;^;Chapter Thirteen;^;

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"How long has it been since I last saw you" I giggled and my teammates still looked confused on what's happening.

"Since I left and you don't even call at least once how rude of you Julian" Julian chuckled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear "sorry I was a shy person back their miss popular~" I punched him softly on the arm and Lily told me they'll be at the store.

"Yay I wasn't that popular in your school!!" Julian chuckled and some guys started coming our way "Julian next time your running somewhere please warn us-" The guy looked at me then back at Julian "uh...who's this Julian?" The rest of his friends looked at me and I smiled at them.

"Wait Y/n...as Julian Y/n old crush!!" One of the guys said and Julian nodded looking embarrassed.

"Oh I remember you!!! You're that one guy who was pushing Julian to our table" He nodded offering me his hand "Alex" I smiled at him and shook his hand.

"We saw you play and let me tell you played was amazing mostly your teammates" I smiled at Alex again "was the game really that good?" The boys nodded and I talked with them that I even told the girls I would hang out with them for a while and meet up with them later.

"Who would though the popular girl would be in a well known girl basketball team" The boys chuckled and I punched Noah on the shoulder, while talking with them I got to learn the boys name.

"Really Noah, have you not seen her play during highschool mostly against our school" I nodded at what James said while Noah rubbed his shoulder.

Someone tugged on my on my shirt "Excuse me miss" I looked at who it was and it was a little girl "Yes?" She pulled out a photo and I smiled at her asking the boys for a pen.

"Luna!! What did I say about running off" I looked up and I couldn't believe who I saw "Y/n?!" Mark said jogging up to us "This isn't your little sister or niece is it Mark?" Mark chuckled but nodded "She's my niece and she ran off now I know why" I crouched down to the little girl and took the photo from her and signed it.

"Here you go sweetie" She smiled at me and gave me the biggest hug ever before going back to Mark.

"See you around Y/n" I waved bye at him and turned back to the boys "what?" They shook they're and we continue with what we're doing.

"Ooo I know this nice restaurant you guys want to go?" We agreed and Noah lead the way "so Y/n you seeing anyone~?" James asked and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"No I'm not seeing anyone at the moment" The boys looked at me and I looked at them confused "wait really, for sure you had someone back at California Y/n" The boys nodded at what Samuel said but I shook my head softly.

"Sorry to break it boys but the guys back at California either are into me cause I'm famous, have a nice body, popular, or know a lot of celebrities" The boys nodded and we made it to the restaurant.

"Son why didn't you warm us you were bringing your friends over!!" The lady started hitting Noah with the menus "ow mom I'm sorry!!" Noah tried to block from his mother hitting.

"No wonder you knew this place Noah" Noah's mother turned to me and her eyes lighten up.

"Oh- I didn't know you guys have a new friend mostly thats a girl, boys you usually don't hang out with anyone" Noah shushed her mom and I broke into laughter.

"Please tell me you guys she's not lying" The boys looked away from me and I broke into laughter again

"Yay stop laughing!!" I wiped the tears and nodded "come on along there's a table for you boys" We followed Noah's mother and I didn't know that BTS was a few tables away from us.

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