;^; Chapter ten;^;

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Also thank you guys for 217 views it actually means a lot that people actually like reading this and I promise I'll try my best to make these chapter good;^;

~Week later~

"Hey captain your phone has been ringing" Mary said as I finished drying my hair.

"Oh thank Mary" I said grabbing my phone from Mary and checked who called me.

"I'll see you later captain bye" Mary said and waved bye.

"Bye Mary enjoy free your time" I said and waved bye back to her and called the person who's been calling me.

"You really had to call me twenty times? I was taking a shower" I said and put them on speaker so I can do my hair.

"Well sorryyyy, I just wanted to know if my cousin would like to eat my amazing boyfriend cooking" Namjoon said and I chuckled softly.

"Sure I'll love to eat with you guys just let me finish eating and I'll get a cab to your place" I said and Jin right away started talking.

"Oh no your not young lady, I'm not letting you get in a cab I'll go for you myself and I'm not taking no for an answer from you" Jin said and I sighed knowing he wouldn't listen.

"Alright just text me when you're here Oppa" I said and told them goodbye before hanging up.

"Alright let's get dressed and not just be in my towel all day" I said and started getting dressed.

(What your wearing/hairstyle)

(What your wearing/hairstyle)

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~40 minutes later~

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~40 minutes later~

My phone started ringing and it was Jin calling.

"Hello?" I said and picked up my sports bag and locked my locker.

"I'm outside in front of the entrance" Jin said and I told him I was on my way before we ended the call.

"Jin!!!!!!" I said and started jogging over to the car.

"Y/n!!!!!!" Jin said and got out of the car and hugged me when I got closer.

"Wait you left Namjoon alone at the place?" I said as we got in the car.

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