Now... Here

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All the Avengers stood outside in the sun as Tony and Steve stood in front of the crowd. Pepper was slightly behind Tony, she was excited to get the team growing when the time was right, put the leadership rules into new hands.

As the Avengers medium sized helocarrier that landed in the lawn. Tony looked at Steve and them two start to walk forward, with everyone in their suits, Tony's mask fell forward. He was now Iron Man as Steve was now Captain America. Director Fury walled out first as the back opened. He was greeted by Steve and Tony and he then turned around to mention the first new Avenger. A young woman walked out, she was in a red, blue, and gold suit with a weird looking star on her chest. She was as tall as Steve which kind of made Steve admire her.

"Captain Marvel, this is Captain America and Iron Man. Leaders of the Avengers. Steve," Fury pointed to steve, "leads the teams and gives orders. Tony," Fury then pointed to Tony, "he purchases and privides the Avengers with anything and everything they need."

"Hey boys, my name is Carrel Danvers. Trust me, I'm not here ti take your place Cap." Carrel laughed as she shook hands with Steve and Tony.

"I didn't think you were going to." Steve replied nicely. Carrel nodded and walked towards the rest of the Avengers who greeted her kindly. Next was a teenage boy that Tony talked about all the time. His name was Spider-Man, a.k.a. Peter Parker.

"This is Spider-Man, meet Iron Man amd Captain America." Fury said as the boy walked out with the biggest smile. Steve shook hands with Peter, but Tony, nah man, he hugged Peter because Peter was like a son to him.

Peter walked towards Captain Marvel's direction amd stood by her. Steve and Tony waited for the two last recruits that they already met. Black Panther and Dr. Strange. They known them for awhile and they're finally accepting the request to join the Avengers.

"Steven and T'Challa, welcome back." Tony smiled. Both men nodded and shook the hands of their leaders, even though one of them was a king.

But something caught the eye of Steve. Another new Anvenger? No, it couldn't be, Dr. Strange was supposed to be the last. Director Fury went through all the recruits that were on the list, maybe he brought an extra though. Steve didn't seem to mind to much but the new recruit seemed lost and he started walked away from Tony.

"Sir!" Steve yelled. The man stopped and turned around. Steve stiffened and so did Natasha, Clint, and Sam. Corwin was there, actually fully there. He walked up to Steve leaning down and whispering in the Captain's ear. "I told you before, I'm five steps ahead of you. If you fight me now, I'll kill her." Corwin threatens the Captain.

Steve exhales slowly and clenches his jaw and grips his shield. "I'll give you four hours, after that, I will kill you."

"Good, it'll buy me time."


A few hours later, with one more to go for Corwin, all the new Avengers were in the training facility. Carrel Danvers had the power of basically energy. Dr. Strange was a wizard and the rest of the New Avengers were animals or insects. But no one was judging.

Tony was still in his suit, ready to basically fight the new Avengers. Steve was too as no other original Avenger was aloud to fight, that wouldn't be fair to the newies. "Fight!" Steve yelled.

Steve charged at Black Panther, which easily enough, dodged a swift kick to the left. But Steve kept going, watching his suit glow purple. Steve threw his shield at Carrel, who fell out of the air from flying. Tony was shooting at Spider-Man, well not technically, it was to help train Peter to dodge anything and he was doing well. Corwin looked at his watch while watching Steve, the four hours passed.

Corwin charged at Steve, kicking at him. Steve saw this and tried to stop him but it was no use. Steve flew back into the concrete wall, putting a nasty dent in it too. Everyone stopped fighting or taining, whatever they called it. "Cap, you good?"

"Get them outta here. It's Hydra's leader!" Steve yelled. Iron Man didn't think twice as he gathered everyone and rushed them through the back door.

Thor, Natasha, Clint, Sam, Wanda, Vision, Pepper, and Jane all watched drom the watch box near the ceiling of the training facility dome. Their hearts were pounding and Thor went to grab his hammer but was stopped.

"Don't," Tony mumbled as the new Avengers, plus Fury stood behind them. "Let Steve take him down."

"Tony what if-"

"Natasha, I know you really care about Steve. But right now, there are ships flying towards us. And maybe they're bringing an army of Hydra soldiers so we have to focus on that!" Tony demanded. Everyone didn't talk back because Tony was the boss. So was Steve but he was too busy right now as a punching bag for Corwin.

On the other hand, Steve couldn't hardly get a punch in. Corwin came with one big blow packed in. Anyways, Steve couldn't even see out of his right eye was swollen shut, his lip was busted open and Steve could've sworn he had cracked ribs because it hurt to breathe.

"I sent the toxic smoke bomb, I saw you and Natasha admit that you love each other, I saw you two makeout, I saw you two last night! I've been watching you Captain and I want to be the one that ends you!" Corwin punched Steve right in the nose and picked him up without troublem Steve dangled there and faced his broken and bloody body toward the watch box where everyone could see and hear what Corwin said.

"Is this your Captain? Is this really who you want to lead the God Almighty Avengers? Wow, one hundred years can really do something to him huh?" Corwin laughed. Steve found it hard to breathe and tried to kick Corwin but failed. "Ha! Anywho, I've got an army coming and if you so much as try to attack any Hydra man, you'll be dead."

From within the watch box, no breath could be heard. Even when Corwin revealed Natasha's and Steve's secret, no one seemed to care. They just looked at the battered, broken down body that they depend on to lead into victory. But that didn't change anything, everyone still wanted Steve as their leader but they were surprised he didn't win.

"Natasha, congrats about Steve but we need to stand down." Tony mentioned. Natasha didn't reply, she couldn't really. She was scared, she was afraid that is she did, she'll be the ond for Cap's death. And she couldn't lose him now.

"Tony," Thor asked gribbing his hammer. Banner, with a sad face after from what he heard, looked at Tony with the same meaningful face. "We need a decision, attack or stand down."

"Stand down." Tony whispered.

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