;^;Getting the news-Chapter two;^;

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We made it to the main gym and greeted our coaches

"Girls you have an hour before the game so get stretching, we don't want you guys pull a muscle like some people" Ms.Lee said while looking at me.

The girls giggled at what Ms.Lee said and I was confused.

"Wait….Ms.Lee that was one time okay you don't always have to bring it up…" I frowned and Ms.Lee said sorry for saying that while laughing.

"Alright girls, let's get stretching so we don't end up like our team captain" Sally said while cracking up.

I playfully glared at Sally while playfully hitting her.

~Time skip to the game(mostly cause I'm lazy;^;)~

We were in lead and I'm quite proud of the girls but I can tell some of them were getting tired but they wouldn't say anything and keep playing.

The other team's coach called for a time out and know I had a chance to teach the girls another play.

"Alright girls from what I seen they been targeting Sally and Sasha since they get the ball the most, so I made a plan" I showed them the paper and told everyone their position.

"If I'm correct they're going to try and go after Sasha since she's out fastest runner that's when you guys do the plan but if they don't do that then they might go for Sally than do plan B, got it" I showed them the other plan and the girls agreed.

The game started again and I sat back and watched what the other team might do.

To my surprise they did went for Sasha as planned and the girls did plan and end up scoring more points for us.

Time was up and we ended up winning the game, the girls came running to me and we celebrated.

Our coaches came up to us and congratulated us for the win and how we worked as a team through the game.

"Y/n can I talk you privately" Ms.Lee said while walking away from the girls.

"Yea sure Ms.lee what's up?" I was scared what Ms.Lee might tell me.

"So I sent videos of you playing basketball to (any university you want in California) and they loved how you played and you to be on their basketball team" Ms.Lee said while smiling big.

"No way...wait really they loved how I played on the court Ms.Lee" I couldn't believe it my favorite University wants me to play for their basketball team.

"And even better Y/n they saw how you played the others sports they want you to also be on their teams"

"Omg this is big when do I leave?"

Ms.Lee hesitated "In a week…"

"A w-week but Ms.Lee I can't leave in just a week I haven't finished my senior year…"

Ms.Lee smiled softly "well Y/n it's up to you if you want to take the offer or reject it.." she pats my shoulder and walks back to the girls.

'i can't leave just yet. I haven't had prom, graduation, or even get to spend my senior with the girls...what do I do know..' I was filled with thoughts until someone brought me back to reality.

"Yay Y/n come on the bus is here and we're going to celebrate" Sasha said while dragging me by the hand out of the gym.

;^;Time skip to Saturday morning;^;


I groan and check the time "...it's barely 8:30 in the morning…"

I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower and head back to my room picking out a outfit.

I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower and head back to my room picking out a outfit

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(The outfit you're wearing and if you can't see it, it's at the top)

I walked downstairs with my backpack and my phone.

"I don't get why, we have to go to the meeting this early in the morning on a Saturday" I said while grabbing some toast.

"Y/n as the student council we have to be there to represent our school so shut up and eat up please" Abby said playfully but in a threatening voice while waving her splash out me.

I sigh and take a seat with the others and we eat while having some small talk.

"Alright girls let's go before we're late to the meeting" Ally said while putting the dishes away.

We all grab our stuff and head to our cars and drive to the place were supposed to meet up.




"Y/n hurry up and walk after" Ally said while grabbing my hand.

I groaned and letAlly drag me into the room where Sky High student council was in.

"I don't get why I have to be here Ally" I said in a whisper as we walked in.

Ally smiled at everyone in the room and took us to our seats.

"Cause your the student council president remember Y/n"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully at her and turned to the student council of Sky High.

"You guys might be wondering why I have asked you to come here early in the morning"

Everyone nodded and kept listening to the principal of Sky High.

"So we thought that you guys should stay one week at each school to see how it feels"

"WAIT WHAT?!" Everyone said at the same time..

Sorry if this is sucky I tried my best but I'll keep going and make it work somehow;^;
And also sorry if this short;^;

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