;^; Chapter six;^;

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~Next day~

"Hey guys did you see where I put my jersey?" Sally asked while looking in her room.

"It's in the dry Sally" Ally said while pouring milk in her cereal.

"Ah thx Ally!" Sally said and went to the dry.

"Morning girls~~" Y/n said and got her favorite cereal box.

"Y/n you always looked good in your basketball jersey" Emma said while washing her dishes.

"Aww thx Emma" I grabbed a bowl and poured my cereal in it.

(This what your jersey looks like but their black and if you guys can't see it then it's at the top)

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(This what your jersey looks like but their black and if you guys can't see it then it's at the top)

"Soo Y/n are you going to spend your time with you boyfriend in lunch~~?" Sasha said in a teasing voice while taking Skylar other avocado toast.

I blushed softly"Mmm I'm not sure I was planning on spending lunch with you guys" I grabbed the milk from Ally and poured it in my bowl.

"Aww your picking us over your boyfriend awww Y/n~~~~" Abby said in a teasing voice and putting her dishes away.

"Of course I will it's girls before hoes" I giggled softly and girls shake their heads but giggled at the end.

~Time skip to theater class~

"So Y/n I heard from a little bird you have a boyfriend~?" Taehyung asked while helping me set up the fourniter on the stage.

"J-hope told you guys didn't he?" I said while putting and plates on the table.

"Well he did look very happy when he got back and couldn't contain himself but he just told us" Taehyung said while pushing the chairs in.

"Well yea we're dating but Taehyung I got to tell you something…" I said and we finished setting up the stage and went back to our seats.

"What's wrong Y/n..?" Taehyung asked looking at me concerned.

"Well it's nothing bad I swear Taehyung but I have to go to California because they gave me a scholarship to my top number one University their but I have to leave in less than two days and I leave Sunday afternoon…" I looked at him holding back my tears.

"D-does J-hope know..?" Taehyung asked and reached out and grabbed my hands.

"N-no the girls, my coaches, my parents, and you know....i-i don't know how to tell J-hope I don't even know if he's okay with a long distance relationship T-Tae.." I couldn't help myself anymore and just let the tears slip out.

"Y/n don't cry...and knowing J-hope he'll do whatever to make your relationship work cause I can tell how he looks at you.." Taehyung squeezed my hands softly and I nodded.

"Thx Taehyung I'm glad I can always talk to you" I smiled at him and smiled back at me.

"Of course Y/n we're theater buddies and friends" Taehyung said and theater teacher started talking.

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