;^; Chapter Three;^;

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He sighed

"I said that you guys should stay each other schools for one week so you know how it feels"

No one spoke up

"But what's the point of doing this…"

Everyone turned to Sally.

"Well you ladies are just a girl school correct"

Sally nodded at the principal.

"Well we thought you girls should stay one week at Sky High and know how it feels to be at a high school with the both genders"

"And what about them"

Sasha said while pointing at the boys.

"Well we thought the boys should know how all girl school is and different from others"

"mmm I think that sounds like a good idea right girl's"

Sally said and all the girls agreed expect for me.


I looked from my phone.

"Hm? What did you say Sally?"

"Don't you think it's a good idea what Mr.Wang said"

"Oh yes I think it's a good and also not sound rude but is the meeting over I kinda have stuff to deal with"

Mr.Wang nodded and told us we were excused.

~Time skip to Monday morning (mostly cause I'm lazyʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ)

Third P.O.V

The student council from Yandere High were heading to Sky High to meet with the student and council. They finally made it to Sky High and get greeted on their arrival.

"Morning girl's and I'm glad to see all of you...wait where's your president?"

Mr.Wang asked looking at girls for a answer.

"I bet she bailed out"

Said one of the boys from student council

"She didn't" Sally glared at the boy "she had a game at 7:30 in the morning and they wouldn't change the time so that's why she couldn't come"

"But she promised she be here right after her game"

Sasha said while tugging on Sally sleeve to calm down a little.

Sally smiled softly at Sasha and principal lead the way into the school.

"Do you really think she'll come on time Sasha"

Abby whispered to Sasha as they walked behind the other schools student council.

"I hope so cause if she doesn't then we're going to seem like lairs"

The sighed and nodded while still following the principal and student council to the gym.

~At the gym~

"Good morning students today we have the student council from Yandere High and I expect all of you to be in your best behavior"

All the students said "yes sir" "we'll try"

"Alright that'll be all for today you excuse to go"

Everyone leaves the gym and principal turns to the girl's.

"If you follow me, I'll take you girls to your classes"

They got of the stage and followed him.

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