;^;Chapter Fourteen;^;

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Namjoon finished talking to my coach and walked back into Jimin's room seeing me in his arms "I told your coach you'll stay with us in the meantime okay Y/n..?" I nodded and kept looking down.

"They're...really back huh.." Namjoon crouched down to my eye level "I'm not going to let them near you or hurt you again Y/n.." I got out Jimin's hold and went to Namjoon's arms.

"Jimin tell Jin I'll be with Y/n" Jimin nodded and left the pair alone in the room, a few minutes later Jin came in "Do you want to eat with everyone or…" Namjoon looked at me and I nodded with eating with everyone.

"You think I should call my teammates..?" Namjoon hesitated for a moment "I don't know Y/n remember your parents are at the hotel where you guys are staying" I sighed but nodded understanding and headed to the kitchen hearing a lot of noise.

"No, hyung said I can have it Taehyung!!" We saw Jungkook and Taehyung fighting over a piece of cake.

"Yay I told you two shares or no one gets it!!" Jin yelled at the pair smacking them both on the head.

"Ow hyung!!!" They both whine rubbed their head and turned to my direction when they heard me laugh.

"You guys are still the same since highschool" They both smiled seeing I was laughing and not frowning.

"This is just the beginning of them being kids Y/n" The two glared at Yoongi while Yoongi ignored them and I laughed more.

"Still the same Yoongi huh?" Yoongi sighed but chuckled and everyone took a seat and started eating.

"So where's Y/n sleeping?" I stopped my movement and felt everyone stare at me "What? Namjoon your the leader" Namjoon nodded but kept his eyes on me.

"For sure not J-hope, Jimin, Jin, or me" The two looked at Namjoon with wide eyes except for Jin who understood.

"Wait why not me? I get why J-hope why me-"

"You know why Jimin" Namjoon glanced at Jimin briefly and looked back at me "So that leaves these three" Pointing at Jungkook, Taehyung, and Yoongi.

"I say Yoongi, he'll be more mature than those two together no offense boys" Jin said pointing at Jungkook and Taehyung who looked at their hyung hurt.

"I'm fine with that, Yoongi?" They even got more hurt when I agreed and Yoongi nodded and continued eating not really caring.

"Then it's set and I don't want to hear complaining understood?" The boys nodded still upset I wasn't rooming with them but with Yoongi.

Night time

"Oppa let me help at least!!" Jin kept pushing out of the kitchen and looked at Namjoon for some help who wasn't that much help.

"No Y/n you're the guest so please go hangout with the boys while a clean" I pouted but nodded and headed towards the manake line.

"He didn't let you help did he" I shook my head and laid my head Taehyung shoulder while he was playing overwatch with Jungkook.

"We told you so Y/n" I kicked Jungkook on the side with my foot making him groan.

"Well I was trying to be nice since you lazy butts didn't offer" Jinin laid his on my lap causing me to run my fingers through his hair.

"Once again thank you Y/n" I turned around seeing Jin sit next to Namjoon while smiling at me.

"Next time I'm not giving up like I did today" Jin laughed but nodded and laid his head on Namjoon shoulder.

"Do you have anything to do tomorrow Y/n?" Namjoon asked and I nodded "Yea, I promised Bambam from Got7 we'll hang out at least once if I came to Korea" Namjoon nodded and wrapped his arm around Jin's waist.

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