Chapter Twelve: Daylighters

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As soon as I closed the door behind Eerie, I rushed into my bedroom and changed into a pair of black cargo pants and a black sweater. I then laced up my black combat boots and grabbed my black coat and loaded my pockets with all of the weapons I thought I might need on my way out. I needed to scout the area to make sure that the order wasn't lying in wait, and if they were, I needed to send a message that Eerie was not to be touched. Once I was outside with the snow blowing around me, I reached into my coat and pulled out a black baseball cap and pulled it on as I began to stalk my way through the vacant streets.

Once I reached the park that Eerie and I had fled earlier I felt something strange. I scanned the area, but with the snow coming down the way it was I could barely see anything. Then I heard what sounded like a fight coming from the part of the park without street lights. I rushed to investigate, only to discover what looked to be a half dozen vamps circling two humans. I growled lowly in disgust as I retrieved a stake from the pocket of my cargo pants. Then as I began to creep forward, the vamps pounced. I cursed to myself, there was no way humans could survive this, but to my surprise, these two humans moved with a fluid grace that most Soldiers of the Sun had yet to master. I was dumbfounded and stayed in the shadows as I watched the man and woman block and strike out at these monsters without any hesitation. Could there be another order like the Soldiers of the Sun? If so would they uphold innocent life over potential risk?

Just then, I saw the woman get grabbed by her throat. I looked to her partner to see that he was occupied by three of the leeches and had yet to notice her predicament. Just as the vamp began to lower its mouth to her neck I moved closer, only to be surprised by her again. I watched as she peeled his fingers away from her neck with her hand, and although I couldn't see her face with her hood up, I somehow knew that she was smiling as she used the palm of her free hand to drive the bridge of his nose into his brain. Once her vamp was on the ground covered in blood that was black as the night and looked like oil against the snow, she reached into her coat pocket and without any uncertainty, she drove a stake right through his heart. The vamp turned to dust and she turned her attention to the other two that were waiting to get a piece of her. They rushed her together after witnessing what had happened to the one vamp that tried to take her on alone. This girl was small, but she was also vicious. She kicked one in the knee with such force that I heard it snap from where I was standing, and the cry of pain that the monster let out told me it really did hurt as much as it sounded like it might, but she wasn't deterred. While that leech was incapacitated she turned her attention to the one that had now pulled out a wicked looking blade.

They began circling each other, each waiting for the other to strike first, which we both knew the vamp would because for creatures that live forever they were surprisingly impatient. Once he struck she moved ever so slightly to the left and grabbed the hand that held the knife and twisted it until you could hear the bones in his hand and wrist break. He cried out as he moved out of her strike zone as he cursed,

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