Chapter Twenty-Eight: Visions

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After my talk with Shepard, I felt a little lighter, a little more like we could actually do this instead of just getting ourselves and them killed. As I walked down the stairs to tell Kai and Baen that Shepard had a lead on where the order might be holding Eerie and Daya, it felt like I hit a wall, and when I opened my eyes I was in my apartment. I shook my head as I looked around, and then I saw her. She was curled in a ball on my couch as she sobbed. I called out her name, and her head whipped around, then before I knew what was happening she was on her feet and then in my arms. I felt her tears against my chest as I held her close and whispered comforting words and I'm sorry's. She sniffled as she cleared her throat,

"I don't know where I am, Ethan. I can't tell you where to find me." I held her tighter,

"We think we know where they are keeping you and Daya." She pulled away just enough so that she could look me in the eye,

"You know that they have Daya, too?" I nodded,

"Kai was supposed to meet her today, but she never showed." Her eyes grew hard,

"When we get out of this I am going to make him think that he is a new farm animal every day for a month." I smiled at the thought, and also because it was a relief to see that her spirit wasn't broken,

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She froze and my heart stopped, they did, they hurt her. I could see it in the way she didn't want to meet my eyes, "Eerie, baby, I need you to tell me what happened." She shook her head,

"I...I can't, not now. Talking about it makes it real. I want it to be a dream." She met my eyes than with her tear filled ones, "I need this to all be a really bad dream, Ethan." I nodded and pulled her close again,

"I'm sorry, I understand. We are coming for you, and those bastards are going to pay for hurting you." Suddenly she began to fade and then she was gone completely, but before I could think that maybe this really was all a dream I was at the bottom of the stairs with both Kai and Baen hovering over me,

"You okay man?" Kai reached his hand down to help me up. I nodded and took his hand as I said,

"Yeah, I think so." Baen then asked,

"What happened?" I shrugged,

"I'm not really sure. One minute I am running down the stairs to tell you guys I think I know where they might be holed up, the next I am with Eerie in my apartment." Kai and Baen exchanged a look, a look I took to mean that this may have happened before, "Eerie did it, didn't she?" They both nodded and Baen said,

"She did it a lot after the breakdown. She would get overwhelmed and seek out a comfortable place. That was when she figured out that she could literally get inside of our heads. She figured out how to control it, but if she broke through your walls and did that, then there is something wrong." I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I said,

"They did something to her, she wouldn't tell me what, but she was crying, and don't ask me how I know, but she was in a lot of pain. We need to move now, I can't let her be there alone. I need to help her." They both nodded as Kai said,

"The SUV is all loaded and the reinforcements are waiting for the go. We were just waiting on you, sleeping beauty." I rolled my eyes and then smiled as I said,

"Oh, and Eerie is not happy about you keeping Daya from her, she is in planning mode." He swallowed hard,

"Let's get this over with before she has more time to plan out her revenge."

Once we were at the coordinates that Shepard had sent to me I was beginning to feel uneasy all over again, because this place looked like it was a fortress, one that did not like uninvited guests. Kai walked beside me as he asked,

"You sure this is the place?" I nodded, "You sure you can trust this guy?" I paused as I thought about it, but nodded again,

"Yeah, he got out. He doesn't have to help us, but he is. He also saved Daya all those years ago. So yeah, I trust him." He looked at me as if he was trying to read my mind, but when he wasn't getting anything else out of me he sighed,

"Well, I guess if you trust him that is good enough for me." Just then Shepard emerged from the shadows,

"That is good to hear." Kai gave him a crooked smile as he said,

"Looks like your old man does have some skills after all. Let's hope he can get us in, too." Baen then walked over to us,

"That will be unnecessary. I already have a way in." He then walked away and expected us to follow, which we did as Shepard asked,

"Is that who I think it is?" I nodded,

"Yep." He just nodded,

"Uh, so the founder was a vampire this whole time? When was he turned?" I looked at him out of the corner of my eye,

"He wasn't. He was born a vampire." He stopped,

"Is that even possible?" I shrugged,

"No clue, but that was what he told me, and I am inclined to believe him." He nodded again as he let all of this new knowledge sink in. Once we got to where Baen wanted us to be, we stopped and noticed that we could see the front of the compound's gates, but we were invisible to their security from this far back. While we were discussing the layout of the inside with Shepard, Kai yelled and it suddenly didn't sound like his voice at all, it was different laced with a thick accent I couldn't seem to place,

"That little bastard, I'm going to kill him." I looked over to see who he was talking about when I saw a guy about college age with curly brown hair and dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans walk up to the front of the gate.

"Do you know him?" He nodded and cleared his throat and when he spoke again his voice was just as I remembered it,

"That is Eerie's friend Josh, the one that she was meeting this morning. I guess we know how the order got their hands on her. He sold her out." I made a fist as I felt my jaw tighten. I was going to have to have a word, or a fist, with this Josh. 

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