;^;Chapter fifteen;^;

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You left out a shaky sigh and clenched your hand “I’m sorry...I don’t have any father all I remember is that he passed away sorry I think you got the wrong person” Before he could say anything you hung up right away feeling your breathing getting hard to breathe.

“Miss, are you alright?” You turned around to see an older woman looking at you worried “Yes I’m alright thank you for asking” You smiled at her before walking in the cafe seeing Bambam wave his arms up for you.

“Bambam stop your already attracting attention to us” Jinyoung said pulling Bambam down to his seat making you smile forgetting about the call you had earlier “Who called you Y/n?” Yugyeom asked with you looking away from his stare tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.

“U-uh one of my teammates” You said giving Yugyeom a weak smile he was about to say something but the waiter came placing the drinks and food down “Hope you don’t mind but we kinda order for you Y/n” Mark said seeing your confused face when you saw the food but nodded with a smile grabbing the food they order for you.

As you guys ate, you totally forgot about the call you had earlier bringing your mood back chatting happily with the guys or cracking some joke here in their “I still can’t believe you guys are going to the finals” Jb said with you stopping from putting the ice cream scoop in your my mouth placing it back in the bowl.

“We did to since we heard your guys basketball team is really hard to defeat and they were correct they were hard to beat but somehow we won” You said with a happy smile on your smile proud that your teammates kept pushing throughout the game even when you guys were a few points behind they kept pushing themselves.

“If only my younger sister joined the basketball team she could have been here but no she decided to join tennis” Jackson said sighing stuffing ice cream in his mouth making you laugh “Jackson your making it sound bad she joined tennis” You said reaching over to clean Jackson mouth with a napkin only making him pout.

“I know but I wanted to spend time with my baby sis” Jackson said stuffing another handful of ice cream in his mouth only making you shake your head at him “Oh wait, I just remembered your sis gave me something for you totally slipped out of my mind” You said only getting a glare from Jackson making you sink in your seat sipping on your drink.

“Me over here thinking she forgot about me” Jackson said shaking his head at you with you giving him sheepishly smile “My bad I got caught up with practice and the games that I didn’t remember but I’ll give you the present when I have the time okay?” You said with Jackson nodding taking some ice cream from Mark’s bowl who only sighed with a smile letting Jackson take some from him.

“You're staying at Bts place right?” Bambam asked with you nodding, handing your drink to Jinyoung since he asked if he can have a sip “Are things not awkward with you and J-hope..?” Bambam asked, making you think for a moment...I mean you two haven't really talked or interacted that much.

“I mean no? Well for me it’s not awkward since we don’t really talk much or interact with each other since I’m either Namjoon and Jin or with the two younger ones playing video games” You said hoping J-hope didn’t feel awkward with you around, maybe you should talk with him when you go back to their place.

“Should we get going? I feel like we’re being stared at” Youngjae asked with you guys agreeing seeing a lot of people looking your way or taking pictures and video of you guys “I blame Bambam since he was being to loud” You said with Bambam getting offend at with you said but his members agreed at what you said.

“Wow Y/n, I though we’re friends” Bambam said as you guys existed from the cafe heading back to the van, you laughed grabbing Bambam hand with him only pouting at you “You know it’s the truth Bambam but you know I love you~” You said making Bambam smile nodding letting you get in the van first going to sit next to Mark and Bambam sitting on your other side.

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