Chapter Ten: The Season of Giving

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Why did I ever think that I could fight this feeling and run away from her? If just touching her made me feel like I was on fire, kissing her, well kissing her made me feel like I was finally alive, and all the years before her I was nothing more than a phantom killing the time until I would meet her.

She said that she understood secrets, and as much as I was glad that she wouldn't pry into mine, I was curious about hers. What secrets could she possibly have for someone so young? I also came to realize that as hard as I thought it would be to leave her before, I now knew that it would be impossible. Without her, I didn't think I would be able to breathe, and that thought scared me more than the order and a horde of vampires combined. I needed to get my thoughts together and come up with a game plan. I needed to figure out a way of escaping the order without them coming after me, and how to keep Eerie safe in case they did. I knew that she could take care of herself with common thugs, but these guys had been trained for decades to kill, and it would seem that some of them didn't mind having human blood on their hands.

As the days, I spent here in this town with Eerie turned to weeks, I was still at a loss as to how I was going to get us both out from under the order's radar, and as Christmas quickly approached, I knew that they were itching for a kill order, which they were never going to get. Other than that, looming over our heads, the time I spent with Eerie was almost magical, even when we were doing the most mundane things like studying or watching movies, which she seemed to own a lot of, or if we were just playing in the park, which seemed to have become our place. Everything seemed to be going so fast that I wish I had a way to make time itself freeze.

Then one day, only a couple days before Christmas and Eerie's birthday, I was walking out of one of the local antique shops with Eerie's Christmas present in hand, and also with a rather large dent in my bank account. Then as I walked briskly back to my apartment to hide said gift in a place I knew she couldn't snoop in, I pulled out my phone and called her on the way saying to meet me at our park in an hour. Just as I looked down to put my phone back in my pocket, I bumped into something solid, but it wasn't until that something made a noise that I realized that it was a person. I looked up to say a brief apology, and when I saw her face I was confused,

"Eerie?" The girl before me froze and quickly paled, but it was those gray eyes of her's that seemed frantic and afraid. She did anything but meet my eyes again as she scanned the ground for the sunglasses that she must have dropped in our collision. I knew that my eyes were wide and that my mouth was hanging open, but I couldn't say anything, because I didn't know what to think. Well, that's not completely true, I wanted to think that maybe this girl could be Eerie's sister, the very one that she thought was dead. I was also thinking that maybe this girl could have been the one that was saved by Shepard all those years ago. But before I could ask her anything she just grabbed her shades off the ground and bolted down the street as if she'd just seen a ghost, and I was left with yet another mystery to solve. It was at that moment that I knew that I had to do everything in my power to find Shepard and figure out everything that he knew, about the raid and about the girl that he saved, which was going to be nearly impossible to do without calling in a favor or using some saved up blackmail. A plan began to form in my head as I walked the rest of the way to my apartment, and I could feel the smile spreading across my face and most of it was sinister.

Later that night, after I had made sure that Eerie was safely at home, I pulled up the video chat icon on my now new computer, thanks to a certain someone's inability to leave things alone. Just then, the person that I wanted to talk to came into focus,


"Jeez Ethan, it's like 3 am what are you doing calling so late?" I smiled that smile I knew that he hated because it always meant that I knew exactly what he had been doing, that I was not above using the information to get what I wanted. He sighed as he lowered his blonde head and asked, "What is it you know, and what do you want for it?" I folded my hands in front of me as I said,

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