Steve Grant Rogers

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Natasha due date was in a few days and she left the Avengers behind, not forever, but until she could finally build the courage to go back. But she needed to regain courage to be a single mother, plus being alone with no one to help her give birth. She always replayed scenes in her head of what her future could've been. Steve comforting her during birth, holding her tight afterwards, and damn... the look on Steve's face whem he found out it was going to be a boy. Natasha smiled, parking her black corvette at the Smithsonian parking lot. Her stomach wasn't overall huge, and as the doctor said, the baby isn't that big... surprisingly. Still, people stared at Natasha, knowing she was Bluck Widow and pregnant with who's baby? They were going to fimd that out today. Yes today, as the world will finally be told the sad news that happened awhile ago.

She wasn't excited to do it, but she told Tony she would do it. So she continued to walk forward, knowing that there is a section of the museum dedicated to our Patriotic Hero, Captain America. She wanted to see that area, she wanted to feel connected to Steve before the baby, she wanted to know how Peggy felt when he "died" and left her alone on Saturday at eight o clock. Steve was late for that, and he was certainly late for his baby's arrival.

As Natasha walked in, she didn't have to go through security. But people parted ways for the twenty eight year old Avenger to walk through, some reaching out to touch her get the news early. Many people had theories of what the news was about, some already knew because they saw what happened at a far distance. But Natasha gave them her fake happy smile, shaking hands with some. But deep down, she wanted to scream and call for Steve.

Something caught the eye of Black Widow, a woman ans a baby. A baby girl and Natasha walked up to them. They were happy and the woman looked at Natasha and hugged her with one arm. "I know, I'm sorry."

"Thank you." Natasha whispered, surprised as the woman already knew. The woman nodded and laid her free hand on Natasha's stomach and smiled.

"He or She... will take after the father. I will miss the Captain." The woman cried softly. Security startes to nudge Natasha to walk on, but that point in time, Natasha let her feelings flow oit with her tears. She thanked the woman again and moved down to the Captain America section.

Natasha looked around, hoping to find Steve deep undercover with a hat on his head to hide his identity. If that was the case and Natasha saw him, she would be mad and happy, but she knew deep down he was dead and not coming back this time.

She continued to walk along, toyching clothes that sat put for people to touch. Clothes that Steve actually wore and some even had his dried old blood on it. Natasha watched some old black and white videos of Steve, many if them were in battles. But one was Natasha's favorite, and it was Steve's video made about himself. A interview with Howard Stark, and it was about his whole life before the incident. Howard was there for support and hardly talked in the video. But Steve laughed and carried on, making Natasha's heart a little jealous. She didn't have enough time with Steve and quite frankly, she hated herself for confessing too late. She should've done years ago, before she hid hee feelings by dating Bruce.


She turned around, hoping it was Steve but saw Tony, followed by a lot of fans. Well Tony was behind her, along with Pepper, Sam, Bucky, Thor and Bruce. Natasha smiled and hugged everyone as security tried to keep the huge crowd from tackling the few Avengers that came to support Natasha.

"Tony... everyone." Natasha replied. Pepper carried little Morgan behind Tony. And Morgan smiled at Natasha.

"It's time Nat..." Tony was tensed and he wasn't acting like himself, not yet atleast. Everyone was sad again as they're going to watch the world's reaction to Steve Rogers death.

"Ok..." Natasha whispered. She walked  into a huge room, almost like a theatre. The stage was set and camera crews were ready to go live. Natasha took a deep breath and waited for everyone to come walking in.

More people walked in than Natasha thought would. But the more knew, the less she'll have to announce it. But she also had to pee really bad, ad she felt like she was going to pop. But she couldn't when Tony gave her a thumbs up.

"Hello everyone. I'm here, on the behalf of Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. Today, we have some news that'll change the world... forever. Captain America, leader of Avengers, America's first Avenger, has died in action. Steve Rogers died a Hero, taking down Hydra, a enemy of Steve's since the very beginning. He sacrificed himself for this world and what have we done to deserve a man like Steve. Gosh, what a world." Natasha chuckled. "I will miss him terribly, and after I give birth to his child, I believe his child will carry on his legacy. I loved Steve, and I always will and always have. America, you've lost a great soldier, a moment of silence please."

Natasha stood still and everyone bowed their heads. Natasha smiled as she had one more thing to say, something to give the peopls hope. "Thank you. As time goes by, I believe Steve will come again because part of my heart believes he's out there. He's survived a plane crash before, and he can do it again. We love you Steve."

Natasha waved goodbye as many people rushed ro the stage, asking her questions. Security held them off though but Natasha wanted to leave. She couldn't breathe and she needed to pee. Tony and the others followed her out but Natasha paused and looked at her black sports leggings. She felt a pop and could feel something trickle down her leg. Tony and Bruce looked at her with frantic faces.

"Um... is this supposed to happen?" Natasha asked. Pepper smiled and rubbed her back slowly.

"Yes Nat, you're in labor. But don't worry, we're leaving now." Pepper said calmly. Although, the boys didn't help much. Buck and Sam started to race towards Tony's mini van as Tony rushed as well, carrying sweet little Morgan Stark to the van. Pepper sat Natasha in her corvette after they made it inside and Pepper got in the passenger seat.

Natasha held her stomach, no contractions came yet but Natasha knew what happened because she was there when Morgan was born. And boy did that scare Natasha to the bone!

Natasha just closed her eyes, wishing Steve was right beside her, taking her hand and telling her it's all ok. A contraction came, and Natasha sealed her mouth shut and held her breath. Her eyes squinted shut. Pepper sped up, running red lights and dodging traffic. In a few minutes, Natasha's life passed before her eyes.

She was rushed into the hospital with Tony demanding for the best doctors like he did with Pepper. Then she was on the bed, hours later and pushing one little baby that did now want to come out. Now, Natasha was holding her son, Grant Rogers, in her arms.

"That name is beautiful." Pepper smiled. Natasha smiled as she snuggled her newborn closer to her.

"I took Steve's middle name." Natasha said.

Within the night, all of the Avengers were in Natasha's room, awing over the last baby carrying Steve's blood. Plus, Tony was excited to train two new Avengers, hopefully an Iron Woman and Captain America II. Natasha was second guessing the hero name, given the fact it was Steve's in the first place,  but she wasn't against Tony teaching Grant how to be a hero. And now, with everyone beside her, looking at this cute little baby in her arms, she couldn't wait to show tje world that the Avengers will be stronger than ever. But... who knows what's lurking in the universe....

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