Chapter 1: The Move

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"Come on Skylar, we have to go!" My mom said as I grabbed the last box from my room and packed it in the Uhaul. My mom, my sister, and me were moving from My little town in Wisconsin to Huntington Beach in California. I am super excited to be moving there because, I really wanted to learn how to surf and this was the perfect opportunity. "Come on sissy." My little sister said while pulling my hand to the car. "Okay, okay I'm coming." I said as I got in the passenger seat of the car. My mom got in right after I did and asked "Are you guys ready?" My little sister started kicking around and says "I am, I am, I am!" my mom looks at me and says "Are you?" I look over to her smile and say "Yeah, let's go." My mom pulls out of the driveway and heads toward the airport. This was my first time going on an airplane and to be honest I was really scared. We made it to the airport, got through security and went on the plane. I fell asleep two hours after we got on the plane and trust me it is not as easy as you think. We had gotten to Cali and my mom woke me up to get off the plane. We got off and went inside the airport. I was so crowded and we had a lot of trouble just getting out of the building. We hopped in a taxi and headed to our new house. We arrived at our house and not to brag but our house was fairly big. Also I liked how close it was to the beach. We opened the door and the house smelled like new car and lavender, in other word it smelled good. I walked upstairs to my room and looked around. I found my window and walked up to it. I had a nice view of a dog park and some palm trees. I looked at the golden retriever going after the ball its owner had thrown and thought about my old dog Max. He was a golden retriever and he was literally my best friend. He had died when he got sick and we couldn't do anything about it. My mom yelled for me to come downstairs and help unpack the truck. I head downstairs and outside to the truck and grab some boxes labeled "Skylar's" I go back up to my room and drop them off. Once got done bringing all the boxes to my room I went outside to our backyard. When I went back there I heard the strumming of a guitar. I look over the fence and see a boy sitting on a chair strumming and singing away. He was so beautiful, his eyes were hazel, his hair golden, and his voice was incredible. "Hi!" I yell over the fence, he stops and looks over at me. He smiles and says "Oh, hey are you the people that just moved in next door!?" I was surprised that he actually answered me but then I said "Yeah!" he smiles and says "Why don't you come over here so we aren't yelling across the fence!" I smiled and said "Okay!" I walk out of the backyard and into my house. "Hey ma!" I yell while walking in the house. "Yeah!" she yells from the kitchen. I walk in and say "I'm gonna go next door and hang with the neighbor." "Okay." she says while putting the plates in the cabinet. I go up to my room and put some new clothes on. I grab my white pants, my Trukfit sweatshirt, and my black and white Nikes. I put my outfit on, go downstairs, and head out the door. I walk next door and pause for a second. I fix myself a little and knock on the door. Someone different answered the door. He had brown hair and hazel eyes, he yells over his shoulder "Keaton you have company!" Keaton, his name was Keaton. Keaton comes downstairs and says "Thanks, Wes." he comes to the door and says "Come on let me show you around." I walk in their house, and he shows me around. The last stop was the living room where the brown haired boy was sitting on the couch playing COD. "And that's my brother Wesley or Wes is what we call him." Wes pauses his game and stands up to shake my hand. "Hi, I'm Wes." he smiles at me. "Hi, I'm Skylar I just moved in next door." "Oh cool, so I'm guessing we are gonna see more of you right." Wes says. I laugh a little and say "Uh, I guess. I don't want to be one of those annoying neighbors that come over all the time." Wes looks at me surprised but then says "No, it's no problem we love company, and you seem like a cool girl." I smiled and said "Oh, thanks." Keaton interrupts us and says "Come on Sky lets go to my room." he takes my hand and leads me upstairs. We get to his room and the first thing I see a little recording studio. "You record music?" I say while observing his mini recording studio. "Yeah." He says. "Can I listen to some of it?" He turns around, smiles the says "Sure." He sits me in his chair and on garage band. He opens a file that says "The Simple Life" I listen to it and it was amazing. "Did you write this?" I asked with amazement. "Yeah, do you like it?" He asks. smiled and said "Yes! it amazing." I say with excitement. "Oh, good he smiles. "You have such an good voice." "Oh, thanks." he smiles. It was quiet for a second but then Keaton spoke again "Do you maybe want to stay for dinner?" I smile and say "Um let me text my mom and ask. I pull out my phone and text my mom saying "Can I stay with the neighbors for dinner?" A few minutes later I got a reply that said "Sure." and I said to Keaton "She said yeah." he smiled and said "Okay cool." We go downstairs and I sit next to Wes on the couch. "So where did you move from?" Wes asks "Oh, from Wisconsin." I say and he replies "Oh, so this is a big change for you." I smile and say "Yeah... Do you guys know how to surf?" Wes laughs and says "Know how to surf? We mastered it." I giggle a little and say "Oh, well do you guys mind teaching me, I really wanna learn." Wes smiles and "Of corse, do you wanna start tomorrow?" I smile and say "Sure, but don't I need a wetsuit?" he says "Yeah we will go get you one and a bored also." I smile and say "Sweet, I can't wait.... So what's for dinner?" Keaton looks at me and says "I don't know." Wes says "Hey let's go to the boardwalk, see what's down there." I say "Okay, let's go." We all get up walk out of their house and to Wes' car. Me and Keaton got in the back because, Wes said he was gonna pick up a friend. We drive down the street to some apartments and Wes pulls out his phone and calls someone. I hear him say "Okay perfect." and "The boardwalk." a few minutes later I see a guy walk out of the apartments and Wes waves to him and so does Keaton. He gets in the passenger seat and says "Who's this?" while pointing at me. Keaton says "This is our new neighbor, Skylar." the guy says "Oh, well I'm Drew., nice to meet you." I say "Nice to meet you." and Wes says "So shall we." Drew says "Yeah let's go." Wes pulls away and drives down to the boardwalk. We park by a pizza place and get pizza for dinner. Wes spots a surf store and says "Yo, Sky here's where we can get your stuff!" I run over to Wes and Keaton follows after me. Wes says "Come on, let's go get you fitted." I say "Okay." and follow Wes to one of the fitting guys. The guy measures me and points me to the rack with the wetsuits I measure as. I walk over to them and start looking around for one I like. Wes pulls one out and it has a lot of pink in it. "How about this one?" I look at him and say "Oh, just cause I'm a girl I like pink?" He says "Okay you don't like pink?" I say "No I just want a normal black one." Wes says "Okay." I start to look around again and Wes pulls out another one for me "How about this one?" I took a look at it and it was a really cool one. It was mainly black and it had some bright yellow on the back. "I love it." I say while holding it up for me to get a better view. Wes says "Great, let's get it." "But I forgot to bring money." I say with a disappointed look on my face. Wes says "I'll pay for everything, my treat." I say "No, you don't have to do that, I'll just come back tomorrow." Wes says "No, I'm teaching you tomorrow. I'll get it for you and you don't have to pay me back." I say confused "Are you sure?" Wes smiles and says "Positive, now come on let's go get you a board." Wes and I pay for the wetsuit and we go to the other store right across that one for a board. Keaton and Drew came up to us and said "We are gonna go get the boards and stuff." Wes says "Oh, yeah here take my car." Drew grabs the keys from Wes and walks to his car with Keaton. "Oh, you guys are gonna surf?" I ask. Wes says "Yeah now I can teach you sooner." I smile and say "Oh cool." We walk over to the boards and start looking through them. Wes and I pull out a few and he says "Stand on them so I can see if your good." I do what he says and stand on some of the boards. I found one that I really comfortable with and I really liked. It was half white and the other half was all different colors and designs. Wes and I went to the cashier and payed for a board. We saw Keaton and Drew pull in the parking lot and we walked over to them. Drew hands Wes his keys and he puts them in his pocket. Keaton looks at Wes and says "Did you get a suit for Sky?" Wes says "Yeah, her suit looks like yours kinda." Keaton says "Oh lemme see." I pulled it out of the bag and showed it to Keaton. He says "Oh it is like mine, cool." I say "Yeah, so let's get ready to hit the water." Keaton grabs my hand and pulls me in one of the shops we parked in front of. Keaton goes to the bathroom to get changed and so do I. I go to one of the stalls and slip on my wetsuit. I grab my clothes out of the stall and set them on the counter so I can put my hair up. I flip my hair over and put it in a messy bun. I walk out of the bathroom and I saw Keaton waiting for me by the door. "You look good in a wetsuit." Keaton says. I blush a little and say "Thank you." He puts his arm around my back and says "Let's go shred." I say "okay." while smiling. Keaton and I walk out of the store and meet up with Wes and Drew down by the beach. I see Wes and Drew sitting on their boards waiting for us. Keaton looks at me and says "Its a good day to go surfing." I say "Yeah." we get down by Wes and Drew and Wes says "Alright boys, we gotta teach this girl how to surf." Drew says "Alright let's go." We run to the ware and Drew says "The first thing you need to do is go out far enough past the waves so you can ride them far!" I nod my head and follow all three of them behind all the waves. Keaton looks back at me and says "Lay on your stomach for now!" I do what he says and get on my board and follow them. Wes says "Now when you are far enough out turn yourself around and paddle towards the waves! When your board gets on the wave quickly jump up and just ride the wave, its that easy!" I say "Okay will one of you ride next to me!?" Keaton turns around and says "I will!" I say "Okay!" Keaton paddles away and I follow after him. We both ride the wave off and I'm holding his hand. I start to fall and he holds my hand tight. When I fall Keaton jumps at me and wraps his arms around me like he was protecting me from the fall. We come out of the water and onto the beach. Keaton looks at me with worried eyes and says "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I look him in his eyes and say "I'm fine." and he says "Good I was worried you were hurt." I smile and say thanks but I'm okay." I stare at him for a while and then it hit me. "Oh crap, what time is it?" I ask. "Um I don't know quarter to seven." Keaton replies. "Oh crap I have to go. My mom is gonna kill me." Keaton says "I'll give you a ride." "Okay thanks." I say and I run to Wes' car. Keaton runs to Wes to get the keys and runs back. We both get in and drive to my house. We get to my house and before I could get out Keaton said "See you tomorrow?" I smile and say "Yeah, maybe." I get out of the car and so does Keaton, he hugs me goodbye and I start to walk away but Keaton catches me. He says "Wait! Can I get your number?" I say "Yeah, sure." and give him my number. "Cool I'll call you." He says and I smile and walk in my house still in my wetsuit and with my board. My mom says "Where have you been?" I say "I'm sorry, we had dinner then they started teaching me how to surf." my mom said "Well be here earlier next time." I say "Okay and go to my room. I get changed in my fluffy pajama pants and my Trukfit sweatshirt. I hear my phone buzz and I got a text from an unknown number. I look at it and the text says "Hey this is Keaton, meet me at the boardwalk at 12:30 ;)." I reply "Sure but why?" he sends "Just trust me." I reply "Okay :)." and set my phone down on my end table. I set my alarm for 12:00 to get ready. I turn my music, crawl in bed and go to sleep.

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