Chapter Twenty-One: Drinking the Pain Away

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The days turned to weeks and I had traded crying over Korean dramas for crying over songs that I thought knew exactly what I was going through. That was until one night when Kai busted through my bedroom door and yelled,

"That's it! I can't take another Dashboard or Deathcab song. If I have to hear either of them again I'm throwing your stereo out of the window." I looked up at him with wide eyes as I said,

"Go ahead, you bought it." He looked at me in confusion as he pointed to himself,

"I did?" I nodded,

"Two birthmases ago." He sighed as he sat on the edge of my bed,

"Eerie, you need to stop this. It's only going to make you feel worse." I snorted,

"I don't think that that could happen." He then stood up and said,

"Get up." I looked up at him and asked,


"Because you are going to go take a very long shower because you smell, and then we are going to go out and drink until we can't remember who we are." I gave him a half smile,

"That sounds like a very bad idea." He gave me that wicked smile of his,

"Oh, it's a terrible idea, but still better than having to hear broken heart music on repeat." I breathed out a laugh as I removed myself from the bed and headed towards the bathroom as I said,

"You have to babysit me if I get too drunk and not let me do anything too stupid." He nodded and held up three fingers,

"Scouts honor." I rolled my eyes,

"You weren't a scout." He just shrugged as he walked towards the door and said,

"You got me there, but I could have been if I wasn't already a vampire when they were founded." I sighed,

"Get out." He nodded as he walked out and left me to wonder what I was going to wear.

After I stood in the shower so long that my skin was pink and fingers were pruned, I wrapped myself in a big fluffy purple towel and headed to my closet. Eventually, I decided on a little gold dress that matched the color of my eyes. It was short with spaghetti straps that crisscrossed down the back, and although it was low cut, it covered just enough to hide my scar. I then paired it with a pair of strappy black heels that I knew were going to kill my feet, but I didn't care because tonight I wanted to look pretty. I rimmed my eyes in kohl and then gave them a smoky look before I shined my lips with gloss. Then before I could second guess myself, I grabbed my black and gold clutch purse and walked out of my room. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I looked over to the living room to see Kai sitting there waiting for me in a pair of black dress pants, a white T-shirt, and a gray suit jacket that had its sleeves pushed up. He even had his hair slicked back away from his face. When he saw me he stood up and let out a low whistle that made me smile as he said,

"Looking good, sis." I eyed him up and down,

"You don't look so bad yourself." He gave me that wicked smile of his again,

"I know." I rolled my eyes as I headed towards the door.

When we got to the club that Kai had picked I noticed the insanely long line that Kai just walked right by on his way to the front door, where the bouncer just nodded and unhooked the velvet rope as we walked in. I then looked over to Kai as I asked,

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