Our Time

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Steve amd Natasha didn't tell the others about their makeout session. Mostly because Tony and Fury would make a big deal out of it. But now, they were all heading back to the Avengers head quarters because we have new recruits coming in and Fury wanted us to come back anyways.

Natasha liked this idea. Maybe she and Steve can get alone time and talk about their thing going on now. That's all the two ever thought about on the car ride home, but they weren't prepared for the upcoming day.


"Quiet guys, it's about twelve am." Clint warns as everyone quietly heads to their specific rooms in the Avengers head quarters. Clint and Sam slept in the guest room until Tony added more sleeping quarters. That man was always busy.

But Steve and Natasha were alone, and Natasha didn't want to be alone tonight. She didn't know why, but her gut was telling her to stay with Steve for as long as she can. Steve wanted her to stay as well but was too scarrd to ask.

"Steve, can I stay with you tonight?" Natasha asked. Steve, surprised and also a little happy, nodded and went straight to his room. Steve's room was special, it wasn't as luxury as Tony's little penthouse, but it was located at the back of the hall, kinda from the other rooms.

Steve reached his door and opened it slowly, letting Natasha in first. Steve followed behind her, both nervous to start a conversation between the two. "What side do you want?" Steve asked nicely.

Natasha looked at the bed, then to Steve. "Whatever side you have." She replied quietly.

Steve blushed and started to undo his suit. It took him awhile to get out of his to reveal he was in a tank top and his boxers. A little nervous, he turned around to see Natasha in a bra and underwear. He smiled as she didn't see him do so, but she coukd sense it which made herseld blush in the moment too.

But then a electric pulse shot through her body and she turned around. Steve was surprised to see Natasha walk his way quickly and kiss him hard again. Steve has never seen this side of Natasha before, but he loved it. He kissed her back, loving every minute of it. Natasha, though, started to slip his shirt off. But before she could finish, Steve picked her up and laid her down on the bed. Natasha smiled as she looked into Steve's blue eyes. Steve leaned over Natasha, kissing her neck smoothly. Natasha worked on his shirt first and Steve didn't mind. Then she moved to the boxers, Steve still didn't care. If Natasha wantes this, so did he. And right now, Natasha hand the reins. Steve worked on Natasha's underwear first, slipping them off with such grace that Natasha almost moaned but she kept quiet. Steve then took off her bra without any trouble.

Both were madly in love and they couldn't stop. It was the complete opposite actually, they wanted more. But Natasha didn't think about the consequences on the road ahead.


Steve and Natasha wome up early. They gathered their things from last night and Steve headed towards his shower and Natasha to her room. They couldn't get caught, not that it's a rule that they couldn't date, but it was too soon to tell everyone.

Steve and Natasha both got their showers and a new change of clothes in their own rooms. They still were up way before Tony and Pepper's alarm went off.

So, Steve walked out into the lounge to start breakfest for everyone. Wanda was surprisingly up to with Vision already in the lounge drinking coffee and reading the morning newspaper. Today was a nervous day and a happy day. New team members were now walking into Avengers, and all have special abilities.

"Are you guys excited?" Tony asked loudly as he walked in with Pepper. All of them nodded. Then Clint and Natasha walked in and Steve winked at her. She smiled and sat down beside Wanda. Thor and Jane walked into the lounge also, a big loud cheer erupted as Jane entered. Everyone loved her because she was very, very smart. Then Sam and Bruce and Rhodey walked in as they were the last ones. Rhodey just got back from therapy when he injured his back, amd everyone was pleased to see him.

"How you doing?" Wanda asked Jane. Jane smiled and nodded as Thor wrapped an arm around her.

"I'm doing good, thanks for asking. Thor's been teaching me combat skills like you agents." Jane replied. Steve and Tony's eyes shot towards Jane. That was perfect, the more strong Avengers we get, the more chances we have of beating Thanos.

"Congrats Jane, it's really great if you to join the team." Steve smiled. Natasha raised an eyebrow and Steve chuckled. Tony, looking back amd forth between the two, decided to walk up to Steve to help out with breakfest.

"I saw that, you know." Tony chuckled. Steve shook his head and shrugged as he flipped a pancake perfectly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Steve couldn't keep going because he remembered what he wrote on the letter that was directed towards Tony.

"You can play like that Rogers, but you're not fooling me." Tony warned as he snatched a nice hot and ready pancake off the plate.

As Steve cooked and evergone chattered about the New Avengers, Tony wondered if this plave is going to be big enough. Fury is bringing in this chick everyone wants to meet, Tony met two new guys. One a wizard and the other a spider-man? Steve didn't know, but he couldn't care less. He was just excited to be with the girl he's been in love with for almost a full year.

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