;^; Chapter seven;^;

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"Y/n~!!" Sasha yelled out for me.

"Sasha not know.." I yelled back as I walked into Yandere High

"But we're going to be late for first period" Sasha yelled back and ran over to me.

"I told you to go but no you followed me.." I said and looked at her.

"Well I couldn't leave you alone Y/n that would be unsafe" Sasha said as we got through security.

"Well thank you for worrying about me but I can handle myself Sasha" I said and I head to my locker.

"But can I ask why were here Y/n?" Sasha asked as she saw me going through my locker.

"Well I left something here the belongs to my parents and they have been asking for it" I said as I took out a box.

"...a box..?" Sasha asked a little confused.

"Yes a box that has valuable things in it" I said and we started heading when we got stopped by some students.

"Y/n and Sasha is that you guys?"

"We thought you were coming back next week??"

"Wow look at Y/n outfit I never seen her something like that!!"

The students looked at my outfit and started taking pictures.

"Wow Y/n is adorable like always"

"Yea so is Sasha" 

They took pictures of us and we waved by to them as we're leaving.

"Is my outfit really weird for me to wear Sasha" I asked and Sasha thought for a moment.

"Well yea cause your more a tomboy and it's weird for them to see you in this" Sasha said as she pointed at my outfit.

"Well yea cause your more a tomboy and it's weird for them to see you in this" Sasha said as she pointed at my outfit

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"Is it bad..?" I asked Sasha feeling weird now.

"No no of course not Y/n maybe it's been a while since they last saw you in a skirt or dress like this I guess you surprised them but they loved how you dressed didn't you see how they took pictures of you and smiling" Sasha said and I nodded.

“well that's true, it's been a while since I last been seen in a skirt now that I think about it" I said and we got through security and started heading to first period.

"Wait what do I tell my teacher why I was late Y/n..?" Sasha asked and looked at me.

"Well you give her this note and when she asks why your late and say nothing else" I said and handed her a note as we stopped in front of her class.

"Alright I'll see you at lunch byeee" Sasha said and walked inside her class room.

"Let's hope the note works if not...I'm dead…" I said and started walking to my class.

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