Road Trip

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Steve slowly packed his bag. He did it on purpose for he wasn't ready to see Natasha out by her corvette waiting. He didn't want to keep her waiting, but he was nervous.

There was a knock on his door and he turns around and opens the door. Sam is outside, waiting patiently with a smile. "C'mon man, it's time to go. Also, Clint came by the other day because Fury decided to have him join us. The more the merrier right?" Sam chuckled.

Steve smiled, a real pure smile. He nodded and for the first time, Natasha was off his mind. "Yeah, it'll help us a lot. Hey, does he got his suit?" He asked.

Sam nodded.

"Do you have your suit?"

"Yes Cap, everyone has everything. In fact, Clint is with Natasha as we speak." Sam informed the Captain. With that, Steve was ready and the best buds made their way to the garage. Steve, on the other hand, turned around and jogged towards Tony's room. "Where are you going?" Sam asked.

"Just keep going on." Steve mentioned. Sam shook his head and continued to the garage. Steve stopped and walked into Tony's room. Tony wasn't in there but he left a note, a very imortant note. But he knew he had to put somehwere where it'll take time for Tony to find.

Once Steve was done, he dashed for the garage. When he opened the door, Sam was just walking up to Natasha and Clint. Steve jogged his way over, throwing his shield in the trunk. Natasha was getting in the drivers seat, starting her beautiful black corvette. Clint was in the passenger seat and Sam and Steve made their way to the back.

"Took you guys long enough." Natasha smirked while looking in the rearview mirror. Steve smiled and nodded while looking out the window.

"I had to leave a note for a friend, just in case." Steve added. Sam raised an eyebrow and gave Steve a friendly shove.

"Yeah, whatever!" Sam joked.

As all four of the Avengers rolled onto the interstate heading towards California, Sam fell alseep quickly. Clint was already alseep as he had a long drive to the Avengers head quarters. Steve became bored fairly quick and did what he didn't think to do.


"Hmm?" She said, keeping her eyes on the road as it was far past dark now.

"Why did you cry?" Steve asked. He needed to know why she cried. It was bothering him to the bone. And to be honest, he literally couldn't stop thing about it either.

"The truth is..." Natasha stopped. Steve waited for her to pick up from where she left off. "Nevermind."

"No, tell me." Steve said. He didn't want to sound too curious for the moment.

"I... I can't. If I did, you won't have the answer I'd be looking for." Natasha said as if she knew I didn't have the right answer.

"How do you know?" Steve asked. He'd lie just to make Natasha happy. He'd do anything to make her happy.

"Because I already saw the answer... today in the lounge." Natasha replied quietly. Steve, by then, was longing for a answer from Natasha.

"Natasha, I couldn't stand to see you like that. So please, just tell me." Steve asked one last time. Natasha, feeling that she lost this little arguement, nodded and sighed.

"You want to know?"


"I was jealous of you a--" Natasha pushed on the brakes as a plane came crashing down about a mile in front of us. The brunt force of the immediate stop woke the two others. Natasha exhaled with relief. She didn't really want to tell Steve why she cried, she knew that he didn't love her as she loved him.

"What the hell?" Steve asked himself. Sam was rubbing his eyes but Natasha and Steve started to bark orders. Steve retrieved his shield and ran towards the crash site, leaving behind the others.

"Steve!" Natasha yelled. Steve ignored her and kept going. Clint ran after him but the suler soldier was too fast for the normal human.

Steve ran towards the crash site but stopped in his tracks. The plane was not a plane. There was nothing at all. Only debris of metal parts and yelliw lookinh smoke that seemed to glow. Clint and the others caught up to me and slowed down.

"It was another hologram." Natasha said under her breath. Steve's breathing became harsh and hallow. There was this pressure on his chest too that he couldn't shake off. Whatever it was, it was slowly killing him. He could feel his lungs close in on him and he was gasping for air.

Steve stumbled back, out of the yellow smoke. Just then, Steve realized he walked into a trap set by Mr. Blue himself. Natasha and Sam rushed to Steve's side while Clint searched the perimeter.

"Steve, talk to me!" Sam asked calmly. Well he tried to anyways.

"It's a trap..." Steve sputtered out in between heavy breaths. "For me anyways..." Steve took in another huge breath. "The yellow smoke... it's only effecting me..."

"Pull him away from it." Sam panicked. Natasha rolled her eyes and pointed at Steve.

"He's heavier than me Sam, you'll have to help!" Natasha exclaimed. Her heart was racing. What if Steve didn't make it? Questions like that ran through her head a d she couldn't shake them off. One thing is for sure, Steve was on his own. They couldn't call for hell, and they certainly couldn't trust anyone.

"The perimeter is clear for now. We should head out." Clint said as he lowered his bow down. Natasha mentioned Clint to help her with Steve.

"Falcon, fly up and scout the area. If Hydra troops come our way, we need to know immediately." Natasha order. The Falcon nodded and lifted into the air as powerful wetals wings carried Sam up into the sky.

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