And as everyone says, cut one head off two more grow in it's place. That's Hydra." Natasha snapped back. Banner glared at Natasha and Tony stepped in.

"It's ok Nat, we know you have more experience with Hydra along with Steve and Sam. And we'll call you if anything comes up." Tony said with a kind soft voice. Natasha nodded and walked out of the lab, angry at Banner for thinking he's better.

Natasha grown up her whole life with a few rules. One, you shoot at anything without mercy. Two, your always better than anyone else. Three, make a mistake you have major consequences. Natasha still lives by a few of those, except for the third one. Steve taught her better than that. Mistakes make people better by learning from them.

Natasha walked to the elevator and pushed the up button. She waited for a few seconds until the doors opened revealing Steve. Natasha's face became hot as she smiled at Steve.

"Hey Rogers." Natasha greeted Steve. Steve nodded his head as he greeted me.

"Rogers, Romanoff. My office!" Fury said over the annoucements. Steve sighed and walked out as Natasha turned around and started making their way to Fury's office quietly. Natasha didn't want to start a conversation this late in the day and she didn't know what to talk about. Neither than Steve. He'd choke up if he tried to start a conversation.

Steve reached Fury's door first and held it open for Natasha. She smiled as a thank you and walked in, both sitting in the seats as told. Fury eyed them and then handed Steve a tablet. On the tablet was a man who had a Hydra tattoo on his neck. "I brought you two in today because you'll be taking a small team to haunt thid man. His name is Corwin Blue. The new and improved super soldier." Fury paused to look at Steve.

"A new and improved super soldier?" Steve asked. Natasha tensed up and Steve could see it from the corner of his eye. Steve extended his jand out and Natasha took it slowly.

"Yes. He's actually hunting you down Steve."

"His spacecraft is nowhere to be seen, how can he be hunting me down?" Steve question the director. But Fury had a simple answer that'll make Natasha and Steve feel like idiots.

"That whole spaceship chaos was a hologram. He was using that as a distraction. But before you start thinking I'm on the wrong side, I've had a agent go undercover and work for this guy. He lost his life but sent me this," Fury stated as he handed Natasha a file of all known whereabouts Corwin would go. "You, Natasha, and Sam will hunt this man down and take down his Hydra organization."

"Sounds like Christmas." Natasha raised an eyebrow and smirked. Steve nodded slowly and was thinking about the new enhanced soldier.

"Fury... what do you mean a new super soldier. Like better than me?" Steve asked. Fury, who has only answered this question once before, explained better this time.

"Corwin Blue is stronger, faster, basically more enhanced than you. But are you jealous Captain?" Fury asked a question himself. Steve nodded slowly. Steve was scared and he's never delt with someone stronger than him. He's delt with Bucky before, but he was just like Steve. Director Fury confirmed it himself.

"So when do we start?" Natasha asked. Fury looked at his watch.


Natasha looked at Steve. She had a job to do and set aside all the feelings she had for Steve. Natasha was better than this and even though her and Steve's hands fit together like puzzle pieces, she didn't need a boyfriend. Steve thought the same thing amd both Avengers stood up, unlocking their hands and going separate ways.

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