Avengers.... Assemble

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Steve, Tony, Thor, Hulk, Natasha, and Clint walked out to the middle of a huge field beside the head quarters. Tensions grew and nerves almost became numb. Corwin stood with his army, smirking at the small group of Avengers.

"Captain, you're up fast. Too bad your not in the best of shape." Corwin chuckled. Steve snickered and ordered the rest of the Avengers to stay behind as he continued to meet Corwin in the middle.

Corwin and Steve's faces became inches apart as they stood with firm bodies and faces that screamed death. "Why were you hunting me?"

"Because you killed my uncle, the only man raising me after my parents died!" Corwin yelled. Steve flinched because he wasn't the one who killed Pierce. Natasha killed Pierce but Steve couldn't let Corwin know that.

"I didn't kill your uncle, I don't know who did!" Steve yelled back. The Avengers can hear the conversation going on, they waited to signal the new Avengers plus a few older ones, but Natasha couldn't let Steve take the blame for something he didn't do. Natasha walked forward, not following the plan. Steve didn't know about her sudden move, but yet, he could never stop the Black Widow.

Once Natasha pushed Steve aside, startling him with the sudden force. "Steve didn't kill your uncle. I was the one who pulled the trigger." Natasha said.

Corwin frowned and looked at her belly then back at Steve. "Too bad you'll be losing two loved ones."

Corwin raised his hand, about to punch Natasha in the face, but Steve reacted quick. He took his shield amd blocked the oncoming punch. Then all hell broke lose. Tony raised his hand and lifted off into the air. Captain Marvel and Scarlett Witch came out, flying out of the bushes. Dr. Strange and Black Panther ran out from behind rocks, and Spider-Man came from the tree tops. Rhodey Followed Captain Marvel and Maria ran out from behind other rocks.

Tony Stark and Rhodey flew in the sky, focusing on the mini jets that flew ahead that shot down at the ground. Tony flipped forward in the air and fired out of his chest. Rhodey shot down anything that moved along with the mini jets, just to be sure. Captain Marvel slowly but surely took down the huge helocarriers that refused to go down. Scarlett Witch smashed Hydra soldiers with huge boulders with her weird red glowing powers. As Vision destroyed other Hydra jets wirh his mind stone. Peter was swinging on his webs but was knocked down by a gun shot to his leg. Jane, who came along with Maria, rushed to his aid.

"Hold on Peter." She said with confidence. Corwin saw that his team was losing the battle, so he called on the hounds. They weren't actual dogs, but guns loaded with full Tesseract power. And when you shoot them, they soumd like hounds on a trail.

Corwin took a hound himself and aimed at someone that will weaken the team. He saw Jane and Natasha, which one? That was easy. Jane, although Natasha killed his uncle, she was also watching Corwin with a close eye. So he fired at Jane, hitting her in the back. She yelped and fell over Peter as he whine in pain, struggling to get back up. Thor, saw this also amd with anger in his sould, he raised his hammer and slammed the ground, the ground erupting in many lightning bolts. He rushed to Jane's side as a blue mist flowed through her cells. Thor has seen this before and the onlu way to save her is to take her back to Asguard to save her.

"Thor!" Tony called as he landed on the ground, a huge fire erupted on the battlefield, causing the scene ro become more intense.

"I have to save her, But I will return shortly." Thor replied, he picked Jane up and called out a name all too familiar. A rainbow looking thing came down and startled Tony.

"I should be used to that rainbow by now." He mumbled as he lifted off. Falcon was on the ground right beside Steve and Natasha who were fighting really well. But the Hydra soldiers just kept on coming. Steve was in a battle with a big buff guy with another one coming his way, Sam was busy but Natasha already took down another guy. She heard Steve grunt as he held a man in a headlock. She ran, flipped over, and kicked the other buff guy in mid air, landing on her butt.

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