Chapter - One

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Uploaded: May 13, 2019
Edited: February 17, 2021

You guys were on the school bus heading to Sky High for a basketball game to see if you guys make it in the finals and really hoping to do well because the team did gave it all throughout the season even with three lost games but you did feel like some schools did cheat since the refers didn't do anything when they shoved your teammates on purpose or held onto the ball like it was like their child but couldn't do anything and just le-"Y/n wake up~!!" You heard someone call out your name, opening your eyes, looking at the voice "Huh what Sally?" You asked while removing your earplugs.

"We're already at Sky High Y/n" Sally replied while grabbing her sports bag, it took you a few moments to realize what she said "....ooooh right, ladies let's go and grab your stuff and let's head to the gym" You mentioned while grabbing your stuff and getting up from your seat.

"Ally please make sure everyone has their stuff need getting off the bus" You said with

Ally nodding and turns around to the girls telling them to make sure they have everything before getting off.

You and Sally got off the bus first since you're the team captain with Sally as the co-captain.

"Y/n this place is bigger than the last time I remembered" Sally mentioned while taking a look at the school, you nodded "Yea it's been what? A year already since we last transferred from Sky High to Yandere High" You replied, you and Sally used to attend Sky High for your guys freshman and sophomore year before transferring during the summer time to Yandere High.

The whole team was finally of the bus with their stuff and Ally spoke "Y/n everybody has everything before getting off, I made sure to tell the bus driver we'll be done by 9:30 pm or later" Ally mentioned with you nodding before looking at the girl's.

"Alright girls let's head to the gym to meet up with our coaches and do some stretches before the game" You said with the girls nodding and started heading to the main gym, the girls were talking among themselves when one of them spoke up.

"Hey Y/n didn't you say that you had a cousin that attends this school?" Sally asked, making all the girls agree "Oh yeah you did Y/n, why don't you introduce us to your cousin~" Sally said while wiggling her brows at you, you sighed before punching her playfully on the arm.

"Alright only if I can find him or if he's still on the campus but you girls better control yourself, he's still my cousin" You said pointing at all the girls with a stern look, the girls laughed and agreed they'll "try" to control themselves. When they walked past students they heard what they said about them.

"Omg is that Yandere High girl basketball team"

"I heard that's only a girl school"

"I heard they never won a game"

"I heard that most of the girls on that team is lesbian or bisexual"

Of course most of they heard what they were saying and it really didn't affect them because they would always hear it from others "Wow can't believe they would say we're either lesbian or bisexual like excuse you I'm only gay for our team captain~~!!" Sasha said while running up towards you before hugging your side.

Any gasped dramatically "How dare you team captain cheat on me with Sasha when I thought you said we were together!~" Amy exclaimed, she ran towards your other side and hugged it while playfully glaring at Sasha.

The girls broke into laughter at the girl's act and you couldn't help but crack up into laughter "Aigo you two you know I love you girls with all my heart~" You said as you patted them both, they both let go of you while laughing and grabbing their stuff from the other girls.

"Hey Y/n do you know when the game starts?" Emily asked while the girls agreed, you turned around making you walk backwards "Well it's probably 4:40 right now if I'm correct, our game starts around 5 or 6 so it's between those times" You replied trying to remember the coaches have told you before you guys boarded onto the bus.

"Yay Y/n watch ou-"

But Sasha was too late when you already bumped into someone ending you both on the floor with books and papers flying everywhere.

Third P.o.v

The boy was talking with his friend about their math exam they had in Miss Kim while also saying how it was a pain in the ass when the teacher didn't even warn them beforehand or give them a chance to study.

"Hey Jin did Miss Kim mention if the math exam was going to be part of grade?" Namjoon asked as he turned to look at his good friend Jin who nodded.

"Yea, she said it's a big part of grad- aye watch out for that girl Nam-" But Jin was too late in warning Namjoon when he bumped into someone sending all of his books and papers flying while the two fell on the floor.

"Ugh that's going to leave a mark" The person said who bumped into Namjoon while rubbing their head, Namjoon eyes widened when he recognized the voice "Namjoon are you alright?" Jin asked going over to help Namjoon up while someone else helped the other person up.

"Aish Y/n how many times have I told you to stop walking backwards" Someone said as they helped the person "Like a hundred times Ally..." Y/n said as they found out their name while rubbing their head trying to ease the pain a little.

"Wait Y/n..?" Namjoon asked as he turned around to look at the girl with her turning around to look at Namjoon with wide eyes before a smile grew on her face.

Y/n P.o.v

"Aish Y/n how many times have I told you to stop walking backwards" Ally told you while also checking if you have any bruises "Like a hundred times Ally..." You replied and rubbed your head trying to stop the pain mostly "Wait Y/n..?" You looked towards the person who spoke only for your eyes to widen.

"Namjoon?" You asked, making sure your eyes weren't playing with you "I'm soooo sorry Namjoon, I didn't mean to bump into you, I should have seen where I was going. Are you okay?" You asked, forgetting your throbbing head and going over to make sure Namjoon was okay before picking up his stuff.

"I should be saying that Y/n, I should have seen where I was going" Namjoon said while pushing his glasses back and grabbing his stuff from you, Namjoon's friend and your teammates looked at you two back and forward before it hit them.

"Wait is this cousin you were talking about?!" One of the girls ask with you nodding, you turned Namjoon to your teammates with him having a nervous smile.

"Ladies, this is my adorable cousin I was talking about, Namjoon these are my teammates" You said with them waving at each other, Namjoon introduce you to his friend who you soon learned to know his name, Jin.

"Jin? As Seok Jin? But it's nice to meet you" You said with Jin nodding not knowing the look Namjoon threw at you "It's nice to meet you too, Namjoon talks a lot about you to me and the other guy's" Jin said letting out a soft chuckle, you were getting ready to tease Namjoon but Sally interrupted sadly.

"Sorry to interrupt but Y/n we have a game to attend, remember and I don't think is going to be happy with us being late" Sally mentioned with you nodding right away forgetting you guys had to be at the gym to stretch.

"Oh shoot I forgot, I'll catch you later Namjoon. It was nice meeting you Jin" You said before you guys walked to the main gym after waving to the two boys bye.

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