Bucky Barnes X Reader - Taking Over Me

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song 'Taking Over Me' by Evanescence. Some of the lyrics are directly quoted in the chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

There was so much different about him that it took you a moment to recognise the man behind the glass. His hair was long and messy, sheltering parts of his face in shadow. His arm was gone, replaced with a metal one. But most of all, there was no smile when you entered his vision. Of course, it was still Bucky, but he was different, changed. And the thought terrified you. 

You approached the glass slowly, watching him intently as he paced back and forth on the other side, shifting uncomfortably. He was still handsome, even in the piercing fluorescent lighting that blared in his cell, and you felt your breath catch in your throat when he finally looked at you, pacing a little closer to the glass to stare at you.

"Hello," you started softly, pausing as you took a step closer to him. "How are you, Buck?"

His brow scrunched at your words, and suddenly he was walking away to the back of the cell. The sigh that escaped you was completely involuntary, a noise made out of necessity rather than wanting, and you saw him glance over at you again. "Not the reaction you wanted?"

You chuckled slightly at his words, shrugging. "Not even close," you answered. It felt so right to be talking to him again, and you had to remind yourself over and over that this wasn't the man you knew. This wasn't the Bucky you had fallen in love with all those years ago. "You don't remember me," you started again, scanning the room before your eyes landed on a chair in the far corner. You crossed the room and dragged it across the sit as close to the glass as you could get. "But I remember you."

Bucky watched you, amused as you pulled your legs up under yourself, making yourself as comfortable as possible on what looked to be the most uncomfortable chair in the world. "You sure about that, sweetheart?"

"Which part?"

You felt a smile come to your lips when Bucky came to the glass, sitting on the ground in front of you, but you quickly forced it back. "You sure you remember me?"

You snorted at that, shaking your head. "There's not a doubt in my mind that I know who you are, Buck. You're a hard man to forget, even now."

"You sound pretty caught up on me, Princess. Did someone have a little crush?"

"More observant that you used to be, that seems like a plus," you uttered softly to him, leaning forward slightly. From here you could see his face, framed by his long hair, and your breath caught again. "I think you did have a bit of a crush on me, yes."

Bucky snorted, shaking his head. "I think you misunderstood my question," he started, but you shook your head.

"Oh no, I understood perfectly." You paused for a moment, watching him as he stared up at you. "I would hope you had a crush, anyhow. You did ask me to marry you." Your lips turned up slightly at the memory of Bucky down on one knee, grinning up at you as he proposed. "Promised you'd make an honest woman of me after the war," you added, "but that didn't quite work out."

"Here to collect on that promise? Net yourself a husband?" The cocky smile on his lips caught you off guard for a moment, and the realisation that this wasn't the same Bucky came back to you so quickly that it almost left you with whiplash.

You shook your head. "You aren't the man I wanted to marry," you told him softly, "not anymore." You forced a smile, shrugging slightly. "Sad really, you were considered a real catch back in the day. My father loved you almost as much I did."

"You still sound pretty smitten, Doll. Sure you aren't still stuck on me?"

Your brows knitted together as you watched him. "The guards told me you were insisting that you weren't my Bucky. Any feelings I had for him, they don't just transfer to you just because you're living in his body." You frowned slightly. "Sure, you have his face, but that's not why I loved him."

"You're breaking my heart, beautiful," Bucky started, shifting to kneel in front of you, separated by the tiniest slither of glass. "Was hoping I might have found the one for a second there."

A chuckle burst out of your chest. "You never stood a chance against the real Buck," you told him softly. "I would love to see him, if you can help me arrange that." You leant forward slightly, faces so close together that if it weren't for the glass it could have been deemed inappropriate. "Stevie tells me that it's a code. One of your lot snitched on that pretty quickly."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Princess."

You let out a faux gasp. "You're still a shit liar. I would've thought that would have been the first thing they fixed." Bucky looked embarrassed for a second, a moment so short that if you hadn't been so close you never would have seen it. "Come on Buck, it's just a couple of words right? How hard can it be?"

"Fine," he uttered, shifting backwards a bit to sit on his heels, watching you with curious eyes. "I'll give you the code."

You smiled. "Much appreciated," you murmured, pulling a book and pen from your bag and getting ready to take notes.

"How would you know I'm not faking it?"

You shrugged slightly. "I won't," you answered simply, "but as I said, you're a terrible liar."

Bucky smiled, and it took you back for a moment. "You really loved him, huh?"


"How long's it been?"

"Buck," you warned quietly, shaking your head. "Just give me the code."

"Come on, Doll. Just humour me."

You sighed, tipping your head back as you thought. "Almost 70 years," you finally answered, sitting upright again and giving him a tight-lipped smile.

"Well, you're looking good for your age." You snorted out a laugh at that.

"Cryogenic freezing does magnificent things for a young woman," you chortled. 

Bucky paused for a moment, giving you a small smile. "It's good you stayed dedicated to him, he'll really need you when I'm-" he paused for a moment, as if searching for the right word, "-gone." 

"I'll be here for him. I promise."

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