A Lead

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Steve and Natasha slowly made their way to the old, run down Army base where Steve trained. The secret facility, still torn to pieces by the missle launch. But Steve wasn't focused on that, he was staring at a fairly new building off in the distance. It was covered with trees that no one could see it from the road.

Steve looked behind to Natasha who walked quietly behind him. He mentioned her to be on alert as the two slowly approached the building. He looked up towards the sky as Sam, the Falcon, soared high in the air, keeping visual on his fellow teammates. Clint was perched up on a higher point, a hill over looking the whold base. Steve walked up to the door, checking it out and running his fingers on the frame to see if the door was rigged. It was not. It wasn't locked either, despite Hydra's knowing of Steve and Natasha hunting them down. But Steve opened rhe door anyways and walked into a dark space. There was a desk in the corner, barely noticable but no one was there. There was some hope as to a light as the end of the hallway. Steve made his way down the hall, watching his every step as Natasha did the same.

The two were very focused and not thinking about anything else. They needed to find evidence that Corwin Blue was here and that he worked for Pierce. All they need was a Hydra operative or a Hydra file worker who knows everything.

But when they appoached the door, the two heard muffled voices behind the door. Steve, nor Natasha, could make out what words they were saying but it did put both of them on high alert. Steve took his shield and burst through the door to find no one in here, but an audio recording on a old cell phone.

"Damnit." Natasha whispered under her breath as she became angry at the dead end they ran into.

"That's a bad word darling." A man's voice made both Avengers jump. They quickly turn around and Steve's fears grown stronger. The man, Corwin, was much taller than Steve. Maybe a full head taller, more broad shoulders, much more muslces, and hee was just scary.

"Ah, the man I was looking for." Natasha smiled. Her hand was right beside her gun and she was ready to grab it.

Steve, scaref as hell, moved his shield slightly in front of him and Natasha. He looked at Corwin and tried to give him the meanest glare. "Corwin, the man I will destroy." Steve smirked.

Corwin laughed and started ro walk circled around the two little warriors. But Natasha cared about was the love and protection from Steve.

"You know, when I was a boy, I read books about you. I admired you! But you took one thing from me that I loved." Corwin snapped out of the blue that made the Avengers jump ince again. But somehow, Steve had the urge to throw his shield at the giant and he did just that.

The shield went flying across the room, through Corwin and it the wall, then came flying back to Steve without a disruption.

"Just so you know Captain, I'm five steps ahead of you." Corwin smiled amd disappeared. It turned out that both Natasha and Steve knew that was a hologram. Just like the spacecraft and plane. Corwin was messing with our heads, maybe to distract us from the actual big issue.

"Clint, Sam, stand down. It was a hologram again. A dead in. Page this to Fury." Natasha said into her earpiece. Steve watched her look around this place until she paused to look at Steve himself. She smiled slightly and Steve just had to do it, just in case.

"I have my eye out for this one girl, and damn... she amazes me everyday." Steve said. Natasha listened carefully, hoping for a good hint Steve was giving out. But she couldn't find it even though she tried so hard to look for it.

"Yeah? Well, you know who I have my eyes out for." Natasha tried to tease Steve. But for some reason, Steve's pain in his chest grew. He couldn't wait to tell her, for all he knows, Steve could be walking into a death trap just for him.

"Well I guess we better get going," Steve said and he watched Natasha's face turn towards a slightly, almost bored way. "We might need the rest of the Avengers."

"Steve," Natasha took out her earpiece and put it in her pocket quickly. Steve watched with confusion, although his heart danced in his chest as he knew what was coming. Natasha's eyes said it all. "Tell me your answer. I'm ready to be turned down."

"It's you."

"What?" Natasha was surprised by Steve's quick response. Her body became stiff as a bored when Steve slowly walked her way.

"It's you, it's always been you after our little mission back in D.C." Steve smiled.

"Yeah, same for me." Natasha smiled. She wanted to run up and kiss him but maybe that was too soon? Natasha really did need to get nack outside and head down to the next coordinates of Hydra's bases. But she didn't want to leave this moment, not when it's dark and not when she finally wants Steve to take her away.

"Natasha," Steve was leaning down for a slow kiss. Natasha, with excitement rising, raised her head. Slowly their lips touched. At first, it was a normal kiss before the pulled apart. Steve and Natasha looked into each other's eyes before diving back in for a more passionate kiss. Steve pushed Natasha up against the wall and reached out to close the door leading into the room.

Both thought this was wrong time to do this, but when will they ever get the chance to do this? Basically never since both Avengers live with the rest of the Avengers and knowing Tony and Thor, you never get privacy.

But, Steve and Natasha pulled back at the same time. Taking deep breaths and rest their foreheads on each others. "I love you."

"I love you too." Natasha replied to Steve.

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