Chapter Twenty-Nine: Inside the Lions Den

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I felt myself slowly fading from Ethan's mind, and just as I became aware of my surroundings again, I was dumped onto the tile floor of my cell hard. I groaned as I shifted onto my back and made sure that my new hospital gown covered me. I blinked a few times to get rid of the fuzziness, but it wasn't dissipating. I needed to feed or I was going to die. I lifted my right arm up so I could really get a look at the silver thing they put in my arm that would drain all my blood and keep me from healing. I sighed and thought about pulling it out, but that would require more energy than I currently had. I felt my eyes flutter closed, and then I heard her voice calling my name. I smiled and opened my eyes to see her sitting right beside me with tears in her eyes,

"Nemnogo, mouse." She took my hand in hers as her tears began to fall,

"I'm so sorry I couldn't remember you, but I remember now. I saw you die, Eerie. That night, I saw that man who took you out of this cell stab you in the chest." I shook my head as I patted her cheek with my free hand and took a deep breath,

"Wasn't dead, almost, but not dead. Kai and Baen...they saved me...changed me." I closed my eyes against the lights,

"Eerie?" I forced my eyes open again as I said,

"Still here...they made me different...daylighter." I tried to scratch at the skin where the silver in my arm was touching, but all I managed to do was shift it and cause myself more pain. Daya noticed what I was trying to do and began to try and remove the implants. I shook my head again, "You're allergic to silver.., makes you itch." She smiled as she continued what she was doing,

"So are you." I nodded and let her carefully remove them. Once she had them out she looked down at my arms and said, "We need to bandage you up." I shook my head,

"Will...heal...need...need..." I trailed off, it was getting harder and harder think, and my breath was becoming more labored. I was dying, and Daya had to see it again.

"What is it? What do you need?" I shivered and groaned at the pain it caused,

"Blood...need...blood." Daya then held her arm out to me and said,

"Take it." I shook my head and turned myself on my side as I wheezed out,

"Too much." I could hear the sob in her throat,

"Eerie, you are dying. I can't watch that again. Please just take it." That was when we heard that sadistic voice radiating from the speakers,

"Look at the self-sacrificing lamb. Don't you know that your sister is a wolf?" I cringed because Daya was going to learn what I am, and what I could be capable of if my control slipped. She glared up at the camera,

"Better than being a rat." I coughed out a laugh as he continued,

"It would seem that your sense of humor is a genetic thing. Daya, your sister is dying, and once she loses what little control she has, she is going to kill you. She will rip into your throat and drain you dry." She just shrugged,

"I guess it would be my time to go then, but I doubt that will happen." He scoffed at her optimism,

"And why is that?"

"Because she will heal all by herself." I giggled and closed my eyes as I listened to them banter, as long as he distracted her from trying to give me her blood I could die and not hurt her. I felt myself drifting away when I suddenly had a vision of Ethan and my pulse jumped. I smiled that he had that effect on me even while I was dying, and the thought of leaving him made my chest ache so badly that I thought that my heart was going to explode. Then as if by magic, I began to feel the rush of blood through my veins once again. I took a deep gasping breath as my eyes opened wide. I could feel it. I could feel my body healing itself without any outside blood. My body was making its own blood, something that vampires weren't supposed to be able to do. I sat up as I watched the wounds on my arms close and looked over to Daya,

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