;^; chapter twelve;^;

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Taehyung P.o.v

"Taehyung!!! Jungkook!! Wake up or else you'll be late for practice" Someone yelled from the other side of the door while knocking on the door quite loudly.

"What time is it" Taehyung said checking his phone and his eyes widen "Oh shit Jungkook!! Wake up we got twenty minutes to get ready!!" Taehyung yelled getting up from his bed and Jungkook got up rubbing his eyes.

"You don't need to yell hyung" Jungkook said and yawned, stretching his arms.

"Well sorry Kookie but we twenty minutes to get ready" Taehyung said and Jungkook got off his bed going to his closet.

"Hey hyung when did Y/n go home?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung thought for a moment before his eyes widen looking over to his bed.

"Where did she go!!" Taehyung got up from Jungkook bed heading to the door seeing it's unlocked and heading to the kitchen seeing Y/n.

"Oh hey Tae" Y/n said turning around with a spatula in her hand.

"O-oh hey, you scared me for a moment Y/n" Taehyung said and noticed what I was wearing an oversized white shirt with grey joggers and a messy bun.

"Oh sorry about that Tae" Y/n said giggling a little and turning back to the stove.

"Tae you ready?" Namjoon asked from behind and Taehyung eyes widen and shook his head.

"Go get ready so you have enough time to eat Taehyung" Namjoon said and Taehyung walked back to his and Jungkook room.

Y/n P.o.v

"Hey thanks for staying Y/n" Namjoon said taking a seat and I handed him a cup of coffee.

"It's no problem and either way I can't leave a sick Jin alone" I said and Namjoon smiled at sipping his coffee.

"Oh, yea I didn't ask but why we're you here Y/n?" Namjoon asked and I froze on the spot.

"Uh...well...me, Tae, and Kookie went out to have fun and might have had a few drinks" I said turning off the stove and turning to look at him.

"Y/n are you kidding me your just twenty one years old" Namjoon said and I nodded at him handing him his plate.

"I know Namjoon but I'm old enough to drink at least I'm sixteen or seventeen drinking-... actually scratch that I did drink at that age" I said and Namjoon looked at me with wide eyes and choked on his coffee.

"Y-you what missy" Namjoon said and took the napkin I handed him.

"Uh-...oh look it's Hobie!!" I said changing the topic and avoid Namjoon stare.

"Oh hey Y/n" J-hope said smiling at him and I handed him his plate.

"Did you sleep well J-hope?" I asked and he nodded taking the seat in front of Namjoon.

"Are you going to take care of Jin hyung Y/n?" J-hope asked taking a bite of his toast.

"Oh yea and I still can't believe Jin got sick in one night-"

"Y/n!!!" Jimin crashed me in a hug and I let out a small squeal.

"J-jimin you scared me" I said returning the hug and Jimin pulled away smiling.

"Hehe sorry Y/n I was surprised to see you early in the morning I had to hug you" Jimin said and I handed his plate and smiled at him.

"Well I'm here to take care of Jin while you guys go practice" I said and Jimin nodded taking his seat beside J-hope.

"Morning guys" Yoongi said walking in while yawning.

"I thought for sure the other two would be here before you" Namjoon said and Yoongi glared at him softly before taking the plate from me.

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