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It was the next sunny day, and no one can find, spot, see or can even track the ship that hovered over Russia just last night. The Avengers were on high alert, walking at fast paces to get to their destination. Tony Stark called over Banner from his leave of absence, and the two were working nonstop. Hacking into all phones, computers, cameras, anything that could give them a visual on the ship. Thor left for New Mexico, asking for Jane's help on where this Hydra bases ship went. Everyone else spent their days either in the lounge, meeting room, their sleeping quarters, or the training facility.

Natasha was tensed but this is how she acted before the alien invasion in 2012. She walked around her black suit, her hair french braided to the side. She scouted the perimeter and the sky every hour, giving all details to Tony. Although they didn't help seeing how there was nothing happening. Steve was helping Vision and Wanda become more precise on landing, kicking, punching. Anything that could help them become better.

"Watch your surroundings. Anything can happen." Steve ordered. He held his shield in his right hand, and his new Captain America suit was on, matching his signature shield.

Wanda nodded and dodged a incoming blow from Sam, the Falcon. Steve watched her close as she dodged his attack. She wasn't using her powers, they were dangerous to use against a teammate. Vision wasn't using his powers either. Both Vision and Wanda were blocking Sam's dive attacks and twirl attacks. Steve was impressed with both sense they were slightly new. Sam, he wasn't technically a Avenger, but he's been in the military and knows what he's doing.

"Rogers," a man's voice startled Steve and he turned around to meet Nick Fury and Agent Hill. "Where's Stark?"

"He's up in the second floor in the lab." Steve replied. Fury nodded and eyed Steve with intense stare.

"You should really focus on the upcoming mission Cap." Fury smirked. Steve's eyes grew wide with surprise. He wasn't that surprised that Fury knew about his little love issue with Romanoff, Nick Fury has enough tools and sights to see it.

"Yessir, sorry sir I just have a troubled mind." Steve mentioned to see if Fury caught on. He nodded and slightly smiled.

"I know Captain." Fury turned around and walked out of the training facility. Steve turned around as Sam landed amd turned towards Steve. Wanda and Vision walked up to them and Steve smiled. He knew that they were finally, really and truly ready.

Tony and Banner, in the other hand, only found the secret hideout at the Army base where Captain America trained and stayed at back in 1945. Whatever they tried, thermal scans amd everything, they couldn't find the spacecraft. Obviously, where ever that thing went, it may come back. Banner obviously agreed with Tony and ordered Natasha to come inside for her safery.

"Copy that." Romanoff said through her intercom. Her voice was staticy but that's normal for a five year old, almost broken down intercom.

Natasha made her way back inside the head quarters, and she accidently bumped into director Nick Fury. He eyed her questionly and wondered why.

"What is it?" She asked. She sounded like she was in a rush because she was in a rush. She needed to get to the facility, she needed to train her shooting skills. She also wanted to give the dummy a good punch or two.

"Nothing. I may call you and Rogers down to my office later. I might have a lead on the spacecraft that I want you two to investigate." Fury warned her. Natasha nodded and started to walk away, leaving a smirking Fury behind.

Natasha was excited. Not only she gets to hangout with Steve, but she can fish her feelings towards him. Make him realize in time that she likes him, like actual likes him. But shw needed to focus, take her mind off of Steve and get back to her mission. She needed to talk to Tony and Banner. Her heart sank. She still loved Banner, but her heart screamed for Steve a lot more these days.

Focus Natasha! Natasha growled to herself. She walked on and took the elevator this time. They opened quickly and she walked in. The peace and quite only lasted a few seconds but the doors opened to loud laughter. Agent Hill and Steve Rogers, alone, laughing and carrying on. Both holding a beer in hand. Vision walked in Natasha's line of sight and smiled.

"You want a beer too? Miss Romanoff." He asked. Natasha stared at Steve with a firm sad face and a broken heart. But none of them noticed.

"No, but thank you. Um, why is everyone celebrating?" Natasha asked, hoping a better answer what she guessing happened.

"Captain Rogers trained yet another successful group of Avengers. Well me and Wanda." Vision chuckled. Natasha stepped out of the elevator as it started to close on her. She smiled slightly and stared at Steve in awe.

"Yeah, he's pretty amazing." Natasha mumbled. Vision looked at Natasha but soon turned to look at Steve. He was smiling with Maria Hill, Fury's personal guard and agent. Natasha's eyes stayed glued on Steve and slowly but surely, her eyes teared up.

Steve was laughing at a joke Maria made that was quite funny. He high fived Maria and turned to see who was at the doorway. But his laughs and jokes disappeared when he saw Natasha staring at him with hurt and watery eyes.

Natasha saw this and quickly walked down the hall to the lab. Steve jumped up and walked after her, calling her name. "Nat!"

Natasha heard this and turned around, staring at her love interest with a soft smile. She didn't want him to worry or stay with her to make sure she was OK, although Natasha wanted that but she couldn't have it. "I'm ok Steve, I really am. I just was checking up on everyone." Natasha said.

Steve didn't buy it one bit and he worried about Natasha. Usually, she never cried. But when she did, it was a rare sight and you'd be called lucky if you ever saw Natasha cry. He walked forward, looking into Natasha's eyes with care. She stayed frozen in place as Steve walked closer. When Steve came face to face with Natasha, he planted a kiss on her forehead and hugged her.

Natasha felt safe, almost lost in Steve's embrace. His muscles already proved to her that he can protect and defend her and everyone else he cares about, and that made her happy. "Right now, your a horrible liar. I'll find out eventually why you're crying." Steve chuckled.

He left the embrace of their hug and started to make his way back to the lounge. Natasha smirked, acting like her old self again. "Ok wonder boy."

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