Chapter Twenty-Seven: Reinforcements

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I needed to do something, anything that wasn't pacing. I took a deep breath and dialed the number that I had been debating on calling for the last hour, but the truth was I didn't have much to lose, the worst he could say was no. I held my breath as I counted the rings, and just when I thought it was going to go to voicemail he answered,

"What happened, kid?" I sighed,

"Nothing good."

"Define nothing good." I let myself sink onto Eerie's bed,

"The order, they took Eerie. Turns out that she is a daylighter, which they knew from the beginning, but there are things that they don't know about her, things that they can't know. They also took her little sister Daya, they knew exactly where to find her. I'm guessing that they have been tailing her for a while. We are going to rescue them, but we need information and manpower." I heard him groan as he sat down,

"I knew that it was too easy getting her out of there."

"Was it really that easy?"

"Well, I only had to shoot that teacher of yours in the foot before he just let us disappear. He doesn't walk with a limp by any chance?"


"Damn." I smiled,

"Well, we're pretty sure he has a vampire heart not beating in his chest now."

"That does explain a lot about him." His tone then turned serious, "You've got to know that the order is going to see you coming."

"Pretty much."

"What kind of manpower do you already have?"

"Let's see,  there is me, a hundredish-year-old vampire, a psychic vamp older than time itself, and the thunder and lightning twins."

"You know that they have cameras that will tell if they are human or not, and once it detects that they are cold without a heartbeat you're dead in the water." I found myself smiling,

"The daylighters, they all have heartbeats." I could hear the shock in his voice,

"What? Really?"

"Really. Shepard,we could really use your help. I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't desperate. You are the only person that isn't here that I trust." I heard his sigh,

"Well, I have always wanted to meet a daylighter. I heard about them when I first joined, but I always assumed they were a myth, like leprechauns and unicorns. I also think I can tell you where captain no heart is holed up."  


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Daya and I sat there, side by side and talked. We talked about everything we could think of from Ethan and Kai to our favorite movies and food. We talked so that I could take her mind off this terrifying experience as well as get to know the person my sister turned out to be. I learned so much about her sitting there. I learned that she loves to make music, she even has a notebook filled with song lyrics that under normal circumstances never left her sight. She tends to enjoy the sappy romantic comedies, which makes me want to introduce her to some of my favorite Korean dramas. She also loves pretty much all food except for the spicy stuff, just like when she was a kid, I couldn't even get her to try hot fries. Then she yawned in the middle of telling me how she and Kai met, and I smiled and said,

"Why don't you take a nap, you've been through a lot today." Her eyes were wide as she asked,

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because you are my sister." She shook her head,

"I can't be. I grew up on a farm in the middle of almost nowhere. How can we be sisters?" I just shrugged my shoulders. She sighed, "You know things that I don't, don't you?" I nodded,

"I'm supposed to, I'm older." She rolled her eyes,

"Are you going to tell me what they are?" I shrugged again,

"Maybe." She huffed, but when I bumped my shoulder into hers she smiled and let out a breath of a laugh, but that single moment of happiness was cut too short as the door to the cell beeped and was flooded with UV lights. I blinked as I looked up at the camera, "I don't know what you expected, but I am not going to get crispy." Just then the door opened and four soldiers came in in an attack formation. Daya and I both stood as I placed myself between her and the weapons they were wielding. The soldiers then parted to reveal the man that started all this as he said,

"I really don't like it when people play with their food." I sneered at him,

"I really don't like being tased and kidnapped." He sighed,

"Here is how things are going to go. You are going to come with us now and let us do whatever we want to you." I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest,

"Fat chance." He then smiled that smile of his that sent a chill down my spine,

"If you do not do this, I will kill your sister. I will not waver. If you say no if you try to escape, if you do anything that displeases me, I will kill her." I glared at him as I heard Daya whimper. I then turned my attention to her and said,

"Everything is going to be okay, little mouse. I told you people are coming for us, all we have to do is wait." I then turned to follow the soldier out of our prison when Daya grabbed my arm,

"You can't go. They are going to hurt you." I smiled and nodded,

"They will try, but I will tell you a secret." I leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "If they hurt you, it would hurt more than anything else." I then slipped out of her grasp and followed these men to my torment.

They led me to a white room that looked too clean, even by hospital standards, and smelled of bleach and disinfectant. I crossed my arms over my chest as captain crazy walked past me and patted the stainless steel table in the middle of the room as he said,

"Get on." I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the table and mumbled,

"Let's get this over with." Once I was lying down he strapped me down. "I had a feeling you were into the kinky stuff." He just grunted in disgust at me as he wandered away, probably to collect all of his toys to torture me with.

When he returned, it was with two other men dressed all in white with face masks and rubber gloves on. The three of them walked towards the table, and I now saw surgical equipment beside me and my heart began to beat a little faster because although I put on a brave front for Daya, I was terrified about what this demented man was going to do to me. I took a deep breath as they began to cut my clothes away, and just before they started my tormentor leaned down and said,

"I'm so very sorry, but since anesthesia doesn't work on your kind this is going to hurt, a lot." I saw the smile that began to spread across his lips and knew that he enjoyed other people's pain. I just turned my gaze to the white tile of the ceiling and never let it waver as they began to cut me up to see what made me special.

I saw in the doctor's minds that I was just a science project, like the pigs they make you dissect in biology, only I was awake and felt every little cut and pull. It was excruciating, but I couldn't let him know that, because then he would win, and so I counted the tiles over and over again as I hoped and prayed that Ethan and Kai were on their way.

I let myself scream and cry inside of my head with every little slice that they made, but on the outside, I breathed evenly and never took my eyes off the ceiling, until captain crazy put his face in front of mine and said,

"You aren't making this any fun, what with all of this silence." I rolled my eyes,

"I'm sorry that your form of torture isn't up to par." That's when a slow smile crept across his lips as he said,

"Oh, but we are just getting started." I then felt each doctor slice open my arm so I looked down to see then insert a silver clamp in each. I fought back the urge to wince as I watched my blood drain out of my body and into two buckets. I turned my gaze back to the man above me,

"This can't be sanitary." He just glared at me before he turned and walked away. I felt my head begin to get light and fuzzy right before the world went black.

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