;^; Chapter Four ;^;

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(theirs a video of a Butler cafe and I know it's not the same how I said it but yea)
I finished dancing and bowed while trying to get my breathe.

"Well that quite a show miss Y/n I'm quite impressed"

The dance smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up and I smiled back and some students were surprised cause he doesn't give compliments.

"Alright before class is over you guys have to work in a pair of four and it's due on Friday and I know it's short of time but I trust you. That's all for today if you have questions if the project please see me after school"

The bell rings the everybody leaves with their stuff as I was heading to my next class I got stopped by J-hope, Jimin, and Jungkook.

"Hey Y/n we were wondering if you wanted to be in our group"

J-hope asked with this cutest smile.

"Sure just ask Namjoon for my number and hmu when you guys want to talk about the project"

They nodded and we went our separate ways. The day finished and I was glad but not really cause I didn't really want the day to finish.

"How am I going to tell the girls I'm leaving in less than six days"

I sighed and turned to see the girls staring at me.

"Uh... hey ladies didn't you their.."

I let a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of my neck while not making any eye contact with the girls

"When did you plan to us Y/n"

Sasha said with a hint if hurt in her voice.

"I was planning to tell you guys when I got home but I guess I should tell you.."

I took a breathe in and looked at the girl's.

"So I got accepted to the university I always wanted to go to but.."

"But what Y/n…?"

Abby said while looking at me.

"I have less than six days until I have to leave California or else they drop my scholarship.."

"Do you leave on Sunday..?"

Sally asked with tears eyes.

"Y-yea I leave in the afternoon.."

The girls were happy but sad about the news but they smiled and they group hugged me.

"Even though we're upset your leaving so soon but we're happy for you Y/n you deserve this scholarship and we're going to make the of these six days with you"

Sally said with tears in her eyes.

"I-i wish I can stay longer with you guys I don't want to leave…"

I couldn't help it anymore let the tears I been holding in out and girls end up tearing up and we just hugged each other

~Time skip(to the apartment and it's night time)~

Girls P.O.V

"Since Y/n won't be here to spend her senior year why don't we do all of the in these six days girl"

Sally said why looking at the girl's while grabbing a chip.

"I say that's a good day but how are we going to do it without Y/n knowing?"

Abby asked while drinking her tea.

"It's simple ladies tomorrow we take Y/n to her favorite butler cafe and I made sure to rent the whole place for the whole night, Wednesday we wear animal onesies, Thursday we wear our basketball jerseys, Friday we throw a party for Y/n for everything she did for us at her favorite restaurants, Saturday we have our prom night.., and before Sunday we collect all the pictures we took throughout days and other pictures we have with her and make a photo book for her to take and write her letters, and for Sunday before she leaves it's up to her we're she wants to do"

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