Chapter Sixteen: Burning Bridges

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When I walked into the house that Kai, Baen, and I shared I was very surprised to be greeted with Baen's presence in the living room, as well as Morrigan and Magnus's. I let my eyes sweep over them as I took in the worry on their faces and that included Baen's. I smiled at them and said,

"I'm fine, nothing a little blood couldn't fix." Baen then looked to Kai, who said,

"Six bags of blood couldn't fix." I made a face as I waved my hand in front of me like it would wipe away the fact that I was indeed very hurt. When my gaze landed on Baen again I noticed how weary he looked, like he had just stayed up all night because he knew that I was hurt. I suddenly felt very guilty for not coming home last night, because in doing only what I wanted to I put myself and Ethan in danger, and I made my family worry. I took a deep breath and said,

"I'm really sorry for making you guys worry..." my apology was cut short by Baen pulling me in for a hug that was both comforting and shocking as he said,

"I am just glad that you are safe and feeling better, and that you will also be taking feeding a bit more seriously now." All I could do was nod as I choked back tears that had no reason to want to fall. I then cleared my throat as I forced a laugh and said,

"Come on guys, your acting as if I died...again. I'm fine, really." I felt Baen take a deep breath as he let go of me and said,

"Why don't you head upstairs and take a shower and get some rest while Kai and I see Magnus and Morrigan off?" I just nodded, and he ruffled my hair and gestured for the others to follow him into his office. I watched the four of them as they walked through that dark wood door, and for some reason, I felt as if I was being left out of something important, but I had no idea what.

Once I was showered and dressed in my favorite black sweats along with my vintage Darkwing duck T-shirt I laid back on my purple comforter and thought about everything. I thought about Ethan and how I might have to say goodbye to him and how that would break my heart, but to keep him safe, I would do it. I thought about what Kai and Baen might be hiding from me, but I really had no idea, and then I thought about my sister, my little mouse who was always hiding and watching, and who I missed so much that it actually hurt sometimes. I rubbed the very faint scar on my chest that looked like a starburst and was reminded of the day that I died and how I was once too weak to save anyone, including myself. I closed my eyes as I told myself that I was no longer that weak little girl, I repeated it like a mantra inside of my head until my eyelids grew heavy and I was pulled under by sleep.

I heard a voice, but it was far away and fuzzy, like an old memory that bubbles to the surface every once in a while, only to make you ask questions about what you truly know. The voice grew closer and it was familiar, but the words were still lost. Then the face appeared, but it too was out of focus and lost in the shadows that my mind built around it. These things were something I was not supposed to remember, I don't know how I knew that, but I did. Then I heard her voice and time stopped. It was so soft and comforting, like a warm blanket, but then it changed just like that, and there was blood, so much blood, and crying.

My eyes flew open as I gasped for air and looked around my room to make sure that I was alone before I let myself breakdown, even though I had no idea why I needed it. I gasped and sobbed until I had nothing left, and then I heard a knock on my door. I wiped my face with the backs of my hands as I croaked out,

"Come in." Kai then opened the door and leaned against the wall as he asked,

"You ready to head out, sunshine?" I just shook my head because I was just too tired to laugh or glare at him and said after I cleared my throat,

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