Blue's Message

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Steve's eyes fluttered open slowly eith the help of the sun gleaming into a hotel room. He sat up rubbing his eyes awake. Steve didn't remember this part of the road trip, he just remembers passing out on a road.

He swung his feet over the bed and realized there was only one bed in this hotel room. With confusion, Steve looked behind him. Natasha was asleep in the same bed just on the other side. Steve could see how peaceful she looked and how beautiful she looked while asleep.

Steve laid back down, not because he was with Natasha, but because he had a major head ache. But he couldn't go back to sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Natasha sleeping with him. But a few minutes later, Natasha slowly woke up. She herself checked "sleeping" Steve's vitals and let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god," Natasha whispered as Steve still slept peacefully. Though she didn't know that Steve was acting alseep and doing a damb good job at it. "I thought I lost you." She mumbled.

With that, Natasha watched Steve breathe which gave her comfort. After all, he almost died from a toxic gas that wasn't toxic to us. Only him. It was a clear message from Corwin Blue that he really wanted Steve dead.

There was a knock on the door and Natasha opened the door after looking through the eye piece. Clint and Sam come in loudly, not knowing Steve was still "sleeping."

"Quiet, Cap is still asleep." Natasha smiled. Clint gave her a curious look and when Natasha realized it, tje smile quickly vanished. Sam walked over to Steve's side of the bed and nudged him. Steve moaned a bit and Sam nudged him again. Finally, Steve decided to stop acting asleep and just get up and start the day.

"What... what happened?" Syeve croaked.

"This toxic gas almost killed you brother. But Natasha saved you." Clint informed the sleepy Captain. Steve looked her way and nodded.

"Oh, ok." Steve mumbled while standing up. His legs were still quite wobbly and jelly feeling from the left over side effects from the gas. Sam caught him and sat Steve back on the bed. He hated feeling helpless and weak, but it sure got him closer to Natasha

"I'm happy you're awake Captain, but we need to get going. We have to find those files at the old Army base." Clint rushed.

Steve nodded and Sam helped Steve with his suit. Some parts Steve did himself because he was self conscious about his body in this state. His shield seemed heavier but that was probably normal after breathing in toxic gas created just to kill you.

"Clint, we need to pack up the car." Sam suggested. Clint nodded and the boys left without Steve and Natasha. Borh of them were still getting ready.

"You never did finish your sentence last night." Steve mentioned. Natasha looked at him and shrugged.

"Yeah, so." She replied. Steve huffed and looked up at her, holding his helmet and shield.

"You said you'll tell me. If you don't want me to reply after you tell me, I won't." Steve said. Natasha thought long and hard. Steve almost died and he might be in greater danger than everyone thought. He could even die on this mission because of the other enhanced super soldier or human, whatever he is.

"Fine, but please, I don't need judgement or an answer. I just need you to listen." Natasha said. Steve nodded and looked at Natasha closely, hoping for her to start speaking.

"I cried because I might, and don't laugh at me, I might have feelings for you. I'm not saying I love you, I mean I wouldn't go to drastic measures because I know you don't feel the same. But seeing you with Maria, laugh and smiling with her, it made me jealous. So there, I said it. And now, I probably ruined our friendship because you might think this is awkward or disgusting. But then again, you asked for it and I--"

Steve cut Natasha off with a hug out of nowhere. At first, she was startled but then she slowly hugged back. "Are you done yet?"

Steve couldn't believe his ears or believe Natasha herself. She always said love was for children and how she never loved someone before Banner.

"I'm that annoying?" Natasha asked quietly. Steve shook his head no but pulled away from the hug.

"Do you still want me to keep my answer to myself still?" Steve asked. Natasha, feeling relieved and better about telling Steve, nodded.

"Yeah, I don't feel like I'm ready to be turned down again." Natasha smiled slightly as she picked up her bag. She walked out, followed by Steve. Both sat in the back this time and Steve wished they were alone. He wished Clint was back with his family and Sam was back at the Avengers head quarters, both safe from all other dangers. He wished that he could just take Natasha into his arms, cuddle, kiss, hug her forever. But she'll never know how he feels because he promised Natasha he wouldn't respond.

Clint whistled and I looked away from the window, staring at Sam and Clint who sat in front. "So, let's play truth and truth!" Clint mention with a mischievous smile.

"Oooh, who to go first?" Natasha sang to herself. Clint came to a stop light and looked back at Steve.

"You." He said. Of course Steve saw that coming and smirked, ready for a challenge.

"Ok but I need a question to give you a answer." I reply. Sam and Clint whisper to each other, both looking back at me.

"Do you still love Peggy and Sharon?" Natasha asked. I turned towards Natasha who stared at the window. The light turned green and Clint drove forward slowly. We were reaching our destination quickly and I had to give an answer, one that'll sooth Natasha's nerves, but on that doesn't give a answer.

"No, I don't. I'll always, somewhere in my heart, love Peggy. I never really spent time with Sharon enough to really, truly love her. But, I do love someone." Steve replies. It was quiet ans Natasha looked at him with hopeful eyes. It was like they were pleading for his new love to be Natasha. If only they knew they were right.

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