Six Months Later

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Natasha sat out on a balcony, over looking the field that still carried the wreckage of the plane Steve had taken down. Natasha's stomach has grew, and Natasha grew very tired and sore.

Clint walked up beside her, sitting in the chair beside hers. Her hair was down, her blonde and red hair slightly blowing in the summer's breeze.

"Should I keep the baby?" Natasha asked. Clint, taken back about her remark, leaned forward as he rested a hand on her leg.

"Yeah, that baby is the only thing that can carry Steve Rogers legacy. It's the only thing left of Steve." Clint replied. Natasha nodded. She was keeping the baby, she just needed someone to remind her why.

"He would've been a protective father." Natasha chuckled. Clint nodded and looked out to the field as well.

"Yeah and which reminds me, you still have an unread message on your phone." Clint said, handing Natasha her phone. She looked at the screen and gasped. The screen read 'Steve Rogers.' Clint got up and patted Natasha's shoulder before leaving.

Natasha clicked the message, revealing a video Steve made. The same day he lost his life. She watched the video, smiling through it all.

"Hey Natasha, if your watching this, I'm probably dead and I know I left you and the baby. But Hydra has been my problem my whole life, and taking it down has been a great accomplishment. But you're my greatest accomplishment. In my heart, I'll always love you, no matter what. But, since I'll never return and your gonna be raising a baby alone, I want you to keep growing and keep loving. I don't want you to be alone. Yeah, the Avengers have your back, but eventually you'll find someone else. And I want you to know that it's okay to start loving again because I love you, and our little boy or girl. But I really want it to be a boy. I let you go, so now it's time to let me go. My time is running out now, and I love you dearly. Goodbye my love."

Natasha cried again and laid the phone down gently. She couldn't love someone else, she loved Steve. She lobed Captain America. She loved everything about him and nothing can replace that.

"Hey Natasha!" Tony called over. Natasha stood up and turned around to face her teammate. Tony had a very excited facial experession.

"What is it?" Natasha asked worrily. Tony handed Natasha a piece of paper about Thor. Everyone was invited to his and Jane's wedding in Asguard. Natasha's heart twinged as she thought about Steve. "A wedding invitation?"

"Yes and you're going. You need to get out and breathe new air. You sit down here, every day, looking out at the wreckage that you refuse to let be cleaned up!" Tony cleared his throat to finally spit out the truth. Pepper walked in too, carrying their little daughter. Her name is Morgan.

"It'll be great for you too honey." Pepper added. Natasha nodded slowly and although she didn't want to leave, she nodded her head.

"Great, we leave soon actually. Thor supposed to come get us today." Tony replied. Natasha nodded with a sigh and smiled at the two before the both walked out. Natasha looked at her stomach, she had less then two months to go and anything can happen.

Bruce walked up to her room after Tony. Natasha looked him with a kind smile. "I can help pack, you need to rest."

"I don't need rest." Natasha laughed. Bruce smiled and nodded. He grabbed comfortable clothes for Natasha and he packed them up quickly. Once he was finished, they both left the room and walked down the hall.

"The others are already outside waiting for Thor."

"Ok. This shall be fun." Natasha replied with a bit of sarcasm. They went down the elevator and once they reached the bottom floor, they walked out joining the others. Many were happy to see Natasha, well some. Dr. Strange wasn't there because of a mental battle. T'Challa is a king and had to return to his kingdom. Carrol Danvers was still in space and Peter stayed with them. Although to Natasha and some others, be can be very annoying and too childish.

"Ready?" Tony asked as thunder rolled in on a sunny winter morning. But where the head quarters were loctated, the coldest it can get is like fifty degrees.

"Yes." Some said throughout the little group of Avengers. The rainbow bridge, as Tony calls it, appeared in front of everyone. Tony, have done this before, just walked through. Some were nervous but walked in anways. They were shot up and it took lile a few seconds to end up in a golden place, or room, to meet with Thor and Loki.

"What the-"

"Relax Avengers, Loki has changed. Trust me." Thor replied. Natasha still disliked Loki but she followed Loki and Thor anyways. They walked out, and a huge rainbow bridge stretched across the land. At the end of the bridge, laid a big beautiful palace that had everyone in awe. Natasha clutched her stomach tightly and smiled. Steve would've loved this. "This is called the Bifrost, and it takes us where ever we want in the realms." Thor provided information.

Tony and Pepper held hands as Pepper pushed a stroller along. Bruce walked behind them, talking physics about how this place shouldn't be able to exist with Peter. Clint and Sam was behind Bruce, just talking about Steve. Wanda and Vision behind them, Fury and Maria behind Vision, and finally Natasha behind everyone else. She wasn't ready to be all touchy and personal with the others. She wasn't ready to put herself out ther again.


Natasha sat out on a deck, overlooking Asgard. Sbe was amazed to see the many different galaxies and stars. Plus, knowing that Steve sacrificed himself to save one whole planet from Hydra, that made Natasha feel slightly better.

Thor watched Natasha stand on the deck, looking out. Only Thor knew a secret that no one else knew, including his now wife Jane. But his father also knew, because his father found it and gave it to Thor.

"Are you going to tell them?" His father, Odin asked.

"Eventually." Thor mumbled. Odin nodded and smiled as the looked out at the sun.

"Steve's shield is being sent back to Earth. But, Thor my son, the time is running out. He's coming with Steve as his child." Odin warned. Thor's heart broke hearing the sadden news. Natasha would be thrilled to hear thr news that he's alive, but she won't be happy to hear that he's not who he was before.

"Thanos can't have him forever. We will get him back." Thor nodded at his father and both looked out, watching Natasha as she rubbed her stomach with such care.

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