;^; Chapter eight;^;

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My parents were here...I haven't seen them in months...I couldn't help it but tear up.

"Mom... Dad…" I said and hugged them both and they started tearing up too.

"I have so many questions…" I said and pulled away from the hug.

"Well for starters you should thank you friends honey" My mom said and I looked at the girl's.

"You guys are the best of friends I can ever ask for her" We group hugged and I finally notice the other people...my aunt's and uncles where their also and boys…

"Okay now I have more questions why everyone is here?" I said and looked at the girl's.

"Well Y/n since your leaving in two days we thought we should thank you for everything you have done for us and being there for us...at your favorite restaurant.." Sasha said and I wiped my tears.

"Really…" I said and girls nodded.

"You guys really are the best…" I said and smiled at me.

"Alright how about we turn up now" Namjoon mother said and Namjoon just shook his head.

But that's what we really did we enjoyed the night I even introduce J-hope to my parents even though my father was asking a lot of questions...but my mom stopped him from asking more.

"By the way you look beautiful princess" J-hope whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You don't look so bad yourself Hobi" I said and kisses his cheek.

"Yay don't get all lovely with us you two" Namjoon said and that for sure everybody's attention us mostly my uncle's and dad.

"Should I be scared from the glares your uncle's and father are giving me" J-hope said softly to me as he smiled at them.

I nodded at him and I glared Namjoon who just sipping his wine with a grin.

"Hobie you'll be okay by yourself right..?" I said and J-hope nodded at me but deep down he was nervous about what was going to happen when I left him.

"Your going murder Namjoon aren't you princess" J-hope said and I nodded and kissed his cheek and walked over to Namjoon.

"Oh well hello my dear cousin what can I  with?" Namjoon said as he set his glass down

"Oh don't act all buddy buddy with me mister...I'm warning you watch your back I'm going to get you back one day" I said and smiled innocently at him as I walked over to the ladies.

Time passed the older guys were talking with J-hope and I was kinda worried about him but time passed and there was laughter from their little group…so that was a good sign hopefully it was 11:40 pm everyone started leaving.

"Mom!!!" I said as my mom hugged me tightly.

"Okay honey let go of our daughter or your kill her from loss of oxygen" My dad said and my mom pulled away.

"Sorry but make sure to call us when you get okay Y/n…" My mom said and I nodded at her, I hugged my parents one last time and waved them bye.

"Come on, let's go before it gets to cold Y/n" Emma said and I nodded wiping my tears away. I waved bye to my aunt's and uncles and headed to parking lot with the girls when someone called out my name.

"Y/n hold up!!" I turned around and smiled instantly at the person jogging over to me.

"Yes Hobi?" I asked and I got surprised because he kissed me when he reached to me not like I was complaining about the kiss but sadly we got interrupted by the one and only... Namjoon…

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