;^;Chapter five;^;

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I guess you can call it a little fluff~

~Next morning~

Once again I was still in bed while everyone else was already awake and changed.

"Can somebody please go and wake up Y/n before we're late" Abby asked while making breakfast since it's her turn to make breakfast.

"I'll go wake her up~~" Anna gets up from the couch and walks over to my room and opens the door slowly.

"Oh hey what's up Anna?"

"Oh I came here to wake you up but your up already...weird"

"Yea I know right and also do I have to wear this onesies..?" I showed Anna the onesies and she nodded and I saw she was wearing one herself.

"Yes now get changed so we all can have breakfast" Anna closes my room and I get changed and head to the kitchen.

Emma and Sasha were setting up the table while the other girls were in the living room.

"Alright girls breakfast is ready to come and eat" Abby yelled ish from the dining room and all the girls went to the dining room and took their seats.

"Um can I ask why were wearing onesies??" I took my seat between Sasha and Emma.

"Well we thought it'll be fun why you don't love me it Y/n?" Sally said while looking at me.

"No no I love it I'm just asking that's all Sally" I smiled softly at her and we all are while talking with each other

~Time to skip at school already~

Students were staring at us and taking pictures of us but I really didn't mind at all.

"Wow girls loving the onesies" Namjoon said while hugging me.

"Aww thx Namjoon" The girls asked Namjoon if he can take a picture for us and he nodded and took the picture for us.

"Aww look at Y/n she's so adorable~~" Sasha said while pointing me out.

"Aww look at Y/n she's so adorable~~" Sasha said while pointing me out

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(Your the one in green)

"Oh be quiet" I blushed softly.

"Awww Y/n blushing~~" Sally pointed out and all the girls started laughing.

"You know what I'm ditching you guys for Namjoon~" I stuck my tongue at them and grabbed Namjoon hand and walked away from them.

"....did she just leave us…" all the girls looked at the pair wall away from them.

"Yup and she's going to get it when we see her at the house" the girls started walking to their classes.

~Your P.o.v~

"Sometimes your friends scares me" Namjoon said while looking at me.

"Yea and that's why I love them~" I giggled and remembered something.

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