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Four Months Later...

I paced the top of the wall for what seemed like the hundredth time as I willed Ethan to hurry and hoped that this part of the order had no idea what had happened a few months earlier. I then heard the crunch of leaves and his voice whisper my name. I smiled and let myself drop off the top of the wall right in front of him. He was glaring at me with his arms crossed as he said,

"I really hate it when you do that." I shrugged,

"I really hate it when you go into those places alone. Did you find anything out?" He sighed as he shook his head,

"As far as I can tell they don't know anything, I think we need to dig a little deeper." I sighed,

"I think your right, but I feel like we are running out of time. I need to know what these fanatics are doing to my sister or my father." He nodded and pulled me closer,

"We will find them Eerie, I promise you." I wrapped my arms around his waist and let my head rest on his chest, right over his still beating heart. I then let myself smile a bit because in spite of all of the terrible things that had happened I realized that I was completely and utterly in love with this man,

"I know we will." He kissed the top of my head before I pulled away just enough to look into those mixed matched eyes of his, but before I could pull him down for a much more thorough kiss, my phone began to sing and Ethan began to curse,

"I really am beginning to hate that song." I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket,

"You really do have the worst timing ever." I could hear the humor in Kai's voice as he said,

"Well if this is a bad time I don't have to tell you about how I might have heard about a rumor among the nightwalkers of a dhampir girl that matched Daya's description." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I said,

"Please tell me that she is okay?"

"They are talking about her like she is their salvation so I think she is safe for now, but that doesn't mean that I am going to take my time getting her out of there." I smiled as I felt myself relax just the slightest bit,

"Kai, bring our girl home." I then looked at Ethan as I placed my phone back into my pocket and asked, "Where to next?" He gave me that smirk of his that still made me weak in the knees and said,

"I think we need to go to where the Order was started, we need to go to Inverness."

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