Peter Parker X Sister!Reader - The Mother We Share

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A/N- This imagine is sort of based on the song 'The Mother We Share' by CHVRCHES, though the lyrics are almost definitely a lot more metaphorical in nature, I decided to be more literal in my interpretation. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had always been too hard on Peter, everyone had always told you so. In all honesty, you knew they were right. From the moment your parents had died you had been granted sole custody of your baby brother and you had done everything in your power to keep him out of trouble, even if that meant having to be a little harsh at times. When his grades slipped you would push him to get them back up; when he stayed out past curfew you inforced his grounding with brute strength; when you discovered that he was Spiderman you had almost lost your mind. Your kid brother, the little boy that you had spent your entire adult life trying to protect, was swinging about New York fighting crime, and you hadn't even noticed.

Of course, you understood why Peter wanted to help people. He had always been the kid to stand up to bullies and protect his friends, but this was something completely different. These criminals he was apprehending had knives and guns, he could have been killed and you never would have known. 

He was in his bedroom, the day that Tony came to visit for the first time. It was a sunny Saturday morning and Queens looked as busy and bustling as ever as a black car pulled up in front of your apartment building. The buzzer caught your attention and you were quick to get to your feet. "Peter?" you called out, listening out for his reply as you crossed the room.

"Yeah?" His voice was muffled through his bedroom door, but it was just clear enough for you to understand him.

"Have you got Ned coming over today?"

"No..." Peter paused for a moment and the door to his room was tugged open as you lifted the receiver.

"Hello?" You waited for the line to crackle to life.

A man cleared his throat. "Hi, my name's Happy. Mr Stark was hoping to speak with a Peter Parker."

Your frown etched itself deeper onto your lips as you glanced over at your brother. You shifted to cover the receiver. "Stark?" you asked him softly, watching as he simply shrugged. You moved your hand back from the mouthpiece. "Yeah, come on up." You clicked in the buzzer for a moment before hanging up. You hurried over to the sofa, fixing the cushions to sit neatly and gathering up the plate and cup you had been using before their interruption. 

"What are you doing?" Peter was watching you, confusion etched into his face as you hurried around the small apartment. 

You huffed out a deep sigh, "Tidying." You stopped for a moment, giving him a small, comforting smile. "Tony Stark is coming into our home. As in, billionaire, Ironman, Tony Stark. It should at least be presentable."

The knock on the door cut off your cleaning and you took another deep breath before crossing the room and shutting Peter's bedroom door to hide the worst of the mess. As you came back into the living room, you gestured for Peter to open the door.

"Mr Stark, hi." You almost couldn't hold back the laughter that bubbled in your chest at the awkward demeanour your brother had so suddenly taken on. He had been so relaxed just moments before and now here he was, standing in front of one of his idols, his inspiration. 

"Parker," Stark started, striding into the room, confidence radiating off of him until his eyes found you, hovering on the other side of the apartment. "Perhaps, we could speak somewhere more private."

" Y/N knows everything already," Peter told him, glancing back at you with a small smile.

You gave Stark a small wave and his brows furrowed. "Well, I guess we can get down to business then."

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